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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ricki00 Posted - 12/21/2009 : 7:19:38 PM
Hi, I haven't been active for the past week or so due to being somewhat busy due activities preparing for the holidays.

Well anyways ever since my wife and I spent 5 days in Central Florida living in our 2nd small home near to a nude resort, since we came to Florida to renew our marketing license.Since I have a friend over Florida that I have known him for 14yrs and was the one that got me to know this naturist lifestyle, also be a social nudist by going to a naturist resort, that's how I have become more of a nudist 34/7.So my friend (lets call him Bryan)Bryan came with with his wife and 2 children 3&5y.o they all disrobed and we played pool table.I told my wife that she can stay at the other end of the house if she's uncomfortable.

To make a long story short she saw how Bryan's family including his kids benefited the nude lifestyle there being no ill effects and after being lectured by Bryan and his wife.My wife Cleo gave it a try when it was just both of us at home.My wife hasn't ever considered herself as a nudist or living the lifestyle of it, since she used to have the belief that women should be somewhat dressed more.But ever since starting the birth of our first daughter she has continued to walk around the house at times after taking a shower to the laundry room half naked or nude to get some clothes, also during warm weather she usually sleeps topless or nude.My wife has known about my nude lifestyle and has totally been ok with it ever since after 10 months of knowing/dating her 12yrs ago, that it was accepted in our household for me to walk naked be nude 24/7 even after both of our daughters were born.Since both of our daughters 9&7y.o have grown up seeing me nude not wearing anything when at home, as well as seeing my wife half dressed or sometimes naked, we have asked them from time to time if there ok with our nudity and not at all uncomfortable seeing us(mostly me) naked.So ever since gave it a try she has felt more comfortable to a point that didn't realize that she was nude due to the fact that I acted as if she was clothed so therefore didn't matter if she was either clothed of nude.Not only that she has heard many benefits of raising kids in a naturist setting from Bryan.So we had a talk of why didn't we decide to raise our daughters that way and thought of it before.Since she saw that less laundry was done not only that felt comfortable and convenient she decided that we are in this together living nude when we get back.

And so when we got back on a Saturday on the first week of December since then my wife and I have been nude around the house.And so on Sunday one day after getting back my wife asked both of our daughter's if they would be ok walking with my wife walking around nude, both of them responded "it doesn't matter since mom will be not wearing clothes just like daddy, and there's wrong with it".So it was both of us in the nude 24/7 dispite good thing we have many heaters in the house and efficient insulation to keep us warm when the weather out is cold.So 1 week later we asked both of our daughters is they are still ok and comfortable with us walking around in the nude and they both are ok about it and are not bothered.

Both of our daughters 7y.o & 9y.o have been raised to wear clothes and cover up "when necessary" i.e when at the dinner table.They have been raised up until now with the exception of me not having to wear anything when sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast/lunch/dinner with the exception when swimming outside in the pool were, up until now that rule in our house has changed.Currently my 9 yr old daughter has a cast on her right arm arm due to a fall in the stairs 3-4months ago in which she hurt her right arm .Her left arm was from the surgery to fix a 3 tendons and elbow.

Does anyone have any suggestions, opinions, or ideas of how do we intoduce them to the nude lifestyle?Now I now that this philosophy of indoor nude lifestyle the thing being not to force on it.

As for our 7y.o DD since she's into more of being comfortable, playful and not into doing daily chores including being careful into not get many clothes dirty.My wife asked her what do you think of not having to wear clothes at home?..My DD response was "sounds cool & wired" that's all what she said.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ricki00 Posted - 03/17/2011 : 4:26:48 PM
Well as for my 11yo daughter she has gotten to hang out with her other naturist friend who happens to have cerebral palsy.Her friend has surgical scares.Ever since this last September both have been developing a friendship, as well as us developing a friendship with her parents.My younger daughter is now friends with 2 people both being the 11yr old's sister and brother.

We have thought of both my family and my daughter's friend's family for both of us to meet at the resort every month or so.In order to make it the atmosphere of nude lifestyle more like normal.
Nudony Posted - 03/16/2011 : 10:56:33 PM
Family nudism is a "past tense" thing for me since I am now divorced. In any event, family nudism ended before then, when my daughter became increasingly self-conscious and private - as she entered puberty. But we did get to enjoy about 10 years of family nudism, since she was born in a C/O household and we frequently visited nudist resorts throughout those years. I used to ask myself "what went wrong?"; but in fact, nothing went wrong. She just experienced puberty as many other teens do; as a perspective changing event. When she began closing doors when changing or avoiding nudity entirely, it was evident that she was going through some changes. My wife and I didn't press the issue because we wanted to respect her newfound desire for privacy. As I enquired with other nudist parents, we found this to be a very common scenario, even for kids like her, that had known and participated in nudist activities since early childhood. Even Bianca, the protagonist of the nudist documentary "Diary of a teenage nudist", turned away from nudism at 13 even though she lived full-time at a nudist resort. That happened for my daughter at around age 11; and she is now 14. She has not forgotten about her nudist childhood; she has simply decided to set it aside for now.
That is not to say that this always happens. Kids with nudist peers (my daughter never really developped a strong friendship with other nudist kids because of distance) are more likely to remain nudists into their teenage years. Nude resort living can surely help with this. The stronger the connection to the nudist community, the more likely they will remain active nudists.

