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 Bad nudist experiences

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tuffers Posted - 11/01/2006 : 12:12:25 PM
After being naturists for so many years Sue and I tried a new venue, near our home with indoor facilities,ideal for the autumninal weather we are now finally experiencing in the UK. The club, Silverleigh in Kent, England descibes itself on their website as the Leading Natuist hotel, Health Spa and Nudist Club in the UK. From their site it looked very attractive and exactly what we were looking for where we could swim, enjoy a Steam bath, sauna or hot tub in the nude whatever the weather outside.

We were firstly struck by the fact that everyone seemed to be walking around with a towel around themselves which is not what we would expect from naturists.Only when they went into the pool or sauna etc did the towel come off. We seemed to be the only people acting as real nudists. Although we have nothing against single men at naturist clubs per se, they were in the overwhelming majority and this made Sue very uneasy, especially with the glances they were giving and to me as well. In our opinion there was an air of sleaziness about the place, not helped by a notice on the wall that a visitor had caught a serious STD there whilst engaging in behaviour not expected at any other place than a swingers club.( I won't be more graphic!!)

We stuck it out for about an hour and a half, dressed and headed home 20 pounds lighter in the wallet. Sue said to me that in the nearly 30 years that we have been going to our own club, not once had she felt uncomfortable as she had at this venue and I had to agree with her. Needless to say we will not be returning and for any visitors to the UK who are looking for such facilities , beware.

Stay bare and enjoy life.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 03/05/2013 : 07:41:23 AM
I have only had bad experiences nudist related when it was around non nudists who told me they accepted nudity around them..One of my neighbors in my apartment building learned I was a nudist, she was supportive even said seeing me nude would not bother her. One day I had my blinds semi open not fully open but she was outside painting some piece of small furniture when she looked in my window saw me in the nude. I waved, she waved seemed normal etc, few days later get a letter of complaint about it from her.
go n nude Posted - 08/19/2008 : 04:51:35 AM
Resorts have to protect their buisness from those who cause problems for visitors and to not turn a blind eye on complaints when their members cause trouble. They, the trouble makers don't care what happens to the resort's reputation at all.They could be chaseing many away and not takeing action on serious complaints is just asking for more trouble. If they tolerate it says they don't care. Its their buisness.

go n nude
NorthEastUSA Posted - 08/18/2008 : 08:35:07 AM
I have had bad experiences at non-nudist resorts also. There are always good and bad places to go or other guests that could be rude or cause problems.
JoeIngrid Posted - 08/18/2008 : 03:38:54 AM
Hello peoples,
We're new here and only stumbled across this site and thread a month or so back when we did a search on nudist resorts in Australia where the White Cockatoo popped up with a direct link to this thread.
To say we were horrified with some of the stuff said here about the place would be an understatement but we did a little more research and managed to contact a few people who have stayed there.
Cutting a long story short we have decided to make a booking to stay there because everything we have been told from those who've been there has been actually very postive and we're going there in early October.
All our contacts with the owners have been dealt with in a very professional manner and when asked about some of the stuff posted around the internet the owner just laughed which seemed a little odd at first but then more research made it clear why he did.
Anyway we subscribed to his newsletter and just today got one. I thinks it pretty much says it all and we are now very much looking forward to our week stay.
We will definitely put our comments here after our stay because it does certainly seem so much that is said is not only false its probably defamatory.
I asked him why he doesnt sue someone making comments like those shown here but he said usually they don't put a real name and anyway they are at least talking about us and the nice people keep seeming to work it out for themselves.
We think we are nice people and we think we have worked it out for what it really is so looking forward to our visit.
I have pasted their newsletter here so others might make any judgements.
No we are not going in March! lol
Joe and Ingrid

Hi All,

Yes we are still here, and Yes this is a very long overdue newsletter!

We have cut right back on doing newsletters as we figure most interested in all that is happening here check our website on a regular basis, and we always try to keep our site as up to date as possible.

However there are times when changes occur, that might require some personal explanation, or when new aspects are introduced that some, who don't keep up to date with via our site, might like to be informed of.

