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Posted - 08/18/2012 :  10:13:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For me I am rarely nude anymore at all now that those who used to support it and were somewhat ok with it have shut down and become more against it.

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Posted - 08/18/2012 :  10:58:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
About all you can do with your situation is to take time for yourself, everytime an opportunity arises. Your situation is no different than when our daughter's were both still home and had left the nudist lifestyle because they believed their friends instead of their parents ... which most kids do.

Sometimes it means not telling your family the entire truth; "I'm going fishing." But you're going to a lake or river where there is some nude spots. "I'm not feeling well and would rather stay home." When they leave ... you get naked. If you tell them ... "I'm going to the lake or river to get naked." They will be upset. If you tell them "I'm staying home so I can get some naked time." They may also be upset. BUT ... they don't get that not being able to be naked is upsetting to you.

You could try and talk to them and ask them what you have to do to have some nude time. Would they rather you went someplace else to do it or wait til they are all gone and do it at home when they are gone. Not knowing your entire situation, it's difficult to try and give you advice or options to try so you're able to partake in some nude time without all the hassle.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

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Posted - 08/18/2012 :  11:01:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dont get me wrong I have enough alone time to be nude, I just see myself as more a social nudist then one who just does it alone at home then it just makes me like anyone else. I have many freinds who admit to just being nude at home but never socially.

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Posted - 08/18/2012 :  12:26:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I understand your situation better. Nudism is great but for a social person, the need to have others around you, join you and experience how great it is ... is a large part of what it is.

WE are naked all the time here at home. Not too many times, days that we are not. But my wife is still working. When she's teaching ... I'm here alone. I can go to the club or beach but ... I'm still alone most of the time unless I run into a friend that I can hang out with for the day ... but that's not usual.

So ... I can be naked all day here but ... still crave my wife's presence and participation or the nude socializing a beach or club offers. I'm a very social, friendly person and I can't go too long without that as part of my week. My wife, on the other hand, is very shy and thinks she doesn't make friends easily but that's not true but she still isn't as social until she gets to know you. So ... she doesn't crave the social nudism as much as I do.

It's difficult to find those nudist friends. Many are skeptical of making and meeting friends from the internet. I've met several people from the internet. Some friendships work out ... others are no more than that first meeting. I'm not sure if it was them or me but it easier to meet friends at the beach or club and then go from there. Maybe that's what needs to happen for you. It took time, lots of time for the members and residents of our club to accept me and become friendly enough to want to come over and talk instead of me always making the first move.

Maybe an outing with a friend that's admitted being nude at home to discuss the possibility of a nude hiking trip, nude fishing trip, or just a nude outing to lay in the sun. Who knows...maybe they'll accept?

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

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Posted - 08/20/2012 :  11:51:01 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I wear clothing from about noon to 7 pm most days. I am nude the rest of the time. My wife thinks that everyone should wear clothing all the time and thinks that I am a pervert for being so comfortable in my own skin. I have slept completely nude since 1968 and I find it very difficult to sleep wearing anything. My wife would sometimes sleep nude many years ago but now wears pajamas every night. I do not belong to any nudist organizations and have not visited nude or clothing optional venues very often. I did visit a nude beach on five occasions. It was a wonderfully free feeling to be on the beach with many other bare people enjoying the sun, the wind and the water. When I was young and lived on a farm I was naked whenever I was outdoors away from the house or if I was home alone. After getting married I wore clothes at home so that my wife would not think I was perverted. Now that I am getting old I realize that I should do what I can to enjoy living natural as much as possible. My wife does not like my attitude but I am not harming her in any way.


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Posted - 08/21/2012 :  12:44:40 AM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Catlady70

My husband and I have always been completely nude at home..both inside and out except in COLD weather. Luckily,we live in a climate where spring, summer and fall are very warm. It's not any big deal, and if we lived in a less prudish country such as Germany, Sweden, etc., we would always be nude when shopping, etc. As it is, I do put on a pretty dress and a pair of heels when I do go into town, and my hubby wears a white shirt and dress slacks. Our children were raised nude and now go nude in their own homes. My parents also went nude and raised me to be comfortable with my body. I never give it any thought as to us, being nude is normal...the way humans were meant to be. I just don't understand why nudity is such a big issue. We were all born nude. So, what's the big deal?

You have such an honest, common sense attitude towards nudity. I wish that I had raised my family as at home nudists. Alas, I was influenced by what I thought most people expected and taught my children to wear clothing. Now I think that it is too late to change anything. My children are 43, 39 and 37 years old and I have 8 grandchildren. They do not live nude at home and would be very surprised to find that I am usually naked.


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Posted - 08/23/2012 :  1:30:38 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bob Knows

Except for going out to the ball park to see a baseball game on Saturday night, I haven't had any clothes on for a several days. On Saturday I drove to a nude bike ride, parked, went on the bike ride and came home naked. I've done a lot of yard maintenance naked. It's summer, its warm, I don't need clothes.