Ricki00 Posted - 03/16/2011 : 3:33:45 PM
Originally posted by Nudony

That is quite simply awesome! Kudos on making the leap to nudist resort living. At one time, my wife and I had considered it, but it was logistically unfeasible due to distance from work, relatives and school. I may now never get to live that dream (perhaps after retirement), so it's awesome to see someone who actualized it.
Nudist resort living (even if it's just on the weekends) is a great way to normalize nudity. When you wake up in the morning - nude, go take your shower, have breakfast, play with your kids, etc...without having to put a moment's thought as to how much/little clothing you're wearing, it takes nudism to a level that's beyond hobby or recreational activity. It becomes an aspect of your life. Then you're more likely to bring it home with you and include it in your daily life. My family and I were home nudists; but extended resort trips really made wearing clothes at home obsolete. I saw my wife go from being occasionally nude, to chucking her clothes off the moment she got back home. I saw my daughter go from hesitantly undressing upon arriving at the resort, to running out of the car nude the moment we pulled into the resort parking lot. The effect on well-being and comfort with oneself was evident. Keep up the good work, Ricki!

It sure has been amazing how using little or no clothes when the weather was hot and used that money that we would normally use to pay A/C bills.Instead we used it to pay the heating bills that it has kept us really warm inside indoors despite the cold weather outside.

How old is your daughter?Since my oldest daughter 11yrs old has felt that living this resort has given her a different more positive view of the human body.She says that she feels in a way more comfortable with her body.While living in a resort and which she other kids, but one girl being the same age as her 11yrs old as well who happens to have cerebral palsy.They both have become friends and talk over the phone.

Nudony Posted - 03/15/2011 : 7:13:13 PM
That is quite simply awesome! Kudos on making the leap to nudist resort living. At one time, my wife and I had considered it, but it was logistically unfeasible due to distance from work, relatives and school. I may now never get to live that dream (perhaps after retirement), so it's awesome to see someone who actualized it.
Nudist resort living (even if it's just on the weekends) is a great way to normalize nudity. When you wake up in the morning - nude, go take your shower, have breakfast, play with your kids, etc...without having to put a moment's thought as to how much/little clothing you're wearing, it takes nudism to a level that's beyond hobby or recreational activity. It becomes an aspect of your life. Then you're more likely to bring it home with you and include it in your daily life. My family and I were home nudists; but extended resort trips really made wearing clothes at home obsolete. I saw my wife go from being occasionally nude, to chucking her clothes off the moment she got back home. I saw my daughter go from hesitantly undressing upon arriving at the resort, to running out of the car nude the moment we pulled into the resort parking lot. The effect on well-being and comfort with oneself was evident. Keep up the good work, Ricki!

Ricki00 Posted - 03/15/2011 : 3:02:54 PM
Originally posted by Nudony

Originally posted by Balto Bob

The person who started this thread is one our true success stories. Last I knew his family was living in a nudist resort full time.

I had to do a "double-read" when I saw your post. Wow! That is truly outstanding! Ricki hasn't posted in a while; I'd like to know how the transition came about. And how his family adjusted to a nudist resort way of life. How interesting! Gosh I wish he'd kept a blog!

Hello All.Well we have been without internet connection for a while as well as having technical difficulties.We have been really busy trying to catch up some things.

Anyways we have made an interesting transition with the nude lifestyle.Where it's not awkward anymore for all 4 of us to walk nude indoors as well as doing some outdoor activity in the nude.

We have lived in the naturist resort for 5 months and moved back to our house.As of now a person is going to move away, and has offered us to live in this small cabin for free.We took the offer and we come to this small cabin on the weekends.As of now we are staying in this small cabin.Being here in this resort has had a positive influence on all 4 of us that we feel that we have shed body shame.

This past year has been interesting everything from the nude lifestyle to the extreme weather.We have been stuck in our home for 4 days using up all the heat, fire wood, bundling up, due to the ice on the road.But fortunately it snowed and the temps warmed up by Saturday.

