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 slipping off your bathing suit at a public beach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sailawaybob Posted - 02/08/2013 : 8:17:12 PM
has anyone been at a public (non-nude) beach with other bathers around, how did you conceal your being nude to those nearby.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FireProf Posted - 07/04/2017 : 2:45:49 PM
I'm more willing to slip outta my shorts and sit nude at a textile beach than my wife has been. The last textile beach I did this was a state beach south of us. We took our chairs down close to the water, had a couple fingers of whiskey in some cups, I had my cigar and we sat and scoped out the conditions.

It didn't take long to realize that most everyone in the state beach campground was up by their RV's and my wife and I had the beach to ourselves. I discreetly slipped my shorts off and sat semi naked the entire time until it was time to head back to the RV for the night. Semi naked because I also had a zippered sweatshirt on and it was a cool night but I was comfortable with the sweatshirt unzipped. My wife's only comment ... "I wish I had your guts!" By the way, she had on a zippered sweatshirt as well and opened it and enjoyed some semi topless time with me for a while. Maybe it was the whiskey that warmed us up!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
gnarlyoldman Posted - 07/04/2017 : 10:38:57 AM
A couple years ago I went naked on a beach in California, walked down about a mile naked, walked back to the parking, washed off in the shower, and then put on something to walk to my car. Nobody complained.

Beaches that are now "traditional clothing optional" got that way because people started going naked there.

Naked is green.
soonbnude Posted - 07/04/2017 : 09:36:24 AM

My board shorts are so old my grown up kids have never seen me wear anything else, that's when I go to a textile beach. Otherwise I use speedo's usually for pool lap swimming and a wet suit in ocean swim events, then clearly nothing at the CO beach.

This thread started with the question about going nude at a textile beach and I've found here you can do it on a quiet beach if you are discreet. Find some undulations, sit in the low part, have clothes or a back-back or drink bottles to partially obscure your side view and don't try to show off.

Last summer the girls bikini's were smaller but the guys shorts were also getting smaller again. The long shorts are ridiculous.
steineri Posted - 07/04/2017 : 03:31:48 AM
Originally posted by nudewalker

I would tend to agree as it pertains to females however most males I've seen at the beach are wearing those board shorts. In fact how do they keep from being pulled under with all that weight? Personally; my preference has been the tan through from Coolwave in the board short style, a little oversized for ease of slipping off and on for public beaches.

When I was on a cruise with my family, my sister and I went to a beach, and were laying in the waves. When I went to get up, my shorts were full of sand, and almost came off. I don't even wear that long of shorts, and always cut the liner out, but still managed to accumulate a good amount of sand. Confused the hell out of me when I went to stand up too.
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 09/15/2014 : 2:05:03 PM
Originally posted by FullSun

Not that I ever see this happening but could you imagine the lobbying by the textile industry, designers, clothing stores etc. if congress were ever to hear a bill allowing nudity? I'd bet that lobbying would drown out the social lobbying from those that for some reason can't read their Bible and think nudity is a sin etc. Of course the media would probably make a big deal on the social part of the lobbying as opposed to the economic part. The industry would not only hate the economic impact but also losing control of what society deems to be the in fashion.

As I've said, they go from the production of clothes/swimsuits to the production of towels and tote bags and the like.

Live Long and Prosper
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 09/15/2014 : 2:03:15 PM
Originally posted by gnarlyoldman

You’ve got that right, men’s shorts have gotten so long that they’re hardly shorts anymore. I’d say that they’re more like highwaters. And on most they look ridiculous, but for some I can see why they are more comfortable then regular pants. I have a friend who has had some major surgery on his legs and regular pants bother his scars too much.

Naked would bother his scar less. and his other parts. I hate absense of shorts in stores. If I wanted pants I would buy pants.


And even though that we here know that we’d all be better off, hell even the US Government published an article/study that showed that at least when it comes to swimming that we’d be better off going skinny dipping. It was published in a local paper down here in Florida.

Of course we would all be better off naked much of the time.

Naked is green.

Agreed, and from conversations we’ve had together I do believe that he is also a nudist, or at the very least that he is nude friendly.

So true, for the summer months going nude and using fans and a dehumidifier or two would keep people cool.

Live Long and Prosper
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 09/15/2014 : 1:58:39 PM
Originally posted by nudewalker

Heaven forbid that the US government would endorse skinny-dipping! I can hear the cry of foul from the bible belt and the so called moral majority that the liberals are ruining the country. Or the conservatives want too much freedom. In the meantime I will continue to slip my swimsuit off while in the water until someone in charge comes to their senses and actually agrees to more open nude recreation. As for the fashion industry, could you imagine the uproar of all those designers who could no longer dictate what people would wear on the beach? What would Sports Illustrated do without their swimsuit issue to pump circulation? Maybe what ESPN does and show people in all their glory!

Nude Walker,

That’s exactly what it did, and for the reasons stated in the article.

Even though you are right, in that there would probably be some sort of “outcry” over it.

They could transfer their attention from swimsuits/clothing to towels.

That’s an idea, I mean they already do enough layouts with models who are topless, bottomless, or just wearing body paint.

Live Long and Prosper
FullSun Posted - 09/15/2014 : 1:36:15 PM
Not that I ever see this happening but could you imagine the lobbying by the textile industry, designers, clothing stores etc. if congress were ever to hear a bill allowing nudity? I'd bet that lobbying would drown out the social lobbying from those that for some reason can't read their Bible and think nudity is a sin etc. Of course the media would probably make a big deal on the social part of the lobbying as opposed to the economic part. The industry would not only hate the economic impact but also losing control of what society deems to be the in fashion.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 09/15/2014 : 11:29:13 AM
You’ve got that right, men’s shorts have gotten so long that they’re hardly shorts anymore. I’d say that they’re more like highwaters. And on most they look ridiculous, but for some I can see why they are more comfortable then regular pants. I have a friend who has had some major surgery on his legs and regular pants bother his scars too much.

