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 son wanting to be nudist, what should i do?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bigwhite1017 Posted - 07/19/2008 : 5:57:16 PM
Hey, i made an account on here to ask about my son and his desired to become a nudist, any help is greatly appreciated.

1. My son has been researching nudism and thinks it would be the right choice for him.

2. I have a couple questions about nudism, sorry if i offend anyone.

If my son is nudist, should the me and my wife become a nudist too?

My son is a taller kid and he has a couple stretchmarks from growing so tall before his skin was ready, do nudists mind that stuff?

Since my son is 13, his hormones have been elevating lately, since it would be his first time attempting going to a place where nudists hang out, what would happen if he had an errection if some girls were around, would it be ok if it was his first time or not?

Do nudists care about how other people look, as in some of there body parts aren't big enough?

Any help is appreciated, if not on here you can reach me on aim, u can instant message me, my screenname is bigwhite1017 thanks
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 03/05/2012 : 08:28:58 AM
Cony for me I got into nudism by curiosity after finding a nude resort brochure in my parents bedroom, so nudism wasnt new to them but it just wasnt a family thing. My mom was one who would shower and come out with breasts feeling the wind right in front of me but as I got older and showed interest in being nude myself suddenly I was wrong. I am just happy my mother in law now supports my going nude and often is ok seeing it.
Originally posted by cony

Originally posted by renobiker

My opinion coming from a nudist son to non nudist parents is this, please please support him in this, do not make him feel like his being nude is wrong, and if relatives get word of his choice and attack it, stick up for him. My mother never stood up for me nor supported my choice and it made life miserable.

Hi renobiker, welcome to the group.
The problem with non nudist parents is that they do not read this. We all know there is nothing wrong and that he should be supported, they are stuck in the other brainwashed sphere.


cony Posted - 03/05/2012 : 07:29:20 AM
Originally posted by renobiker

My opinion coming from a nudist son to non nudist parents is this, please please support him in this, do not make him feel like his being nude is wrong, and if relatives get word of his choice and attack it, stick up for him. My mother never stood up for me nor supported my choice and it made life miserable.

Hi renobiker, welcome to the group.
The problem with non nudist parents is that they do not read this. We all know there is nothing wrong and that he should be supported, they are stuck in the other brainwashed sphere.

n/a Posted - 03/04/2012 : 7:51:09 PM
My opinion coming from a nudist son to non nudist parents is this, please please support him in this, do not make him feel like his being nude is wrong, and if relatives get word of his choice and attack it, stick up for him. My mother never stood up for me nor supported my choice and it made life miserable.
Balto Bob Posted - 06/10/2009 : 04:45:25 AM
This thread may be usefull to the recent new member (Deucer?)

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Renter Posted - 07/31/2008 : 4:00:44 PM

My wife and I wish you and your family the very best. The fact that you are all open to your sons request is a compliment to the entire family.
Balto Bob Posted - 07/31/2008 : 1:09:00 PM
Originally posted by bigwhite1017

thanks for the advice everybody

I have another issue =[

We were trying out the nude thing in our house as a family, and my son got an erection from bladder pressure, should i and my wife and daughter ignore it?


He will need time to adjust. Should you become more public with nudity (resorts, beaches etc), he will need to learn the "rules" the other members have mentioned.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
bigwhite1017 Posted - 07/30/2008 : 6:27:40 PM
Originally posted by thornapplebison

Originally posted by bigwhite1017

thanks for the advice everybody

I have another issue =[

We were trying out the nude thing in our house as a family, and my son got an erection from bladder pressure, should i and my wife and daughter ignore it?

Tell him to splash some cold water on that thing before he puts somebody's eye out!

nudeisbetter Posted - 07/30/2008 : 11:23:33 AM
Bladder pressure??

agde Posted - 07/30/2008 : 10:44:38 AM
Originally posted by bigwhite1017

We were trying out the nude thing in our house as a family, and my son got an erection from bladder pressure, should i and my wife and daughter ignore it?