We're only 6 weeks always from the start of our 7th nude season, from 1st October. Yes 7th that is - and they keep saying it doesn't work ;-)

October '08 is already heavily booked, as every October is, and we are so looking forward to welcoming back so many of our repeat guests from around the world, along with even more 1st timers.

We have made one major change for this upcoming season in that all standard drinks are now included in costs to stay here, and yet we've only actually increased our rates by a very minimal amount.

From 1st October all standard beers, wines, and spirits, are now included and available free from the bar from 10am daily! Yes Free!

All guests will also now be able to BYO their own alcohol, but why would you when we're giving it to you for free, however those that have complained in the past about our fully licensed status now have one less thing to whinge about ;-)

It will be most interesting to see how many repeat guests, who have only ever had a beer or two each day, suddenly become heavy drinkers, but needless to say this will be something we will be well aware of and responsible service of alcohol laws will naturally see us refusing service should anyone under the influence require more drinks!

Drinks will be provided, open or poured, one at a time, and obviously stocking up on grog for late night parties won't be happening, nor will the same be provided to load an eskie for a day at the beach.

However, We regard this as one less aspect that we have to police and one less rule to be explained upon arrival.

We have never enjoyed the policing role, albeit always doing so for the comfort level of the majority, so introducing this new method of operation will not only lessen that role for us, we also believe it will make many guests rather happy.

We will be still strictly Nude Only as this aspect works very well.

It still amuses us that fools continue to say "they made us be nude just after we got there" when this is clearly stated on our website, or explained to them on the phone when making a booking.

Quite simply... If you don't want to be nude then stay somewhere else - don't complain about it after being here because you only make yourself look foolish ;-)

All our Nude Tours will be off and running again, after 1st October, and despite a slight increase in cost due to the crazy fuel prices, they will be as informative, exciting, and as much fun as always, that guests rave about, along with being on an even nicer and bigger boat purchased earlier this year.

Lets hope we get some better weather than last season where our reef trips in particular were rather limited because of constant high winds.

All mentioned above, along with much more, can be viewed via the numerous links from

And now for the major change for next year.

After numerous enquiries, over six years of operation, and much lost business due to our strict Nude Only policy, we are introducing a Clothing Optional month in March 2009.

Not only will March '09 be clothing optional, it will be totally child free and also totally free of all the rules (of which there are only 6 anyway) that usually apply here. The only exceptions being no illegal drugs and no cameras, both of which are common sense anyway!

March '09 is to cater for those who might be part of a couple where one partner is happy to be nude, and the other is not, but in particular will cater for those with various alternative lifestyle choices.

However, despite March '09 here clearly being Adults Only, with almost anything goes, we are certainly not promoting this as a swingers month nor will any organised groups of such be welcome.

Whilst there will be guests here that obviously have that interest, this is not the intent of the month, nor of any specific week, despite information that is already being published online, however none of this information has come from us.

As many of you will know we have been down that track in the past, and have absolutely no desire to do so again, but we will be happily turning a blind eye to any activities that do not constitute a breach of Australian law.

So if you were thinking of staying during our Nude Season, and thinking you might be able to get up to alternative activities then March may be the month for you. Do not book to stay at any other time if this applies!

Full details re March '09 may be viewed via

Naturally, March '09 is not to be confused with any of our other usual methods of operation, whether our Nude Seasons or Fully Clothed Seasons, although we'll lay money that there will always be those ignorant and ill-informed fools who will seek to damage our business by linking all together.

Do we care? Not in the slightest! Any publicity is good publicity ;-)

After almost 7 years here we've got very used to the silly attacks, and liken most to tall poppy syndrome (read penis envy) with almost all of the negative information that does the rounds online being from either people who have never been here, or from others who have been thrown out for creating problems for others.

We have learnt to ignore such, and know that as our business has continued to flourish and grow that the nice people will always work it out for themselves ;-)

We need say no more on that other than to point all in the direction of the self-explanatory

We already have more confirmed reservations for March '09 than we have ever done in actual business in any previous March, so from a purely business point of view our choice to introduce this aspect, for a 1 month trial, has already proved itself to be a great decision.