Naked would bother his scar less. and his other parts. I hate absense of shorts in stores. If I wanted pants I would buy pants.


And even though that we here know that we’d all be better off, hell even the US Government published an article/study that showed that at least when it comes to swimming that we’d be better off going skinny dipping. It was published in a local paper down here in Florida.

Of course we would all be better off naked much of the time.

Naked is green.
nudewalker Posted - 09/14/2014 : 8:37:13 PM
Heaven forbid that the US government would endorse skinny dipping! I can hear the cry of foul from the bible belt and the so called moral majority that the liberals are ruining the country. Or the conservatives want too much freedom. In the meantime I will continue to slip my swim suit off while in the water until someone in charge comes to their senses and actually agrees to more open nude recreation. As for the fashion industry, could you imagine the uproar of all those designers who could no longer dictate what people would wear on the beach? What would Sports Illustrated do without their swimsuit issue to pump circulation? Maybe what ESPN does and show people in all their glory!
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 09/14/2014 : 12:10:05 PM
Originally posted by FullSun

I agree it’s silly but the media and marketing people have people believing that you need to be covered and the suits are sexy thus you’ll get attention. Think about it, it you go to a textile beach you and other guys are drawn to look at the skimpy suits women are wearing but on a nude beach you look but not in the same way and are not drawn to it. But also on a textile beach you tend to have a couple here, a couple there, a family over there etc and no one is interacting. On a nude beach people tend to get together and talk, play games, etc. So does the sexy suit get you attention? Yes, but it the unwanted short term leering from men that the woman gets is instead of the fun friendship building conversation.

As for men’s suits, it I have to have one the smaller (Speedo, thong, etc) the better but no suit is my preference. The long board shorts etc just look stupid. For that matter general shorts for men have gotten so long that I and some friends no longer call them shorts but instead call them ‘longs’. Why do the designers think men’s shorts and suits need to be so long? I’ve been at the store a number of times and overhead other men shopping for shorts complaining about how long they are.


I would have to agree with you. Especially in today’s world I have to wonder how much our mores are influenced not by what is right or wrong, but by Madison Ave.? And the irony is that the women wearing those skimpy suits are both “offended” if we men pay them attention and they’re offended if we don’t. So we can’t win for losing as the saying goes.

You’ve got that right, men’s shorts have gotten so long that they’re hardly shorts anymore. I’d say that they’re more like highwaters. And on most they look ridiculous, but for some I can see why they are more comfortable then regular pants. I have a friend who has had some major surgery on his legs and regular pants bother his scars too much.

And even though that we here know that we’d all be better off, hell even the US Government published an article/study that showed that at least when it comes to swimming that we’d be better off going skinny dipping. It was published in a local paper down here in Florida.

One of the reasons that was cited in the article/study for recommending skinny dipping is that by wearing suits we tend to trap diatoms and whatnot between us and the suits and that’s part of why so many people end up itchy after swimming. No swim suits, no trapped diatoms, no itchiness after swimming.

Live Long and Prosper
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 09/14/2014 : 11:42:18 AM
Originally posted by nudewalker

I would tend to agree as it pertains to females however most males I’ve seen at the beach are wearing those board shorts. In fact how do they keep from being pulled under with all that weight? Personally; my preference has been the tan through from Coolwave in the board short style, a little oversized for ease of slipping off and on for public beaches.


I have to agree with both observations. It seems as if females bathing suits are getting smaller and smaller and smaller, covering less and less and less “real estate.” Or all they’re really doing is emphasizing/overemphasizing the female form.

I also have to agree with you in that I don’t see how it is that those board shorts that guys are wearing these days don’t drag ‘em down to the “briny deep.”

It’d be nice IF everyone could learn the joy of going nude. And how ridiculous they are for insisting that people wear clothing when there is no legitimate need/reason for doing so.

Live Long and Prosper
FullSun Posted - 09/13/2014 : 5:41:35 PM
I agree it's silly but the media and marketing people have people believing that you need to be covered and the suits are sexy thus you'll get attention. Think about it, it you go to a textile beach you and other guys are drawn to look at the skimpy suits women are wearing but on a nude beach you look but not in the same way and are not drawn to it. But also on a textile beach you tend to have a couple here, a couple there, a family over there etc and no one is interacting. On a nude beach people tend to get together and talk, play games, etc. So does the sexy suit get you attention? Yes, but it the unwanted short term leering from men that the woman gets is instead of the fun friendship building conversation.

As for mens's suits, it I have to have one the smaller (speedo, thong, etc) the better but no suit is my preference. The long board shorts etc just look stupid. For that matter general shorts for men have gotten so long that I and some friends no longer call them shorts but instead call them 'longs'. Why do the designers think mens's shorts and suits need to be so long? I've been at the store a number of times and overhead other men shopping for shorts complaining about how long they are.
nudewalker Posted - 09/13/2014 : 2:58:27 PM
I would tend to agree as it pertains to females however most males I've seen at the beach are wearing those board shorts. In fact how do they keep from being pulled under with all that weight? Personally; my preference has been the tan through from Coolwave in the board short style, a little oversized for ease of slipping off and on for public beaches.
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 09/13/2014 : 1:44:37 PM
I've been thinking about this thread for the last couple of days.

Given, how small/skimpy bathing suits are becoming these days. Why do the textiles even bother with the pretense anymore?

I mean come on, they're so small/skimpy/revealing that for all intents and purposes they are nude, or all but nude. So as I asked why keep up the pretense anymore?

Live Long and Prosper

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