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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pilot Posted - 11/15/2007 : 8:46:50 PM
...have you personally introduced to C/O recreation?

What were your strategies?

Why did you make the introductions?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rooftopwilly Posted - 02/11/2020 : 11:40:28 PM
Definitely sounds like a valid concern. Maybe let her know that under no circumstances is she to imbibe on any alcohol or substances while you are there.
speedy123 Posted - 02/10/2020 : 4:29:40 PM
Hi Nudony, sounds like you have a valid concern, and a good plan for it. It's neat that she changed her mind, and would visit with you and your wife, but I think it's wise to let her know up front what is expected.
Nudony Posted - 02/09/2020 : 11:48:57 PM
Something happened this week end that falls in line with the topic...more or less...

Maybe three or four years ago, one of my wife's closest friends found out about my "nudist ways" when my then-gf/now-wife basically "outed me." She then asked me a bunch of questions about nudism, some smart and some "not-so-smart"; and I did my best to present the best possible "picture" of social nudism for her. Her then-boyfriend was present at the time, and she asked him if he would be game to do a "double nudist outing" with us. He was game, so was my wife; and so she told me to let her know when and where we'd be visiting a resort and we'd all go.
A few weeks later I'd done my research, found a resort nearby (I should add that at the time my wife was not yet a resort social nudist) and told my wife to tell her friend to "get ready." She then responded to my wife that she was basically "chickening out." The excuse that she gave was that she was not quite ready for me to be naked in front of her; or her in front of me. I just shook my head and wrote it off.

Shortly after this my wife and her friend had a dispute and subsequent "falling out." They stopped talking to each other...until last year. They reconnected and re-ignited their friendship. I was skeptical at first but it seems their friendship is back to where it was.

Today they hung out for a while at our home while I was out...and the topic of nudism came up. My wife told her that since their "falling out" she had been nude at several resorts and went on to talk about her experiences there. When I got back home the friend was gone; and my wife hit me with a: "Guess what? S. wants to come with us the next time we go to the resort." My first reaction was a very sarcastic: "Yeah right!" But then she explained to me that since her break-up, S. has been going through a personal transformation and is 100% open to new experiences.
However...S. still has substance abuse problems. The last time we threw a party S. got completely trashed; much to all the other attendee's dismay.
I shared my concerns with my wife; who then texted them to S. And S. responded that she understood my concerns; but she is really willing and ready to try social nudity this time. And she will definitely be coming and joining in the next time we go...if I'm cool with it. My wife seems convinced that there is actually little doubt S. is coming with us.

One the one hand, it will definitely be pretty cool to introduce someone - who is not related to me - to social nudism. That hasn't happened since my best friend some 25 years ago. I certainly don't have any hang-ups about being naked in front of S. when we get to the resort; and I think that my wife getting naked will probably be enough to "motivate" S. to get naked too (btw they have already seen each other naked many times over the years). As far as my personal feelings about S. being naked around me...there's a natural smidge of curiosity but that's as far as it goes. So I don't think nudity per se will be an issue.
But I'm skeptical of her behavior and substance abuse issues. The last thing I want is for S. to get wasted and start "stumbling around" naked and potentially forcing us out of the resort. I like that resort and don't want to become persona non grata because of her.
So it's a bit of a dilemma for me. I guess at some point I should have a one-on-one conversation with S. and discuss "expectations." I really don't care if she gets naked or not; I'm just concerned whether she understands that the nudist resort is not a "party hard" environment; and she should only come if she wants to get relax; and enjoy some paddle boarding or a game of horseshoes with us. And should she choose to get naked...I'll do everything I can to make it a positive experience for her.

We'll see...

rooftopwilly Posted - 02/05/2020 : 07:39:40 AM
At least you have some friends. I don’t know anyone else that enjoys the nude lifestyle other than people online. I’m glad my girlfriend took to it, but she’s the only one.
Nude in AK Posted - 02/05/2020 : 01:35:17 AM
It is good to be with others of the same mind set as we have, but they tend to be few up here in Alaska. I know a couple people that enjoy the nude life style, but finding others can be a big challenge.
I will have to do with the small group that I already know. It is fun to read about the adventures that others have.
rooftopwilly Posted - 02/03/2020 : 02:16:15 AM
Good luck free2be
free2be Posted - 02/02/2020 : 4:38:23 PM
We were just having a conversation recently with my wife’s brother and sister which also included their spouses. She told them that we were planning my annual birthday trip to Gunnison (or possibly someplace closer) in June and that they were welcome to join us. They answered that they had both gone to a CO beach once before... but did not get naked or even top less. It was not a “No” I’ll let everyone know what happens. I doubt they would go but who knows. I would take a victory lap if any came with us...even if they stayed clothed.
FireProf Posted - 02/02/2020 : 09:24:44 AM
Agree... we've never been out to "convert" anyone but we do, often, educate those with misconceptions about nudism. We know that our close textile friends are curious about our lifestyle but they won't broach the subject. A couple have begun to and when they see our eagerness to explain or talk about it, they quickly change the subject. So have just dropped it.

What will be sad is if we go through most of our entire lives hoping they'd join us and find out they wanted to but we never just came out and asked them to. You could get some close friends to try it, like it or actually lose them as friends forever, because of trying to convert. Hence, our two circles of close friends; one nudist, one clothed.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nudony Posted - 02/02/2020 : 01:33:15 AM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

It's far easier to make new friends at a nudist venue than it is to introduce your textile friends to nudism.

I think a lot of the people who are "out to convert" people are those who live too far from the beach or resort, are home-nudists and trying to create their own "social nudist network."

That is actually pretty darn hard. Creating a non-landed club is perhaps the best option for those people.