I grew up in a naturist family and remember the early teen time when erections just happened. Home is a great setting for teenage guys to get through the awkwardness and learn how to react. The first thing is for everyone to keep a sense of humour. Realize you're all going through it and learning about each other together. My dad talked to me openly about erections in front of whomever was around including my 2-yr-younger sister, just as my mom talked to my sister about periods. It was just learning how nature works (including the impact of a full bladder). We also learned kind of standard rituals, like just to sit down for a minute and let the erection pass. My dad's thing, he said, was the old standby of thinking about baseball or some current news item, my thing was to think about a math puzzle. If my sister was around, she'd helpfully say something like "what's 743 divided by 8 times 3?"

This family atmosphere was of course later replicated when I was the parent. Every naturist family goes through these things and I think it's part of the reason why naturist kids tend to get through teen years with less trauma and knowing better how cope with the world.

NudeAl Posted - 07/29/2008 : 8:42:40 PM
Originally posted by bigwhite1017

thanks for the advice everybody

I have another issue =[

We were trying out the nude thing in our house as a family, and my son got an erection from bladder pressure, should i and my wife and daughter ignore it?

Teenage males get erections frequently. I would suggest ignoring it and for you to talk to him privately letting him know that if he gets them in a nudist club he should be discrete, rolling over, jumping in the pool or just covering it with his ever present towel to prevent him from becoming the focus of unwanted attention. I am not saying there is anything wrong with it just that the common practice in a nudist setting it to cover it until it goes away.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -- Robert Frost
thornapplebison Posted - 07/29/2008 : 8:07:04 PM
Originally posted by bigwhite1017

thanks for the advice everybody

I have another issue =[

We were trying out the nude thing in our house as a family, and my son got an erection from bladder pressure, should i and my wife and daughter ignore it?

Tell him to splash some cold water on that thing before he puts somebody's eye out!

boomdriver Posted - 07/29/2008 : 7:43:59 PM

Your son should understand that nudists DO use the restroom on occasion, just as we do when clothed. The event may or may not have been totally caused by bladder pressure, perhaps a little excitement from finally getting to realize his ambition. It sometimes takes a while for this to pass, as your family becomes accustomed to mixed nudity. Make sure the clothes-free feeling seems normal, natural, and comfortable within your family before considering a beach or resort trip. You've already cleared the biggest hurdles just by getting THIS far, so don't give up, relax, and enjoy yourselves.

Keep us posted!

I'm sure I think I said what I probably meant, but maybe not.
nickdragon385 Posted - 07/29/2008 : 6:28:42 PM
Originally posted by bigwhite1017

For the ?'s the last guy asked me, yes, i do have another child, she's 11, and she's starting to grow up and just started getting hair in places, sometmes she walks around the house naked and doesn't seem to mind.

As for my wife she is pretty open minded about it. Sometimes she reads some of the topics and says nudists are very accepting and nice people.

Last night since my son wants to try the nudist life. I tried sleeping naked first. I could never get to sleep. I could close my eyes and almost fall asleep but i never fully went to sleep. Any tips on that??

Keep adding advice, the more the better

When I first started sleeping in the nude I couldnt get used to it and I would have a hard time sleeping. If you try it from either 1 week to a month straight sleeping naked, you will most likely get used to it (everybody is different.) I have started to regularly sleep in the nude in the beginning of the summer and have gotten used to it, but now I can't sleep with my underwear on, thats how I used to sleep and now it is very uncomfortable.
bigwhite1017 Posted - 07/29/2008 : 6:18:20 PM
thanks for the advice everybody

I have another issue =[

We were trying out the nude thing in our house as a family, and my son got an erection from bladder pressure, should i and my wife and daughter ignore it?
JonR Posted - 07/25/2008 : 5:21:36 PM
Good for your son being brave enough to tell you about his interest in being a nudist. As many have said, far better for him to do it at home, at least initially. If you and your wife can support him by following his lead, then it means that he can visit clubs etc (with you) and get more out of naturism by meeting others.

I'm sure it will feel a bit strange at first, but you do get used to the not-wearing-clothes-at-home thing very quickly.

Good luck to you all!


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