Saturday sounds like it was a fantastic day. I would love to take the naked bike ride and live nude as you are doing but my wife is not nude friendly. She is at home, fully clothed, while I am nude much of the time but she thinks I am a pervert for not wearing clothes. I used to be a closet nudist and hid my naked activities from my wife. Several years ago I realized that I have a right to enjoy life without clothing as long as I do not harm other people. Although she does not like me to be nude I don't think that I am harming her in any way because she has seen me naked many times for more than 45 years.

I would like to expand into social nudity and more outdoor nudity. That probably won't happen because my wife is not going to change.


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Posted - 08/23/2012 :  1:58:02 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
From Renobiker: unless you have a swimming pool where you can randomly bring up skinnydipping etc odds are it wont happen.

We used to have a pool in the backyard and my wife skinnydipped with me a couple of times after the kids were asleep at night. Now I live in a townhouse where there is no privacy outside. The front and back of our home are easily viewed by the neighbors and anyone driving down the street.


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Posted - 08/24/2012 :  07:17:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Finally, the day is here. The car is packed and the daughter will be off to college in a few hours. After that, the answer to "how often are you fully nude at home?" will be very often. I hope to be fully nude most of the time that I am indoors. Like papaw, our home is easily viewed by neighbors. Our back deck is practically a stage. Nudism will be limited to indoors except on nice evenings with the lights off during the warmer months. Relaxing on the deck with a nice glass of wine does sound like a good thing.

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Posted - 08/24/2012 :  1:37:27 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Oh what a wonderful world this would be if we could all roam about naked when conditions are right so that it is safe and comfortable! I was dressed from 3 pm to 7 pm yesterday except for about 30 minutes while I was walking on a secluded path in a park. The sun, the wind and the freedom felt awesome.


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Posted - 08/24/2012 :  3:10:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by finallynude

Finally, the day is here. The car is packed and the daughter will be off to college in a few hours. After that, the answer to "how often are you fully nude at home?" will be very often. I hope to be fully nude most of the time that I am indoors. Like papaw, our home is easily viewed by neighbors. Our back deck is practically a stage. Nudism will be limited to indoors except on nice evenings with the lights off during the warmer months. Relaxing on the deck with a nice glass of wine does sound like a good thing.

It is bittersweet! It's tough to see them go but the extra privacy you have once they are gone is hard to beat.

When our youngest finally left for school and we got her all moved in and left, my wife cried all the way home. Two days later ... my wife didn't put clothes on for 2.5 days ... and only did to go to the store!

Good luck to your daughter and school, congrats to you on having your entire house back to live as you please!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

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Posted - 08/24/2012 :  10:26:30 PM  Show Profile  Click to see papaw1947's MSN Messenger address  Send papaw1947 a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Many of you are very fortunate to have spouses that share your joy in clothes free living. My wife is 100% textile but she has so many other amazing qualities; I would not trade her if I could.

I have recently expanded my nude hours at home. I am now nude 20 or 21 hours most days unless we go out somewhere or have house guests. My wife is not happy with my nudity but she puts up with my "nonsense".


Edited by - papaw1947 on 08/25/2012 12:40:56 PM

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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  5:44:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The daughter has been at college since Friday. Her mom and I got home at 8 pm Friday evening and off went my clothes. I got dressed at noonish on Saturday because I had to run errands and car shop for my son(I figured the car dealerships would rather see me attired). When I got home Saturday afternoon the clothes came off again and didn't go back on until today (Sunday)when I needed to go outside to mow the lawn. I also had to run to the hardware store where they also appreciate clothing. I am home again, not expecting company, and nude till it's time to go to work tomorrow. My wife advised me to be careful of spatter when I was cooking bacon this morning and suggests I keep a pair of pants handy in case of surprise visitors. Otherwise all is well and I think I am going to love this.

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Posted - 08/26/2012 :  8:28:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I guarantee you ... you will love it! It becomes so much a part of you that you'll find that you can become somewhat irritable if your "attired" too long! LOL

I don't normally wait til we get home. If possible, I'll strip and drive home naked. My wife will only do so if we leave the beach or the club but if we are both dressed while driving home ... there is no way I beat her in a "strip race!"

Thanks to my good friends Diger and his wife ... I've created an "I WON" monster!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/27/2012 :  07:36:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by finallynude

....My wife suggests I keep a pair of pants handy in case of surprise visitors. .....

This reminds me that this weekend I was busy at home getting the beer bottled (au naturel of course) when the grandson of my neighbour decided to come in for a visit (no knocking, just enters). My wife told him that now was not the time to come and visit and he left. Her reason "that he would not be ashamed"

Go figure!


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