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 Tween (pre-teen daughter) questions !!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
topfreemom Posted - 01/01/2008 : 12:03:11 PM
I had been active at home with my kids for many many years, but for the last 18 months things stopped at home.

Now I am thinking about getting back into being nude and/or topless at home with the family, which are two boys, age 12 and 21 and my daughter who is 10 years old, and husband.

The slight problem is my daughter, she is 10 years old but has matured greatly in the past year or so ... she looks probably between 12 to maybe 14 if you saw her nude, mostly large breasts, it runs in my family ...

She was breastfed by me for awhile, then she was topless at home for years until she started changing quickly ...

She even went nude for awhile, in the pool sometimes around the house and after shower or bath ... but not much nude mostly topless.

We moved and we could no longer go topless and/or nude where we were but now I am thinking of going back (at home) to start being TOPLESS first then nude to get the family used to seeing me that way ...

My question is, should I ask her to join me ? Or should I encourage her to join me ?

Or should I simply say to her and the family, i am planning on getting back to being topless and then nude at home and simply wait and see IF she joins me and IF she has any questions take care of it when it happens ??

Any moms with teenage daughters or tween daughters out there What would you do if you were me ??

She is 10 but looks like 12 to maybe 14 ... !!

She was always very relaxed and OK with being topless around the family, and even when being nude when swimming with her dad and sometimes brother ...

She is concerned somewhat that she is older looking than girls in her class (4th grade) and she is sometimes treated differently due to her advanced looks ... !!

I have being going to topless beaches for decades, and I am topless at home (before the move) about 80 to 90% of the time, even had topless Christmas & Thanksgiving ... and walk around the house at night nude ..

I want to get back started again but not sure on how to do it with my daughter ?? !!

Help !!

Especially moms and dads with daughters (10 to 15) years old ...

topfreemom with kids
topfree gardener & sunbather

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Centauri4 Posted - 05/26/2011 : 12:31:01 AM
Originally posted by truthfulchat

Was a daunting issue when I came up with trying to make it illegal for children to do nude photos ...

SCENARIO: If the technology exists which allows a minor child to operate a digital camera, smartphone with camera or other imaging device, they will eventually be taking pictures of themselves naked.

SOLUTION: As a society we cannot make performing a task that is as simple as turning on a lightswitch illegal. These modern photographic devices are extremely user-friendly and I believe the only way to prevent them from being used for naked pictures is if the software is made smarter. What exists now is facial recognition software, and I do not believe there would be any limitation to making a device with "body recognition" or "flesh-tone recognition" capabilities. The question about this then becomes, 'Should device manufacturers build in this *anti-pornography* capability?'

I believe many societies spend to much time attempting to legislate morality rather than teaching it to young people BEFORE they are faced with making a decision themselves.

The nudists I know and have associated with over the past twenty-four years have appeared to be responsible, observant and careful when it comes to their children's behavior. So I do not see any need to enact a special law targeting the taking of naked pictures BY children (or of children). This is something that ALL responsible adults must educate children on when giving them that first camera-equipped cellphone.
(sorry this is almost entirely off topic...)

topfreemom, run your household the way that makes you comfortable and keep an open door policy for questions, concerns and answers.

I believe many parents may be shutting their children out when it comes to communicating, and need to coach themselves not to be embarrassed about discussing any subject with which the child is concerned. Parents are the child's "gateway" to the world of adulthood, and if parents don't make the effort to discuss "touchy" and difficult subjects, the children WILL find the answers they want elsewhere. Mom, dad, wouldn't it be better to KNOW what they're learning about in all areas rather than allowing some mish-mash of information to fill their brain?

A recent Special Edition magazine on brain development is on newsstands now, and one of the subjects it covers is teenager mental development and capacities. The article describes the ages of 7 to 14 as being the most important years of brain development a child will live through. By age 14, the article reads the brain begins "pruning" off the neurons it does not need for decision making and thought processes. Furthermore, the pruning is all done by age 20. So if this article's information is correct, the teenage daughter of age 10 is in a critically important stage in her physiological development. I won't write any more on this point, but getting the Special Edition for $8.99 (US) may really be worth it for parents of 7 to 10 year olds.

My only experience with parenting is from the perspective of the child (e.g. my own recollections of things my parents never taught me!) However my parents and grandparents equipped me with a good basic education and a desire to learn things completely on my own; along with a willingness to help others whenever possible! So now as a step-dad, adopted grandfather and uncle I am trying to "be there" for family members and friends in the nudist community.

Equip your children to form good questions, seek information, analyze the information and match-up the answer piece to the questions they (themselves) formed and YOU will have a well-equipped child.

The foundation of self-proving logic is something like, "If A = B, and B = C, then A also equals C" is something more schools need to teach earlier. In social nudism we might structure an argument like this, "If clothing-free feels good, and touching without permission is feels bad, then... It does not matter what I'm wearing if I don't want to be touched!" --- A truth that contains its own justification.

"If I want to take a naked picture of myself, but I do not know how to protect it from being copied off of my phone/camera, then I should not being taking ANY chance by taking the picture in the first place." Even the most careful child could/might drop their gadget while personal/private images are stored on it, and they might never get it back.

Thanks, I hope this thinking is useful to someone.


"Why didn't I think of going nude sooner?!"
JimmieMac51 Posted - 03/10/2011 : 8:24:27 PM
Truthfulchat, I'd worry about your religous zealots, preachers, preachers kids, and priests before I'd worry about the nudist population.

I grew up in a conservative family, went to church every Sunday, belonged to the country club. When my sister turned 40, the rest of the family found a new meaning for "Daddy's Girl". It seems she was molested by him since she was 4. All the fancy cloths, education, sermons in church never prepared us for that!