We should also point out here that despite even further erroneous information, that has recently appeared, The White Cockatoo is not for sale, or about to close!

We're having too much fun, and living a great life, to even contemplate either at this stage. Although if someone walks in the gate with a stupid offer we'd obviously have to reconsider that. But be assured, in the current economic climate this is highly unlikely so we're not going anywhere!

I think that brings all up to date for now, and as always if there are any enquiries or comments on anything shown above please do not hesitate to contact us.

As we have always done we will reply to all genuine and sensible enquiries with open and honest answers.

We look forward to seeing many of you receiving this again in the near future, and if receiving this but never stayed here, then time you did ;-)


Tony & Lenore Fox

Owner / Operators
@ The White Cockatoo
Web :
Email :
Ph. +61 7 40982222
Fax. +61 7 40982221
9 Alchera Drive,
Mossman, Qld 4873,
Balto Bob Posted - 07/23/2007 : 12:42:37 PM
I have waited several months to post this. As the problem continues I feel the members should be warned. Back in January, before I found this site, I found CFI. I joined them ($50) and joined TNS (with the magazine) as well as signed up for the "News in the Nude" DVDs. I have been trying to stop the DVDs and the billing to my MasterCard for months. Corey Mangold called me on March 26(yes a Saturday!) and credited me 3 charges. He promised me there would be no more DVDs or charges to my credit card. Then in June a DVD and again in July a DVD. I have filed a dispute with MASTERCARD as well as sent CFI emails. They seem like nice folks but, something is wrong with the operation of the business.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
JoMulholland Posted - 04/16/2007 : 08:13:36 AM
Just to clarify Marjans. I set up a forum to support River Island Nature Retreat, as I am looking after their website.

Although the forum is in my own webspace, it will still be associated with River Island and not all visitors to the forum will separate the two.

It did not seem right to have criticism of the White Cockatoo resort put in this forum which basically supports River Island.

I have been 'escaping' to River Island, since I first found naturism, in about 1993. I love wandering around; taking long walks, hoping that will do me good. It is such a great place to do that. So much room!

And then, I like being in or around the pool and even just sitting on the verandah and reading a book. Love the atmosphere.

Thanks for you description of River Island. We certainly agree on that point.

There are so many other places (forums, etc.) on the www, to express your feelings about the White Cockatoo.

I am hoping that the forum will be used by people who have visited or wish to visit River Island and communicate with each other there about e.g., how to get there; what's on; meeting up; naturist matters, etc., etc..



Originally posted by marjans

Jo Mulholland has some sort an agenda to protect the Whitie cockatoo,i posted the same letter on the River Islands(great nudist facility) web forum and he removed it,perhaps he hasn't had a bad experience their with Tony and His wife kissing his arse as they know his position within the nudist movement.

Naturism is for every body.
See you at River Island.
Tuffers Posted - 04/09/2007 : 07:52:11 AM
I started this thread off last November and I sympathise with your thoughts Jimmy D. Although my wife and I have been naturists for 30 years now, and have been to clubs and resorts in UK and in Europe, it only can only take one bad experience to send the ladies scurrying for their clothes and any perfectly respectable looking club will be eyed with suspicion.The trouble is that unless you are forwarned about a place you can only learn from experience. This is where this forum is so helpful.
Jimmy D Posted - 04/07/2007 : 4:00:38 PM
ouch. My condulences to those put though really bad stuff. That place in Australia, my wife and I would have refused to unclothed or leave, call the cops pal. (so far, our obstanance has worked out, sometimes it can make a bad situation worse).
I'm glad I read all this. I go to relax, not to have to tell someone to buzz off (keepin it clean here). That forced nudity ruins it for me as well as everyone else with towels would.
Actally, I wish swing clubs were legal, this way the two can be kept separate.
Years ago someone kept saying to my wife "take your clothes off, take your clothes off, dont you want to take your clothes off". When I confronted the person he appoligized to me and to my wife, several times but the damage was done. In fact, something recently happened in the same order, reinforcing my wife feeling uncomfortable getting naked, she really likes my nudist friends though because they are great people. And the irony of it all, my wife would go toppless where she was not suppose to be. A few times Park Rangers politly told her to cover up and she would comply. But because others made an issue of her not being totally or partially naked, she's no longer comfortable, anywhere, except at home.

