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 Christianity and nudism, do they go together?

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publ2000 Posted - 02/15/2009 : 3:14:31 PM
Ok, big question that has been BUGGING THE MESS out of me the past week. I am a christian and very strong in my faith. I do my best to live that life style. Now, I understand that certian sexual activities (masturbating in public) is WAY WRONG!! But, does it mean that I am not a good christian if enjoy being nude?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 02/28/2016 : 9:40:55 PM
Wow, FullSun, you have quite a church!!

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Warmskin Posted - 02/28/2016 : 9:39:52 PM
Hi Free2be,

We have some advantages out here, but it's not always a bed of roses. Earthquakes really shake things up out here. Bad pun, I guess. California does get ugly in the summer. No rain and the hillside grasses die off in May. I rode through upper-state New York as a boy and wondered why it was beautifully green there in the summer (dumb boy thinking LOL). Later on, it rained in the summer there - unheard of- summer rain!! No wonder the hills were green. Traveling is a great way to learn!! I thought that the whole USA was just like California before we traveled across the country.

We do have a long season for nudism in northern California. Not as good as our friends in neighboring Arizona have it. Still, not bad. We had our first tree blossoms a few weeks ago. I love seeing them, because they remind of what is to come.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

FullSun Posted - 02/28/2016 : 4:47:20 PM
Yes, it has been quite nice, actually laid out by the pool earlier this week for a while. Unfortunately, it means we are not getting the rain and mountain snow we desperately need. Korie Robertson from Duck Dynasty spoke at our church this weekend. What an awesome lady.
free2be Posted - 02/28/2016 : 09:04:59 AM
I envy you Warmskin. It's still very cold in Upstate NY, but I also agree with Fullsun that whatever God created is beautiful.
Warmskin Posted - 02/28/2016 : 02:38:48 AM
I concur, FullSun. By the way, I live not far from you at all. I trust you've been enjoying the early spring we're having.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

FullSun Posted - 02/26/2016 : 3:13:06 PM
Additionally, Adam and Eve were nude in the garden. Depending upon the translation etc they were either given clothing to protect themselves or to cover their shame. Either way, Jesus died and paid for our sins so we should not be ashamed as long and we try to follow the teachings of Jesus. Plus calling a nude body disgusting etc is saying God's creation is disgusting. Who are we to say something God created is disgusting??
Warmskin Posted - 02/25/2016 : 6:10:44 PM
Well, Jon-Marc, I guess those churches had more in the way of social and secular rules to go by, rather than theological ones. Also, they were had no expertise in the subject, obviously.

That's strange that you were looked up on the Internet! Sounds rather paranoid. It makes it seem that going to church is akin to working at a top secret job.

I think, in a larger sense, they did you a favor by revealing how ignorant and backward they were. They need to move up from 17th century America to the 21st century.

Even if their evaluation of you were theologically correct, and assuming nudism were immoral (for the sake of discussion), then how do they explain Jesus dining with the publicans and sinners? In light of this, it would be their duty to welcome you to their church, in full. By pretending to have just taken their side in this discussion, I have thus proven that they are theologically unsound.

Back to reality, nudism is in keeping with Christianity, as long as our heart and mind is aligned completely with the teachings of Jesus. A clothed person who claims to be a Christian, yet does not live according to the teachings, is no Christian. A nudist who lives each day by the teachings of Jesus is a true Christian. It doesn't get more basic than that.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Jon-Marc Posted - 02/24/2016 : 8:57:38 PM
When I lived in Florida, I went to a Baptist church for few months but didn't give them my address since I lived in a nudist resort; I now live in a nudist resort in CA and wish I could afford to move back to Florida. The pastor at that Florida church looked me up online and found out I was nudist. He sent me an e-mail saying, "We can't have a nudist representing our church, and God wouldn't be pleased with it anyway." I wonder how he thought he knew the mind of God. I guess he didn't have the courage to tell me to my face. A pastor at another church told me(to my face)("You can come here, but you can't participate in anything." He didn't say why.

Forever in Christ.
Warmskin Posted - 12/10/2015 : 12:51:18 AM
Here is a book on nudism the Bishop wrote. It's very pricey for the amount of pages. $58 for 24 pages - at least that is what the amazon entry says. Still, it must be interesting for a somewhat higher ranking clergy person says about nudism. I'm not trying to sell her book. In fact, I would not buy it because of the price. I'm really just showing that she has written a book about nudism, and has thus committed herself as a nudist clergy person in the public domain. If you see two links, click on the bottom one. Karen Gorham br / " target="_blank"> br / Karen Gorham br /

You have to congratulate her on sharing her unprudish views on nudism, given her role in life. She is an example of how Christian teachings and nudity are quite compatible. Maybe she can create a flock of acolytes that will spread her message. It all starts with one person and a mission of advocacy. Imagine her doing this in the USA. She might have a fight on her hands. Whew!

Better for her to be in Great Britain.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

NaturistDoc Posted - 11/30/2015 : 9:45:24 PM
It didn't take me long to develop one rule for my Internet life: If an article is in any way controversial, do NOT read the comments.
Nude in AK Posted - 11/29/2015 : 10:25:50 AM
Interesting article. It was/is kind of refreshing to read. What else was interesting to read was all of the comments. WOW!
NaturistDoc Posted - 11/28/2015 : 2:19:30 PM
Well, well. How about this?
RVDUDE Posted - 02/23/2009 : 1:48:52 PM
Clothes or no clothes... I believe Religion would look down on you as it being sinful but God on the other hand i don't think has a preference he already know's what we look like naked. LOL
Seriously though I believe it's what is in your heart. Ie if you can go to a nudist resort and not lust after the women who are not clothed I don't think God would have a problem with it.

A good book I just read and it's a fiction book that's a short read and informative about God is the Shack.

Warmskin Posted - 02/17/2009 : 10:34:12 PM
I agree with you Calbob. I think clothe the hungry is more at taking care of the downtrodden, and not correcting any immorality on their part. Feeding the hungry goes along with that. I would see clothing as something to protect you from the cold and excessive sunshine. If I don't wear a parka coat in the winter, I'm not immoral, but I am unprotected.

I guess I'll never understand those parsons who are uncomfortable with God's creation. The next thing you know, they'll insist on covering up trees and flowers.

"'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world."

George Washington
Calbob Posted - 02/17/2009 : 9:43:30 PM
When I first became a nudist, I used the concordance in the back of my bible and looked up all of the passages where "nakedness" is mentioned. Nowhere is nudity condemned. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden because they disobeyed God, not because they were naked. When the bible says to feed your neighbor when he is hungry, clothe him when he is naked, and give him shelter when he needs it, it's not saying there's anything morally wrong with being hungry, naked, or in need of shelter. Often, there will be some preachers who will use convenient "one size fits all" Biblical passages to condemn anything they disagree with, but if you go straight to the Bible, you will find that it doesn't say that nudity by itself is wrong.

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