It is much easier to go to a nudist resort and make friends there. The connection to nudism already exists; and so it's just a matter of connecting with them on a personal level. That's not always the easiest thing either; with the prevalence of "cliques" that can be difficult to break through. But if you're socially adept, it's just a matter of meeting the "right" people.

calgarymark Posted - 02/01/2020 : 3:16:35 PM
Did I miss something? I thought opera was all about elaborate textile costumes.

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
NaturistDoc Posted - 01/31/2020 : 4:19:20 PM
Like many of the other responders, I can only take credit for one convert: Ms. ND. I suspect that is more the rule than the exception. It's far easier to make new friends at a nudist venue than it is to introduce your textile friends to nudism.

By way of analogy, suppose you wished you had friends who enjoyed opera. (I think we can take it as a given that, like nudism, the majority of people aren't all that interested in opera.) You could drag your friends to see 'Parsifal' (all 4+ hours), or, God forbid, 'Wozzeck'. My guess is you'd be somewhat more likely to lose your friends entirely than to convert them to opera fans. Or ... you could buy season tickets, join the local Opera Guild, attend a few galas and fundraisers, and meet a bunch of people you might become friends with who already like opera. To my mind, the second option makes much more sense.
Nudony Posted - 01/26/2020 : 12:30:36 PM
FP's post just reminded me that I "technically" introduced a third person to nudism: my daughter!

Home-nudism never needed an "introduction" though. I was already a home-nudist when she was born so she'd always known nudity. But I did introduce her to social nudism when she was about 3.

That came about after relocating and joining Travelites. We met some nudists there and the topic of our daughter came up. Some of the people there encouraged us to involve our daughter. My then-wife and I assessed the situation: we were all frequently naked at home around each other at that point; and my daughter was definitely comfortable with nudity. But was she ready to be around naked strangers? But the arguments the folks we met were compelling; so we decided to give it a shot and bring our daughter to the next get-together. It was actually pretty successful. But my daughter got a little bored and we realized that taking her somewhere where she could play with other kids her age might be more fun for her. So I did my research and found that, at the time, Bell Acres was a family-oriented resort that organized activities for kids. So we took her there and it was a "resounding" success. So we made Bell Acres our go-to resort for a number of years.

But, as it is often the case, my daughter started showing signs of self-consciousness when she was about nine. Her body started developing early; and she was very conscious of it. I thought having been around other nudists, particularly teenage girls would have given her idea of what to expect; but
it didn't prepare her for the emotional impact. So that was the end of that. As it often happens.

FireProf Posted - 01/26/2020 : 09:42:40 AM
Since my initial post over 12 years ago...

I never really introduced my wife to nudism. She'd known that I preferred being nude at home when we were dating in HS. When at our house and alone, we'd get naked, fool around and then just sit and listen to music and talk, do homework.

When we got back to our apartment after our wedding reception, we took off our clothes and stayed that way for 3 days! She loved it and just fell right into living nude after that. When we had our first child, we always remained nude at home and as our child grew older, she didn't know any different than to see her parents naked. It was the same for our second child. Though I guess we did "introduce" our girls to nudism, they needed no introduction, they just followed suit... bday suit!

At the age of 12, both girls stopped being nudists because their friends made fun of them but we continued. We eventually got involved in social nudism and told the girls about it. They were interested and want to revisit via an annual trip we took to the Caribbean. They'd been away from nudism for 20 years by this time.

It was the Summer after I retired. We decided to make that trip about my retirement and the girls, one son in law and 4 grandkids asked to go alone with us. When we got home, that trip sparked many, many conversations with our daughter's friends, both male and female. They always came to us with questions and we spoke honestly and frankly with them. We know that some of them began sleeping nude and still do to this day. We know that some of them spend naked time at home, in their hot tub and pool but I certain none of them consider themselves nudists.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Daretobare Posted - 01/26/2020 : 05:04:56 AM
Indirectly my wife. She knew I wanted to try a nude beach. She kinda put the pressure on to seek one out in Florida. So I could take it off my bucket list I guess. But after some persuasion once there, she undressed. She has been involved since.
Her sister and her husband. Took them to our favorite resort. They stayed with us and went all five days on their vacation and now go couple times a year. In honesty... Probably hasn't been the best thing by introducing them into it.
Our sons. Took them too to the resort. All are onboard. One is an active visitor to the resort and nude beach. Others don't have oppurtunity.
A few complete strangers that were strolling the beach as curiosity seekers. After some calming persuasion they tried it. Many came back after breaking the ice. And then a few in our community where we live. After explaining the real reason behind nudity. They too tried it at a resort. Not many went back but those too saw things as its ok if you're comfortable with it.
Nudony Posted - 01/25/2020 : 11:29:58 PM
Well if we're counting significant others...

With my first wife it was a long process. Lots of discussions, lots of back and forth, negotiations, etc... In her defense she had body-acceptance issues so I can understand she wasn't "thrilled" with the prospect of being seen naked by many people. Ironically and in spite of the strong initial reluctance, she would eventually come to embrace nudism in a way I never expected. That was primarily due to the way she was embraced by the nudist community. She got to know some people, get comfortable being naked around them; and from there actually started spending a lot of her time naked.

Then I introduced my current wife to nudism in St Martin. She wasn't nearly as reluctant as my first wife; but unfortunately she did not like her experience there. Luckily she agreed to give nudism another chance at the nudist resort; and luckily enjoyed it very much.

What's been interesting to see is how they both experience nudism in different ways. For my current wife, it's a opportunity to relax, get some sun, enjoy some R&R and time with me. For my first wife, it was an opportunity to express body-positivity; so for her being "naked and unashamed" was much more of a focus, so she would often be the first person naked and the last person dressed.

Two different philosophies; nothing wrong with either.

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