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 Where have all the nudist gone

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sailawaybob Posted - 12/29/2008 : 9:19:22 PM
I have notice since the beginning of winter that a lot of the regular posters have hibernated, is nudism a warm weather event for most.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 01/09/2009 : 12:17:13 AM
ok folks some of us disappear 4 awhile like Cheri but we reapear like me. Perhaps there are more important things going on in their personal lives that they just don't for a min. maybe they found a better chat room who knows?

Skinny Women are not Evil
ROB g Posted - 01/07/2009 : 9:55:33 PM
Enough said. Will not comment on this subject again. Just glad that it has been cleared up.
HomeNudist Posted - 01/07/2009 : 6:25:35 PM
Thank you for the explanation.

All this went down shortly before I joined here. It is good to learn from history so we don't float additional doo-doo in the pool . . .
Admin Posted - 01/07/2009 : 4:58:40 PM
Perhaps a full disclosure of recent events in is order. Our apologies to any parties that would prefer this were not brought up again.

Cheri is not currently banned. Her 30 day temporary ban for resort bashing expired around Oct 30 2008. Her invitation back into the forum was sent by email shortly thereafter.

Melissa is currently banned. She intentionally got into the fray, made statements misrepresenting our policies, continued the resort bashing, and generally made things worse. She is banned indefinitely, or permanently.

Moderator, a moderator of long standing was relieved of duty for repeatedly censoring member comments without indicating the changes and which policy was being enforced. Policy requires a clear record and disclosure of all alterations to member posts.

A small number of members asked to be removed from the forum, which was provided as they requested. In most cases their previous contributions to the forum will remain, and will be attributed as n/a.

All this was unfortunate, but it stems from a misunderstanding of this forum. We are not ultra-conservative, nor are we swinger-nudist. We see ourselves as being in the middle, and perhaps we are the best umbrella for these various types of guests who, while different, always obey the house rules. Differences between philosophies are healthy, provided the parties can still work together on the important issues.

Our policy of prohibiting resort bashing is a central one to this forum. Resort bashing is defined in this context as spreading negativity about a destination you've never visited, or making non-specific smears of any business.

It was becoming fashionable to bash - - Tampa for its invitation of well behaved lifestyle groups. From our research and direct observation - - security does effectively curtail any overt sexual activity, and the groups have not presented a problem, while bringing needed revenue to a resort with high operating costs.

- - Tampa is a luxury destination appropriate for families, couples, and singles. The clothing optional themed parties, exclusively for adults, are nothing more than an opportunity to dress up and be an adult, even a sexy adult if that's your style.

We don't expect the ultra-conservatives to accept this, but they must stop attacking or denigrating it in this forum.

We still draw the line at any establishment that creates a situation where a guest is subjected to an unexpected overt sexual display.

This is a policy that may be harder for ultra-conservatives and swinger-nudists to understand. Anyone who supports this diversity is welcome in our group.
nudeisbetter Posted - 01/07/2009 : 4:32:51 PM
I don't quite remember, but apparently after repeated warnings she continued to be somewhat negative about a resort that did not completely conform to AANR principles. Or something like that. This is pure heresay - I wasn't involved.

n/a Posted - 01/07/2009 : 2:39:33 PM
Originally posted by nudeisbetter

She got the boot from here a while ago.

What could she possibly have done to warrant getting "the boot"??????

If you don't like my profile picture, then use whiteout on your monitor.
go n nude Posted - 01/07/2009 : 2:15:47 PM
Originally posted by nudeisbetter

She got the boot from here a while ago.

Members list, cheri (forum member) 3,518 posts maybe a oversight.

go n nude
nudeisbetter Posted - 01/07/2009 : 11:11:10 AM
She got the boot from here a while ago.

go n nude Posted - 01/07/2009 : 10:18:35 AM
Sorry to hear, cheri will be missed here indeed.Done so much for wholesome family friendly nudism and the organization,s AANR &TNS a real ambassador of this forum will be missed unfortunately...

go n nude
ROB g Posted - 01/07/2009 : 09:28:12 AM
In case any one want's to know. I got a letter from cheri. She won't be back. but she can be found on netnude. for any one who wants to discuss serious nude topics.
ROB g Posted - 01/06/2009 : 10:33:27 PM
teva has informed me that cheri can be found on or skinbook was the other place i believe.
won't get into the reason here. but to the best of knowledge it had nothing to do with that perv. She kept
go n nude Posted - 01/06/2009 : 12:51:46 PM
Where's the nudist gone? Good question indeed and the answers to the reasons with the replies on this thread tell much about Why and How.

go n nude
nudelonewolf Posted - 01/04/2009 : 11:40:09 PM
This could have been a scene from the old Saturday Night Live:
Weren't they over in November? What's the big deal? No Says Chevy to Gilda...they were talking about ERECTIONS. OOOH Nevermind!
Originally posted by honeysuckle

LOL Doc ... you crack me up ..

they don't have as much to talk about

Jersey, if you like I'll start up a new thread on erections :)

If you don't like my profile picture, then use whiteout on your monitor.

OLD BUZZARD Posted - 01/04/2009 : 12:06:05 PM
I cant beleive Cheri would violate any forums.I notice that there are fewer people on the forum at this time...........old buzzard

not as good as i once was........DAMMIT

Warmskin Posted - 01/02/2009 : 5:34:49 PM
Originally posted by HappyDaz

Okay, I'll be the one who says it. Does is strike anyone (veteran forum members) as odd that we haven't heard from Cheri lately?
Her profile states her last post was sometime last summer. I'm guessing that if she had a falling out with this site, there are
likely those who would also stay away. I don't have any insider info, this is just speculation.

Cheri was banned for 30 days, I understand, for forum violations. If I am incorrect about this, my sincere apologies to the administrator.

It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.
Thomas Jefferson

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