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free2be Posted - 03/08/2012 : 08:45:22 AM
Book lovers unite. Tell everyone what you are reading. It does not have to be related to naturism/nudism. I like many of you, like to have a good book while at a CO beach or resort...or just relaxing at home. If the title is not obvious as to the subject...give a little more information (fiction/non-fiction, murder mystery, science fiction, etc...). One of the more difficult things (for me at least), is finding the next book to read when I am done with the current one. This forum will give me ideas for future reading.

I am currently reading "Theodore Rex" by Edmund Morris. Non-fiction about the political life of Theodore Roosevelt.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tuffers Posted - 12/31/2018 : 05:04:39 AM
I'm reading a book called "Spitfire" by John Nichol about the iconic Second World War British Fighter Plane. Just can't put it down, Excellent read!!
sailawaybob Posted - 12/30/2018 : 6:59:15 PM
i like outdoor adventure books fiction and non fiction right now reading books published by fish fur game magazine called charlie and lew adventures the stories are fromthe 1930's & 40's
Nude in AK Posted - 09/12/2018 : 01:34:38 AM
This is the time of the year when I take time to do a little reading. First one was 'American Sniper', then 'Silver Canyon' and now 'The First Mountain Man'.
I need to make more time to read, but will be getting busy getting ready for winter and doing more firearms instructing.
AllenF Posted - 09/10/2018 : 06:31:36 AM
"Living Forward" by Hyatt and Harkavy. About having a plan and stop drifting.
jbsnc Posted - 09/01/2018 : 9:50:01 PM
Once I was an avid reader, particularly of whodunnits and adventure, but have lost much enthusiasm. A few months back I tried 2 James Patterson whodunnits but finished neither. Did just buy The Russian Hoax by Greg Jarrett but will wait until the weather cools before I try reading. It may be too heavy for me.

Happy Nuding.
free2be Posted - 08/30/2018 : 4:23:18 PM
Finished GoT series. I then moved on to a book by Craig Falconer called “Not Alone”. SciFi about an Alien conspiracy. Interesting read with good characters that held my interest. So much so that I then read “Not Alone - Second Contact” which was also good. Then moved on to “Terradox” and I’m about half way through the next book “The Fall of Terradox”. If you like SciFi that has a good story line with interesting characters, I think you would like books by Craig Falconer. I’m already looking to see what other books he has written for when I’m done with the one I’m on now.
Warmskin Posted - 01/21/2018 : 5:46:13 PM
To Sailawaybob, regarding the outdoors and mountain men. There some great books about that, that I have stumbled onto in that area. I love them!! Some of the main men were Jedediah Smith, Joseph Rutherford Walker, Kit Carson, John Fremont, Jim Bridger,etc. All good reading.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Warmskin Posted - 01/21/2018 : 4:59:53 PM
For some reason, I have found reading well-written articles on the Internet pushing book reading out of my life to a good extent. I do have a couple of bookcases of books of all kinds, though, and I used them for referencing. I get flak from other family members for having all those books. Strange! As if being well-read is a problem.

As far as the philosophy of naturism is concerned, there a lot of excellent articles on the net. It's a shame that there are exploitative websites out there, and some folks' minds have polluted the Internet, and they try to turn naturism into something that it's not.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Nude in AK Posted - 01/10/2018 : 5:49:28 PM
Received several Louis Lamour books but have not taken the time to start any of them. Also received a book called 'the mystery of the Cache Creek murders. It is a true story about murders in one of the mining districts in Alaska during the late 1930's. I have been in this area several times, so I know something of the area. One would think that being winter and not much nude outside time, that one would have lots of time to read. Well not me. I seem to be as busy during the winter as the summer time.
free2be Posted - 01/09/2018 : 8:04:09 PM
Finally made it to book 5 in the series for GoT. I've only seen season 1 on TV. Does anyone know how closely the TV version followed the book?
free2be Posted - 07/13/2017 : 12:53:53 PM
Thank you for your service Nude in AK! I, as many others on this site, are prior military, so I'm always looking for the next book to read. Since I do like military books, I'll keep "House to House" in mind.
Nude in AK Posted - 07/13/2017 : 09:48:27 AM
Recently read a book called 'house to house'! It dealt with some events in Iraq during 2004-2005. Since I was there during this time, it gave me a little different view from what I saw!
Need something a little lighter to read after this one though!
free2be Posted - 06/23/2017 : 5:45:33 PM
I guess I can't even keep up with my own forum... it's been awhile and several books having been read since my last post. Anyways, right now I am reading the first book in the Game of Thrones series.
free2be Posted - 10/25/2015 : 11:05:03 AM
I think I may have mentioned that I have a very diverse interest in reading màterial. I have gone from WWII to "John Carter of Mars - The First Five Novels" by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Just finished the first of the five and it is entertaining.
Daretobare Posted - 10/25/2015 : 06:37:59 AM
Just finished "The naked truth" by Lisa Brandt. Not the best read or the best for promoting nudism. It was cheap on kindle, quick to read and had some humor. Now looking into Too old to be naked by John Reyna.

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