Jimmy D
marjans Posted - 01/15/2007 : 05:46:36 AM
perhaps this is what is required for the owners of this place to pull their heads in
asmodee Posted - 01/14/2007 : 5:59:44 PM
I have to tell you, some of this is more than a little scary. I never even imagined that 'swinger' and 'nudist' would, in any way, meet. The two are so fundamentally different that it boggles the mind that ANY facility claiming to be nudist would be 'swinger friendly' Also, in the US, at least, most of the things mentioned here are illegal and arrest able under, in the very least, sexual harassment law. Also, since the average sexual harassment lawsuit in the US is settled out of court for around $300,000, the place would quickly become non-nudist or non-swinger very quickly if people pushed it. Parading around 'fresh meat', sexual propositions, inappropriate physical contact, forced nudity for a small minority and uncomfortable stares could all easily fall under sexual harassment, for which the facility could be held liable if immediate action were not taken or offenses were repeated rather than isolated. That is only in the US, of course.
AussieMatt Posted - 01/07/2007 : 7:23:38 PM
If anyone's interested in good experiences in Australia, my wife and I spent the New Year's weekend at greenwich lodge retreat in far northern NSW. great place, very friendly and in a stunning part of the country. we were first timers and although we quickly got nude, there was no pressure, our tour was clothed, etc. also the manager said my wife would be welcome to put a sarong on if whe was ever uncomfortable. very chilled out nice people.
marjans Posted - 01/07/2007 : 2:54:18 PM
Jo Mulholland has some sort an agenda to protect the Whitie cockatoo,i posted the same letter on the River Islands(great nudist facility) web forum and he removed it,perhaps he hasn't had a bad experience their with Tony and His wife kissing his arse as they know his position within the nudist movement.
Pete Knight Posted - 01/07/2007 : 02:49:24 AM
That's all the confirmation I needed, I think I'll give the White Cockatoo a miss then, but its rather disappointing, and after recommendations from Jo Mulholland and Bushnud too!!

I'm hoping to meet up with as many Australian naturists as I possibly can whilst down under, and travelling as a single male I hope to get a few invitations to clubs where I would be excluded if I went alone. I already have some invitations sorted in the Adelaide area, and I'm going bare bush walking with Bushnud, but would appreciate a friend or two in the Sydney and Cairns areas.

Pete Knight
tgg Posted - 01/07/2007 : 12:16:32 AM
Originally posted by Pete Knight

I recently read in the 'Shaben Leisure Circle' magazine of someone else who had a less than happy experience at the White Cockatoo, and that it was costly too!
I'm having second thoughts about the place, I think I'll look for somewhere else around Cairns.

Pete Knight

I completely agree with you, Pete. Tony Fox is quite possibly one of the biggest arseholes in the nudist movement. He has openly slandered me and Anita Grigg (President of the Free Beaches Australia lobby group) on his site.

'Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked' - Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God 1)
cheef Posted - 01/06/2007 : 11:56:45 PM
I have had a few bad experiences, most notably, in the late 1980s I visited Sunny Rest Lodge (in the US staate of Pennyslvania) where I was repeatedly approached by both women and couples to engage in sexual activity. Additionally, a man attempted to grope me in the shower, although I hit his hand away before he was able to. There was also a couple engaged in sexual activity in the hot tub. (I understand things have changed quite a bit at Sunny Rest since then, although I'm told some people are still approached.)

A second bad experience was around the year 2000 with the club Naturally Yours in the US state of Delaware. There were multiple cases of active sexual activity in the swimming pool and lots of groping on the dance floor. Additionally, they did not accept the AANR or TNS card for an affiliation discount, but named "a Philadelphia club" I dind't recognize. Upon returning home, I looked it up on the internet and discovered this unfamiliar so-called nudist club was actually a group which describes itself as "a humanistic social club supporting open relationships and other alternatives to traditional monogamy".

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