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 My first nude swim

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melissastarr Posted - 11/07/2003 : 06:46:25 AM
Hi Everyone...

Well, Saturday night was my first nude swim social.

The drive up was kind of tough- the entire state of NJ is under construction, or so it seemed. There were so many times that I almost turned around came home because I was really scared. So I promised myself that if I went to the event and was nude I could have cheesesteaks for dinner every night this week if I so desired. Cheesesteaks speak to me. LOL

I finally arrived at the swim and nerves set in. But I triumphed and walked in the door. The people at the desk were really nice. I told them it was my first time and they were really warm and helpful. They pointed me towards the locker rooms and off I went. A kind young man was behind me as I walked in and we got to talking. Seeing the men’s room door I told him that his locker room was there. A man passing by noted "This is a nudist event- the locker rooms are co-ed." So the guy went into the women’s locker room with me. There were lots of other men there but I didn’t see any women. Go figure.

The moment of truth had arrived: time to take off my clothes. The guy near me, named Devon, started disrobing like it was the most natural thing in the world. So, with heart beating loudly enough that you probably all heard it, I did likewise. It was soooo weird to be taking off my clothes in front of a guy! I mean, this guy that I had never met was seeing my underwear! But, I did it!

Well, I was nude. And nervous. But I had to keep going. Devon and I went to the pool together and I hopped in. Now THAT was an experience. I was overwhelmed with some kind of body feeling but I wasn’t sure what in the world it was or even if it was good or bad. I just knew it was incredibly POWERFUL. I can tell you now- after talking with a nudist friend- that it was called sensuality and that it was a very good thing!

From the pool we hit the hot tub, had some pizza, and talked to some people. I met a few men who were really WEIRD, but I also met 2 young couples who were incredibly nice. During the evening I also got to play some volleyball, which is VERY fun for me though I’m not too good at it.

There was soooo much that I didn’t expect. First off, I never did forget- even for a minute- that I was nude. Maybe this is just because of my life experiences. Also, I was surprised to see soooo few women there. I mean, I know that there are more male nudists than female, but I was still surprised about the ratio (seemed to be around 10:1 male to female.) This kind of made me uncomfortable. In my ’research’ before going I did look at nude pictures of women, just to know what women were supposed to look like and to see if I looked ’right.’ But I never thought to look for male pictures, so I didn’t really know what men look like without clothes. That, in and of itself, was an experience. Even had I known what men look like, I think the ratio would have scared me a bit just because of who I am and my experiences with men in the past. Not that I’m saying that there should be mandatory gender-balancing at nudist functions, I’m just saying how I felt, ok?

The one big positive of the event was a body-image thing. While there and even now I really feel confident in my body- my body is normal and ok. It helped that I’ve lost 17 pounds since August 1, but seeing other nude women helped me to see that my body is actually decent and normal. This was a HUGE breakthrough for me. And I don’t know that there is any other way that I could have come to this realization.

I had a rough ride home- very tearful and I couldn’t understand why. I still don’t know what’s wrong. It’s been a hard couple of days for me... there are a lot of feelings going on related to the swim and I can’t identify or describe them. I’m hopeful that I’ll be ok again soon.

So... will I go back? I dunno. I never did get to the point of feeling comfortable, but I the sensations of the pool while nude are pretty powerful and invite me back. Maybe there is a club or
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
outdoorfun1 Posted - 03/18/2013 : 4:17:27 PM
My first nude swim was when I was 12. A friend of mine and myself sneaked into a neighbours yard late at nite...dropped our trunks and went for the swim...I was hooked from
nudieboy and jenni Posted - 08/15/2012 : 2:43:51 PM
I had two first times as a nudist. Nudieboys family were nudists and the first time I met them they were all clothed. I knew they were nudists. I was the one to bring up the subject of nudism at our first meeting and it wasn't lone till we were nude. For many years I had dreamed of something like that and finally it happened, I was nude among other people. My second was in public at Playalinda beach. OMG, it felt so great to get naked and let the sun hit my body. I don't think I had ever had anything feel as good as the sun on my boobs. I love Nudieboy and nudism.
n/a Posted - 08/14/2012 : 3:42:27 PM
Mine was of a negative outcome, I was with a male freind of mine and he and I were just swimming at night around 8pm, plenty dark and we ended up choosing to skinnydip and after about 30 minutes of nude swimming, a female neighbor had come through side fence gate into the backyard caught us both nude, began to laugh, and run to tell everyone on the street we were swimming naked as if to emberass us, I did find it ironic a few weeks later she was having a big pool party and chose to bring up idea of skinnydipping to all the people at the party, so for her if she brings up skinnydipping she was cool but to catch others doing it they were to be made fun of. So for me my first skinnydip was a bad one.
Bob Knows Posted - 03/26/2012 : 11:23:28 AM
Its part of 2nd wave feminism. Men and boys are not allowed to have anything for men and boys. The NBA hasn't been allowed to keep females out of their locker rooms for decades now. Females can still have all the private clubs they want. Its a disaster for men.
Warmskin Posted - 03/26/2012 : 06:12:57 AM
Hi S. A. Bob,

