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Posted - 05/27/2006 : 4:31:15 PM
where can I find the results? I would love to know of some unknown places that people have found to get naked on a beach or bay in the gulf coast area of FL, AL etc. I had heard that Navarre beach has a spot down the beach a ways, but its been outlawed, even though a lot of people don't know that still. I did find that the bay side of the coast are not patroled at all (I think) and while not legal, no one is worried or bothers with it....
| Posts: 1 |
Forum Member

Posted - 05/27/2006 : 5:59:18 PM
After fighting the holiday rush hour traffic, my wife and I have been nude since last night at 7:00PM. Right now we have approx. 10 couples over for the weekend for our annual Mem. Day Holiay Bash.
Couples started arriving about noon, and we expect a few more this evening. The pool is open along with the spa.
It has been a long hard winter, and we are looking forward to an enjoyable weekend.
Tomorrow we will have a brunch, and then late in the afternoon we will have a "clambake"! Lobster, Steamers (clams) corn, and chowder. We have a caterer coming in to prepare the meal. We advised him that it would be a nudist gathering, and he told us it would be his first, and he would be looking forward to it.
So in short we will be nude until we go back to work on Wednesday, we took Tuesday off!!!
| Posts: 596 |
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Posted - 05/30/2006 : 12:59:58 PM
Country: Italy
| Posts: 194 |
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Posted - 05/30/2006 : 8:07:08 PM
Whenever possible. Clothes are just too uncomfortable and restrictive.
| Posts: 128 |
Forum Member

Posted - 05/31/2006 : 8:18:04 PM
Your our kind of girl. There is nothing like being in the buff.
It was a killer to get up and get dressed and go off to work.
I wasn't in the house 5 minutes, opened the mail, took a shower, and the was in the buff. Some with my wife, as soon as she hit the door, she changed, took a shower, and we had dinner in the buff.
Oh how nice it would be to hit the lottery.
| Posts: 596 |
Forum Member

Posted - 05/31/2006 : 9:32:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by CathyK
Whenever possible. Clothes are just too uncomfortable and restrictive.
Especially in warmer weather. The moment I get home from work, off come my business clothes.
Much cooler that way. Cheri
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Forum Member

Posted - 06/01/2006 : 8:17:08 PM
How true!
Today the temps were in the mid 80's with high humdity, and wearing a suit, shirt and tie, it really "stinks"!!
My poor wife in a business suit and with high heels and nylon stockings is not fun.
As I said as soon as we hit the front door, we drop the clothes, take a cool shower, and we are in the buff until the next AM. When we have to do the the entire business gig all over again.
Oh to win the Lottery.
| Posts: 596 |
Forum Member

Posted - 06/02/2006 : 9:18:06 PM
Another Friday arrives, but this one is with cool temps, and rain. So heading to our fav. spot for the weekend is out since they are forcasting rain the entire weekend.
We had to make some changes in our plans, quite a few of us were going to meet at our fav. spot but know we are heading towards the R.I. line to one or our friends house for a "nude house party" tomorrow. With all the high school and college graduations, only about 7 couples will be able to make it.
Needless to say with temps. predicted, I told asked my wife to pack a couple of sweat shirts.
It is such a shame to have this kind of weather on the weekends after suffering all winter long with the cold, and snow.
Hopefully the upcoming weekend will be better. Here's to a great weekend.
| Posts: 596 |
Forum Member
Posted - 06/05/2006 : 01:06:07 AM
At home my family that i live with doesn't know that i am a nudist, so i only sleep in the nude (with the door locked of course), and obviously in the shower or whatever. I wouldn't mind them knowing, but due to closemindedness and fear of rejection i keep it to myself.
"Sometimes it's easier to Fight than Surrender"
Country: USA
| Posts: 23 |
Forum Member
Posted - 06/27/2006 : 09:34:24 AM
I'm not often totally nude at home but I rarely wear anything more then a thong and sometimes a bra.
Bye Bye
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Edited by - Moderator on 06/27/2006 3:18:27 PM |
Country: USA
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very curious
Forum Member

Posted - 06/28/2006 : 01:08:30 AM
I have a home office so I get to work nude as long as I'm doing office work. When I'm working outside of my home? Yep, it's textile time!
Country: USA
| Posts: 45 |
New Member
Posted - 07/02/2006 : 9:09:14 PM
If God intended us to wear clothes. We would have been born with clothes on I rather be nude it's the only way to be
Being nude is only way to be it is only natural
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Edited by - Moderator on 07/03/2006 10:33:54 AM |
Country: Canada
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Posted - 07/03/2006 : 9:22:35 PM
Mrs. Cookie and I have been nude since last Friday evening at 6:00PM.
With weather being so hot here in the Northeast it has been no problem.
Tomorrow is our annual 4th of July Cook out and we have approx. 15 couples coming over to enjoy the pool and spa. May be too hot for the spa.
I am sure we will be in for a good time!!
| Posts: 596 |
Forum Member
Posted - 07/05/2006 : 08:52:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by bareskin_rug
Very little as yet, but my wife and I are taking steps toward it (we have kids & we're trying to ease into it).
I slept fully nude last night and I must say it was enjoyable. My wife sleeps nude most of the time.
Wow, things have changed in the last 3 1/2 months. We started off with nude family time in the back yard hot tub, and now we're naked probably more than half of the time we're home, mostly on the weekends. I usually wait until a little later in the evening to shed the clothes, but our two youngest boys usually undress as soon as they get inside. Our two older kids usually have something on, but not more than a pair of shorts, a swimsuit or underwear.
I haven't slept with anything on probably since the month of March, and I love it! 
| Posts: 12 |
Forum Member
Posted - 07/10/2006 : 1:08:37 PM
I tend to be nude 90% of the time I am home, except when company comes over. My yard is fairly private so I am able to mainain a nude state throughout the day in or out of the house. Plus, like to lay out and sunbath naked also.
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