As of now being the month of March, with the temperature warming up.We have gone back to stay at the Cabin within the resort.My wife and daughters have gotten used to walk without clothes and be mostly nude that I thought that it was funny when it snowed for the 2nd time.It was in the morning and our girls were excited to see that it had snowed.Seeing it was sunny and the snow fluffy they quickly wore their flipper fur boots, mittens, hat and a scarf and got out and played in the snow before it started to melt.Since the house was warm I just put my shoes, gloves and a hat went out to start a camp fire, while my wife was making hot coco and firing up the chimney.The interesting was that it wasn't as badly as cold as we had thought.Twenty minutes later we got back inside to sit in the chimney drinking hot coco.

Since we had a gathering for homeschool kids later that day they didn't want to get there clothes wet, and dirty from playing the snow outside.So we all just thought of all of us to go out in the buff for at least 5 minutes and enjoy the snow.

Nudony Posted - 03/05/2011 : 11:46:32 PM
Originally posted by Balto Bob

The person who started this thread is one our true success stories. Last I knew his family was living in a nudist resort full time.

I had to do a "double-read" when I saw your post. Wow! That is truly outstanding! Ricki hasn't posted in a while; I'd like to know how the transition came about. And how his family adjusted to a nudist resort way of life. How interesting! Gosh I wish he'd kept a blog!

Balto Bob Posted - 03/05/2011 : 08:18:29 AM
The person who started this thread is one our true success stories. Last I knew his family was living in a nudist resort full time.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
barefootguyinco Posted - 03/04/2011 : 12:05:08 PM
Update: We finally took the grandsons to Orvis Hot Springs, the clothing optional hot springs, and it turned out great. We had them the night before so had time to explain where we were going and show them the AANR video so they could see what it would be like.

Then we arrived and told them they could go out in suits but didn't really need them. The youngest, 7, asked if we were going to wear suits and we told him no. Well we changed and got into the pool and after about 3 minutes the youngest asked if he had to wear his suit, and of course we said no. He quickly shucked it and had a big grin on his face. After a bit he wanted to take his glasses off so we told him to go put them by his towel, about 10ft from the entry to the pool. He did and had everyone laughing as he tried to cover his front and back at the same time, one with each hand. The whole pool was laughing and we did our best not to laugh to much. After a bit I explained that he didn't have to cover up and from that point on, he never did, even when fully exposed. He took to nudism like the proverbial fish to water. The oldest, 12, never did get undressed but wasn't at all bothered by the nudism. But he seemed out of it the whole day. The next day we found out he had the flu so we feel that had he felt better he might have tried it.

We asked them both if they wanted to do it again sometime and they both do so we look forward to it. Also, when changing back to street clothes in the changing room the youngest asked if we had to wear clothes home. I asked if he wanted to drive home naked and he said 'Sure'. I laughed and said we had probably better get dressed as we had to stop and eat along the way and it would be difficult to drop them off at the parents nude. So we have a new nudist youngster in the family, lol.

We plan on hooking up our hot tub soon and inviting these two grandsons and their mother soon to soak in the tub. I think my fiance's daughter, their mother, will skinnydip with us and the boys will join in as well.

Body shame, like prejuduce, is not natural. It is learned from others and benefits no one.
barefootguyinco Posted - 01/23/2011 : 2:57:40 PM
I've read a number of posts lately on how to get kids to try nudism and/or accept you being nude around them and I have a few ideas.

We don't have kids at home but do have grandkids and want to introduce them to nudism and to get them used to us being nude when they are visiting. A bit about me first. I have lived with my girlfriend for about 2 yrs now and we are both nudists. She never had the chance to do it before, but since moving in with me we are nude anytime we can be, which is about 90% of the time. We were on TV 4 times and on the front page of the pager for hosting World Naked Gardening Day in 2010 so everyone we know, knows we are nudists and we don't try to hide it from anyone, including the grandkids. Her daughter has accepted our lifestyle and has even told us to not wear clothes when she's around on her account, so she's comfortable with us as nudists. And she teaches her kids acceptance of others and that our bodies don't define us. But due to her living with friends, she can't be nude at home or around her kids. But while staying with us after a surgery, she did walk naked from the hall bath to her bedroom so she's pretty comfortable with nudism.

We've mentioned wanting to take the kids to a Clothing Optional, commercial hot springs 100 miles from us to her and her ex, the kids's father. The grandkids and I are very close and some even called me grandpa Guy so we felt it wouldn't be to weird for them to be around me nude as well. Anyway, both parents finally agreed to let us take them with the father saying he trusts us to not put them in a dangerous situation and he knows a fair amount about our lifestyle from the daughter and our facebook posts.

