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 Shaved Nudist

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nudist I M Posted - 04/07/2003 : 10:08:38 PM
I have a general question for all my fellow naturists. It concerns shaving of the pubic area on both men and women. My partner and I are both avid shavers for many reasons both sexual and non. We are noticing that it is becoming more popular in men and women all the time. I was just wondering how the naturist/nudist society views it.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeteWhim Posted - 01/05/2015 : 11:19:06 AM
I shave everywhere but the back side....Shave Off with the bushy eyebrows, hair cut using No.0 guide, so that is nearest to having my head shaved.
Shave everywhere and love it. Hair is for monkeys and carnivores to stay warm I think. Maybe I can post a picture..Do not have a clue how a URL works...Love Vaseline or CoCoa butter for lubes...What did we use when we had buzz cuts to have our buzz cuts stand up.( "Butches" it was called then..The other century..)Lubing all over is good for the skin too..Nivea is very good..
Stay in the sun, my friends !

MTBnudist Posted - 01/05/2015 : 04:22:21 AM
There is no right or wrong. Whether or not you shave or go full bush is a matter of personal preferance. My girlfriend and I both shave/wax because we think it looks and feels cleaner to us. We like the way we feel being smooth, thats our preference. How someone grooms their pubes is noboys elses business.

I was born naked, so I'm staying naked :)
Blessed Be!!
Balto Bob Posted - 12/20/2014 : 4:28:29 PM
After 25 years of avoiding doctors, I just spent a week in the hospital. I had spent the last several months (years) watching my Dad grow more frail. He fell out of bed on Oct 31 and died three weeks later. No injury, just old age. While he was in the hospital, rehab, back to the hospital I noticed swelling in my ankes, then my legs. Finally on Dec 10 I woke up with a severely swollen scotum. I had signed up for Obamacare but, waiting for Jan 1 no longer sounded like a good idea. Drove my self to an urgent care place near my home. They looked at me, took some blood and a chest xray and called 911. Over the next 7 days I can not even guess how much tape and stickers were placed and removed from my body. I didn't even think about it until I was home. Dad was always wincing over the tape being pulled. I'm now home, 60 lbs lighter thanks to Lasix (the stuff they give to racehorses). I have to make changes to my lifestyle but, being smooth won't be one of them. Well, the blood thinners mean I have to be careful with the epilater. Certain places tend to bleed.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Balto Bob Posted - 09/13/2014 : 1:58:23 PM
This isn't about nudists but shaving in general. She writes that virtualy all men she dates under 50 shave (or wax).

Have a nice NUDE day !!
FireProf Posted - 08/21/2014 : 7:41:31 PM
Originally posted by nudewalker

I don't now what the discussion is all about FireProf except it seems everyone has an opinion on every subject. I remember the Bee Hive hairdo's, then the Beatle cuts to the long shaggy hair. As for shaving or cutting as the Mrs. says' "it'll grow back!'. This is a minimal problem, if it is even one, compared to the grand scheme of things like getting a foothold for nude recreation in public venues.

Exactly my point ... everyone has an opinion on this subject and on every single nudist/naturist website, message board, blog ... what have you. What starts out as a question by some newbie ... becomes an argument about what is "right", what is "naturist," "what is healthy", what is "clean/dirty" ... it just seems that in a lifestyle that is supposedly so accepting of so many things with so many people, having or not having pubic hair seems to get under nudist's skin and it always turns into a heated discussion that really makes zero sense. Does it really matter if the nudist next to you has or doesn't have pubic hair? (speaking generally)

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
blavan Posted - 08/21/2014 : 2:53:51 PM
We are smoothies always and we never consider growing pubs back for a medical visit. We both have female doctors and nurse practitioners. Only once do I recall a comment from my doctor about my lack of tan lines. We have revealed to our doctors about our sans clothing lifestyle when it casually comes up. The reaction is, "OK that's cool." No big deal.
Certainly medical professionals have seen and heard about everything under the sun. Why would a smoothie even phase them at all.
We have experienced absurd reactions from some of our clothed friends, and very positive to no reactions from others. We also have friends from Europe who are very open and comforatble with nudity, and a friend from California who practically grew up naked, according to her description. We typically don't mention it first, but if it comes up in a positive light then we will engage and share that we enjoy nudism.

Being Naked and Being Real
nudewalker Posted - 08/18/2014 : 9:14:00 PM
I don't now what the discussion is all about FireProf except it seems everyone has an opinion on every subject. I remember the Bee Hive hairdo's, then the Beatle cuts to the long shaggy hair. As for shaving or cutting as the Mrs. says' "it'll grow back!'. This is a minimal problem, if it is even one, compared to the grand scheme of things like getting a foothold for nude recreation in public venues.
Diger Posted - 08/18/2014 : 7:09:37 PM
Since Walker opened the subject of a Dr visit I'll tell of my last one.