Warmskin Posted - 03/10/2011 : 05:07:49 AM
Frank, aka "Truthfulchat", I'd love to see the police or FBI reports that back up your "conclusions." I think your statements are not backed up by facts, but rather your guesswork that is skewed toward your preferred outcome.

So, show us the stats. Here's a thoughtful question -- Do only nudists have sex? Answer is no. Are you saying that only clothed people lead near-perfect lives, while we nudists are out looking for our next rape victim? If so, why are so many nudists not in jail?

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts. Instead, they must be universal facts backed by evidence.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
gary1812 Posted - 03/08/2011 : 4:35:40 PM
i would love to help out if i could not to far away from jamestown love to see what the nudist thing is about i am trying for first time

FKKHiker Posted - 06/29/2010 : 11:38:33 AM
My Daughter is now 14 years. She had no problems going on a nude hike with us until she was 12. Now she has been grown in body size and does not like it any more. Do not pressure her. If she liked it before, she will do it again. If she does not mind to see her parents naked she will enjoy it again when she is older.

Hiking in the nude on bush and river hikes
highlyathletic Posted - 05/16/2010 : 06:45:49 AM
I agree with all it's up to her to decide what she wants to do. Laura is right though, being 10 with a 12-14 year old body is scary. My daughter is 11, i have two the other is 16 both look much older than they are due to their early development. My wife was the same when she was younger. I'm the opposite look younger than i am,

Both my girls are very happy being nude, they are proud of their bodies and have no problem with me or their mom seeing them nude or going to nude resorts.

Let her choose what she wants to do, but you can also encourage her to feel safe and that the body is a beautiful thing. Teach her the beauty of nudity and puberty.

As far as personal grooming from Laura, well all the women in my family are natural. Granted my youngest daughter doesnt have to terribley much at the moment, my oldest daughter is quite bushy and is very comfortable with it. Strictly their choice.
norsegoddess1982 Posted - 05/05/2010 : 12:03:00 PM
Originally posted by truthfulchat

Was a daunting issue when I came up with trying to make it illegal for children to do nude photos, I did a search to see the legality. Just thought I chime in because it somewhat has to do with what I am trying to do.

I'm a 27 year old female that grew up in nudist home. (Dad, Mom, 2 bros and me)
I also have about 15 relatives (Aunts, Uncles, Cousins) that also enjoy the lifestyle.
In all my life, none of them have ever tried anything sexual with me, and I think that my coisins would have told me if they had been "hit on" by a family member.
You stated that you had an agenda about young people being nude and I think that you are trying to say that the people that enjoy our lifestyle are all a bunch of child molesters.
What about the police chief(in a central ohio suburb) that was convicted, a few years ago, for not only molesting his daughters, but also his grand daughters?
Perverts come from all walks of life but I've never seen, or heard of one that was a member in any of the nudist associations (ANR, etc.)
I think we all know what your true agenda is.
Safebare Posted - 05/02/2010 : 10:02:20 AM
You are correct that most domestic violence is carried out by family members, including the rape of minors. This has no more to do with nudists than baseball fans. No offense to the BB fans out there.

There are many people with perverted thoughts, so its safe to assume many families have perverted family members. Your family in particular should be concerned. Warn them!

Most studies have shown nudists to be more sexually adapted than their textile counterparts, but there are exceptions. We are more sensitive than other groups to the issues and take active steps to monitor it.


"Wearing nothing is devine, naked is a state of mind."
truthfulchat Posted - 05/01/2010 : 12:58:34 PM
Was a daunting issue when I came up with trying to make it illegal for children to do nude photos, I did a search to see the legality. Just thought I chime in because it somewhat has to do with what I am trying to do.
rkitek Posted - 04/30/2010 : 4:08:18 PM
Frank, why are you on this forum?
truthfulchat Posted - 04/30/2010 : 1:46:59 PM
Funny how 80% of child rapes is done by family members and you really want to encourage nudism.

It is funny how the last thing I heard about a nudist family was they sent their daughter over to a nudist neighbor and the neighbor raped her and drank the pee. The mother said it was strange he drank the pee and that is all she cared about.

The unreported rapes are probably from nudist families because they want to keep it a secret that sex (including forcible sex) is part of nudism and this includes the children. It is also strange you want your daughter so bad to go nude and also strange how you want her to swim naked with her father as she did before. Really a great example you are and all you clothing optional people.

Finally, one person said it was mainly guys encouraging the little girl to go nude. Sounds like sick pedos hoping you will exchange photos.

Franklin Strum
Dany Posted - 01/16/2010 : 09:29:52 AM

My self and my wife are both still nude around the house my two daughters stopped a bit at 10 then the oldest started again ,no preasure from us her choice at about 12 she's 15 now youngest who is now 11 started again as soon as her sister did

Let them make the desision and let it be
Diger Posted - 09/07/2009 : 11:05:59 PM
Guess it's to late to get Mark's Address now. The boys in blue would have loved to give him a visit.

agde Posted - 09/07/2009 : 8:52:09 PM
Originally posted by mbarry
...Do you think she would pose nude?...

Mark, please take your teen girl perversion elsewhere, perhaps to a therapist. Such solicitation is not tolerated by naturists. Go anywhere near one of our daughters and you'll be dealt with before you can reach for your camera.

Thanks for your attention. And please do get some help before you ruin your life.
mbarry Posted - 09/02/2009 : 01:58:06 AM
Hi I'm mark, from Massachusetts. Where
Are you from? Have you been naked in front of
Of your daughter? Does she feel comfortable being
nude in front of you.

Do you think she would pose nude? For someone

Mark j Barry

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