It could well be that the political correctness crowd had their knickers in a knot about there being separate facilities for boys and girls. Part of the old unisex movement. Some folks can't leave things alone, like the YMCA or the YWCA.

Maybe the National Organization of Women should become the National Organization of People. Time to turn the tables on the p.c. folks.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

sailawaybob Posted - 03/24/2012 : 10:50:18 PM
i never understood why the ymca went coed as there use to be ywca but they seem to have disappeared, but even if the y wasn't coed i can't believe in this new kooky world nude swims would be allow, haven't been to the y in years but hear the actully shower in shorts now, yep kook kook !
Bob Knows Posted - 03/23/2012 : 5:30:19 PM
When I was about 6 or 7 years old boys still swam naked at the YMCA in their basement pool. My first outside naked swim was at a YMCA camp at Lake Wenatchee when I was about 12.
sailawaybob Posted - 12/13/2011 : 12:06:08 AM
bones you are lucky i guess theproblem in my area is they have no travel-non-landed clubs anymore as they use to haave several and they may have rented facilities during the winter i just remember them talking of home gatherings. i just know i have read of several up north during winter..
sailawaybob Posted - 12/13/2011 : 12:02:09 AM
Diger whitewater is owned by 6 flags now i'd hate to think how much it would cost to rent it out, i am surprised - - or some other large resorts doesn't have a giant water slide. pretty cool idea though.
bonesrmj Posted - 12/12/2011 : 7:15:34 PM
Our local club has a Gym & Swim night every 1st Saturday during the winter! They rent out a health club for 3 hours and we get to use all the facitilies, sauna, pool, hot tub, vollyball courts and excersize equipment! What a great 3 hours once a month!
Diger Posted - 12/11/2011 : 9:52:51 PM
I know Bob, I even heard of a water park in the UK that has a nude weekend. Up north, in the UK, why not in the south?

Do you know any water parks in GA that we could talk into something like this?

sailawaybob Posted - 12/11/2011 : 6:21:51 PM
it seems like when it comes to nude indoor swim meets the north has the south beat 10-0, i read about them up north when winter comes but never see anything down here. what gives...
Diger Posted - 11/30/2011 : 9:25:29 PM
Wow Bob, bet you really miss those days. It sounds like some great memories.

sailawaybob Posted - 11/30/2011 : 8:58:30 PM
Bob sounds like you realized back than that there was no real reason for that swimsuit, never wore baggy swimsuits but even the speedo were more than i really wanted to wear.
Bob Knows Posted - 11/29/2011 : 11:15:24 AM
My first nude swim was in the summer after graduating from high school. I was working that summer at a boat rental/moorage place, and staying in a small cabin on the property. One night I was swimming out past the end of the dock. In those days my suit (that I wore at work on the dock about half the time) was a stretch knit fabric with no legs, none of those pants the boys wear today. Somehow I got the idea of taking off my suit. I flopped it up on the dock and swam for a while naked. The moon was out and the night was warm. Cool water flowed smoothly about my "private" parts. I was hooked.

Getting out I got brave and climbed up on the dock naked despite being close enough to the road to be worried about it. Logically nobody on the road would have noticed a man standing on the dock, but being young and having been taught that being seen naked is a fate worse than death I was nervous about traffic seeing me.

Later in the summer I sometimes left my suit in the cabin at night and just walked down to the edge of the water instead of being more exposed on the dock. Good times to be young.

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