I have always grown my pubic hair back and worn underwear when I went for a checkup a few months ago I decided I wasn't going to do that anymore. I went for my checkup clean shaven, well tanned and commando. The Dr. had me laying down and told me to undo my pants to check my stomach and when he opened them up he didn't act surprised but did say "Someone's been working on their tan". I told him I had been getting ready for the beach and proceeded to talk about getting a good tan before going to the beach and getting burnt. After the prostate exam we sat and talked for a while about my weight loss and how I had been able to do it. Even when the nurse came in I had a chat with her about the way to tan and not get burned. She had given me shots at other visits and seen me commando with no tan lines before.

I'll have to say it was no big deal.

FireProf Posted - 08/18/2014 : 12:13:03 PM
My wife is resistant to waxing. I, on the other hand, prefer it to shaving and have been getting waxed for the last year or more. I've had to revert to shaving a few times, between waxes, and I see why I switched. But since my wife continues to prefer being shaved and we use a new razor each time and hair conditioner to prep the area and it seems to work best, we'll have to try the Venus razor and Oil of Olay. Thanks!

...but what continues to baffle me is that "this" subject seems to be a hot bed of negative discussion throughout the nudist community. It just seems strange to have some many people that want society to let enjoy our lifestyle with respect, understanding and less assumptions ... we seem to be just as bad as they are when it comes to nudists and their preference to shave their pubic hair or not shave it. Does it really matter?

I know I contribute to this discussion and some may think that if I really feel that way, why would I continue to contribute to the discussion. My thoughts are that both sides need to be discussed, issues addressed and there is a mutual respect to one another and that having pubic hair or not having pubic hair really isn't about nudism/naturism ... it's as much a person choice as the length and style of ones hair on their head or on their face (men). We need to respect that.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
nudewalker Posted - 08/18/2014 : 09:59:50 AM
I may have to chip 5 cents worth in so here goes. Much that has been written here has to do with personal comfort. Much like the boxers or briefs debate (prefer commando myself) it is a mute point. And I will say that any ER visits were from an improper job or technique and I would really like to see the data. Sure the number of visits may have increased but more people are grooming the pubic area also. Finally the great razor debate. I agreed with everyone that there is little difference between male vs. female until my better half had me try a Venus with Oil of Olay. She got it as a free sample and had me try it after her. I must say that it was the bomb compared to any other I have used but is cost prohibitive for daily use so we do "special" occasions!

Then there are doctors. Believe most are like priests; at least what the nuns told us, they have seen or heard it before. Not long ago I was scheduled a medical test and I had no idea what I was getting into so when the doctor told me to strip to my underwear I informed her that I was commando. She hemmed and hawed a bit before I finally said' "Look, your a doctor and I'm sure you have seen naked men before. I'm a nudist and prefer to be naked anyway so can we just get this test started?". It was a great ice breaker as we discussed nudism which took my mind off of having needles stuck in my body and electric current put through them. In the end the test was negative and although I don't have another convert there is someone who understands how we feel about nudity.
keysnudist2014 Posted - 08/11/2014 : 1:22:53 PM
correct. i shave my whole body (except for armpits & eye brows). i shave it because,

1) i am very hairy. i am a landscaper. i live in the tropics. sweaty, matted hair all over my body, plus bugs. lots of bugs down here. tired of itching. shaving it all off allows sweat to roll off me and is considerably less itchy.

2) so much hair interferes with tanning sometimes. i like my key west no-tan-lines tan.

3) it just feels good. nice smooth skin. a few of the past posts say, it's a matter of personal comfort & preference. i don't really care what's all the rage or what the most popular current personal hygiene fad is or isn't. i've been shaving my body since the late 90s. women's razors work nicely, men's razors are a bit rough on my skin.

i've never nicked myself so badly that i needed a hospital visit.

i don't really care what anyone's opinion of my shaving is, i'm all about comfort.

there are women who don't care for men who shave. i will likely never meet them nor do i care to.

there are women who enjoy a man shaving his body. those are the women who interest me. maybe one day i will meet a few of them. my shaving of my body isn't really a sexual thing as i don't have enough of it to make it one. it's not a factor.

thanks for letting me chip in my two cents.

love the skin you're in
PeteWhim Posted - 07/06/2014 : 7:33:25 PM
Hair is for monkeys....I love having no hair, no eyebrows, 1/8" long head hair....I save a total hours of four days a year not worrying about combing my hair, FGS ! I oil up, go in the sun and enjoy !
Stay smooth, my friends, and out in the sun !
smoothman60 Posted - 05/24/2013 : 5:13:36 PM
Hate hair like l hate wearing clothes nude and smooth
FireProf Posted - 03/03/2013 : 12:19:03 PM
Exactly ... packaging, marketing and price!!!

That's why my wife just uses the same razor's I use. Her "female" razors were 1.5 sometimes 2 times as much as mine!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Carlover227 Posted - 03/03/2013 : 12:14:07 PM
Yeah, I didn't think there was but I didn't want to say that there deffinately is no difference. Unless, you want to include the differences in marketing and advertising?

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