So we thought it would be a good idea to get them used to the idea of being around us nude before we go there and came up with a few ideas. A few months ago we took a very classy photo of the 2 of us by the pool showing us naked, but showing no genitals since I was sitting and she stood behind me. Then we framed it and put in on a table in our living room. Everyone has seen it and it has been no big deal, although the youngest grandson (7 yrs) saw it once and told us as he giggled. We explained that we are nudists and don't wear clothes when they are here and a little more about being nude outside and such.

Well in anticipation of taking them to the hot springs and to further get everyone used to us as nudists we decided to put up one of those digital picture frames with a lot of family pics and we sprinkled some of us as nudists doing normal things and in normal poses, but with no worry about what showed. We have family coming over today for a birthday party and will leave it running all the time so that they can't really miss seeing some of us as nudists. But we aren't going to make any big deal of it, we'll just act like it's another set of ordinary photos, because that's really all it is.

And we plan on seeing if we can get them all to watch the video AANR put out called 'Let yourself be Free' which I think shows that kids can be naked around adults and it's no big deal.

Then later we plan to hook up a hot tub in the backyard, (private), and invite them all over to skinnydip with us. We allowed swimsuits in the pool this summer but will state that we don't use suits in the hot tub because it's hard on the system, and it is. This will be after our hotsprings trip though. We hope to eventually get all the grandkids, (2 girls and 3 boys) accustomed to us being nude, and since we already know one daughter is fine with is we hope to get the remaining son used to it as well, although don't EVER expect him to join us as he's just to uptight and won't even put a swimsuit on.

We're very excited because we really believe in the positive aspects of growing up as a nudist and around other nudists and think it will be very good for the grandkids, as well as not force us to get dressed every time they come over.

Just my 2 cents worth, which in today's economy is worth about, .1 cents. - Guy

Body shame, like prejuduce, is not natural. It is learned from others and benefits no one.
Balto Bob Posted - 05/11/2010 : 06:49:51 AM
This thread should help you a lot. Blended families can be more difficult. Good luck.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
nudeathome Posted - 05/10/2010 : 10:12:25 PM
I have been going nude for some time and ever since I started dating my girlfriend she also has enjoyed going nude. We now want to be able to go nude around her two boys(11 & 7) but are unsure how to approach them with the idea. I'm sure they have seen her nude on occasion but never when I was there nor have I ever come close to being nude around them. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.
allnaturalwife Posted - 01/07/2010 : 4:47:28 PM
Since finding myself working part time now...I find more time to post. I might come across with some strong opinions regarding the issue of children and nudism..I mean no disrespect to any parent raising their children as they see fit. Just here to offer suggestions as to limit exposure to the incorrect message when it comes to nudity as a whole. when I first came on these boards had to girls..still at home..teenagers ugh! As well as a daughter in her early 20s. Fortunately, they never learned that nudity was a big deal from birth. They were used to it at home, the beach, nudist clubs and most family vacations. So as a result, were never "not nudists" if that makes sense.


Ricki00 Posted - 01/07/2010 : 1:05:37 PM
Originally posted by mariarose

Ricki00, I believe that Jenn was responding to the topic title you used, "Any right ways...?" rather than to your specific situation. And there is no question that the best way to start is to not start the wrong way, and then have a lot of stuff to try to undo or work around. Possibly most parents start the wrong way, see the light, then we try to figure out what to do about the tweens and teens, which are so tricky when it comes to EVERYTHING, not to mention nudity. Jenn is one of the best parents I have ever come across in print. Glad to read that your daughter is healing well.

Oh I see.I see that Jenn is one of the best parents in regards raising kids from birth the nude lifestyle and body acceptance as well.And yes my daughter is healing that probably next week on Monday will have both of her arm casts removed.Amazingly it has been one week an a half since both of my daughters wore clothes there so used to it when they want to go out into the backyard for just a few minutes for whatever reason they just go out in there shoes.But still when the weather is cold too cold to be in the nude they like to bundle up and wear clothes.Which that is a good thing in order not to get sick.

When we had to go grocery shopping to buy some more food for the 2nd time my wife went alone while I stayed home with the kids, since my kids didn't feel like getting dressed up to go out.Instead wanted to stay at home all warm, comfortable and nude.
mariarose Posted - 01/07/2010 : 09:16:50 AM
Ricki00, I believe that Jenn was responding to the topic title you used, "Any right ways...?" rather than to your specific situation. And there is no question that the best way to start is to not start the wrong way, and then have a lot of stuff to try to undo or work around. Possibly most parents start the wrong way, see the light, then we try to figure out what to do about the tweens and teens, which are so tricky when it comes to EVERYTHING, not to mention nudity. Jenn is one of the best parents I have ever come across in print. Glad to read that your daughter is healing well.
Balto Bob Posted - 01/07/2010 : 08:23:24 AM
Jenn used to post here a lot. She has raised 3 daughters as nudists. Check out

Have a nice NUDE day !!

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