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 Something you have always wanted to do nude

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lamop Posted - 05/25/2008 : 02:35:08 AM
Just wondering if theres somting that you have wanted to do nude but never have.

I personaly would want to be in a movie/documentary about nudism like explaining what its all about and what we do!

So how about you?

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nudeintpa Posted - 11/05/2008 : 09:14:23 AM
Enjoy a week on a greek island resort and some boating to visit other islands.

Teva Posted - 11/04/2008 : 3:06:26 PM
Originally posted by dirtyhari2004

I dont have problem being nude but I have seen younger people getting erections but if they ignor it the penis get flaccid eventually. It is only natural. I myself dont have any problem with that but what do others think?


There are many threads about erections. This thread is for things you've always wanted to do nude.
dirtyhari2004 Posted - 11/04/2008 : 11:43:18 AM
I dont have problem being nude but I have seen younger people getting erections but if they ignor it the penis get flaccid eventually. It is only natural. I myself dont have any problem with that but what do others think?

Warmskin Posted - 11/03/2008 : 9:15:41 PM
Possibly being a keynote speaker, in the nude, addressing a textile audience. Now that is total freedon. Of course, I would make sure the audience knew ahead of time.

Maybe I'm going off topic, as this would be merely interesting, not one of my goals. Perhaps we start a new topic on the least likely situation where an employee in various catetories of occupatons would be would be nude for a day. E.g., a doctor, waitress, etc. NaturistDoc is going to go after me on that one. On the other hand, it might not be seen as humorous, but more as exhibitionist. I will yield to the forum management on that. Humor is our best friend.

That government governs best, which governs least - Thomas Jefferson
acoustixman Posted - 11/03/2008 : 3:49:51 PM
Naked-time goals met so far:
-Bike rides, check. (Solo only so far, daytime on cross-country trails, night and dawn hours on street; have seen police who did not seem to raise an eyebrow once that I remember.)
-Hot spring hike and soak, check. (Clothes near a remote desert hot spring? Am I missing something??!!)
-Mountain climbing, check. (Excellent experience beyond words, met with GREAT understanding from other hikers. I'll wear sneakers instead of Tevas next time for the hilly stuff.)
-Yardwork, check. (Backyard anyway.)
-Home improvement and woodworking, check. (Well, maybe not the tablesaw or router parts.)
-Driving, check. (Day and night, highway or byway, especially after a hike when I just can't 'bear' to end the experience. I intend to claim being 'dressed in my car'. Surely it covers more of me from public view than the average miniskirt on the average teenie-bopper these days?)
-Enjoying lunch or a beer on my semi-secluded front porch, check. (UPS guy and political solicitors haven't 'busted' me quite yet.)

Naked wishes that are DEFINITELY GOING to be executed:
-Camping. (Wilderness style with friends who may thus learn something about me; not generally at a campground.)
-Organized 'protest'. (Specifically WNBR interests me a great deal, since you don't have to be a lemming and agree on all counts. Just a nude-with-acceptance opportunity.)
-Boating. (I am looking forward to acquiring a 'fast' Kayak just for being naked away from home, and I have a Hobie Cat that needs some work... You might see me naked on Lake Mead in summer of 2009... My intention is to bring zero clothing (OK, a hat) and assume a rather nonchalant approach to wetting my boat and just paddling [or sailing] off from the marina. Any reason to think I'd get in trouble? I sure shouldn't think so. Clothes just get caught on things and tear and never really protect very much from sharp things or entanglement anyway.)
-More hikes and more bike riding (In particular to ride the 'new' 10-15 mile paved path that circumscribes the hills between Boulder City and Las Vegas, NV. I hope to hike Mt. Charleston on 21 June (naked hike day?), although it is on a Sunday!)

Naked Optimism:
-Involve my beautiful wife in some of my naked activities, in kind. (!!)

Strictly wishful naked thinking:
-Shopping. (Indeed, the whole experience, with a small knapsack.)
-Horseback riding. (I'm not an equestrian either but this just sounds so right. Bareback for the steed too? I should expect so.)
-Motorcycle riding. (As an avid motorcycle transportationist, anything less than "All The Gear, All The Time" will never work for me, but I can dream and wish!)
-Lounging in my open FRONT yard. (other than when I already do this, around dawn time before and after gym workout.)
-Gym workout. (There are clear advantages for self-improvement with full body view during exercise and training.)
-Bringing my clothing to the local landfill for good.
-Getting cash proceeds for said clothing instead. ;)
-Being naked at a public / municipal event (4th of July parade-watching jumps to mind), fully at ease, and without offending anyone, even if most of them should be fully clothed. Sort of a little fantasy of being the only one naked but that being completely alright.)

Maybe someday for some of these. I'm finding out it's really not that hard to be naked a lot, even without 'joining a club'.

By the way, on WNBR, I thought I saw something about an off-date ride in Palm Springs, THIS MONTH (Nov '08). I can't seem to repeat the search though. Anyone know anything about this??

Seeking my role in opening the eyes of the world to the simple harmless pleasure of being naked in our great outdoors.
Balto Bob Posted - 11/02/2008 : 11:09:37 AM
I very much enjoyed the WNBR in DC. People worried about the publicity should TRY to find pictures. flickr and youtube have pulled or restricted most of the photos.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
rooftopwilly Posted - 11/02/2008 : 12:11:36 AM
Hopefully I'll be doing that next year at the naked bike ride in Burlington, VT. I have ridden my bicycle naked before, but it was just around my neighborhood, late at night.

Mike2Nude Posted - 11/01/2008 : 10:40:14 PM
Go for a bike (pedal type) ride. Nothing but a helmet, sunglasses and sunscreen, and of course a smile. No need to be unfriendly.

Please support me and MS in my MS Bike Ride on Sept 27, 08.
Safebare Posted - 10/30/2008 : 11:10:34 PM
Originally posted by Warmskin

Originally posted by Anniebare

I have always wanted to go horseback riding in the nude. I actually ride every week, but on the trails around where my horse is stabled there is not sufficient privacy to ride in the buff.

If anyone has a private ranch and a horse they can lend for an afternoon, let me know.


Hmmmm, Annie, I'm just trying to picture the Lone Ranger riding his horse in the nude. By that, I meant the man, not the horse. Of course, we'd have to let him keep his mask on; we're reasonable and compassionate.

That government governs best, which governs least - Thomas Jefferson

We took our horses to the rainbow gathering one year and I spent most of the two weeks there only wearing hiking boots. It was the perfect opportunity for nude man on nude horse. Have not had similar opportunities at the homestead or elsewhere. Came across some nude horseback riders while living at the beach, but only after dark. Riding 'bareback - bare' is something everyone should try. Being a rider yourself, you know that communication between horse and rider is far more than reins and spurs. The horse responds to all sorts of ques from the rider. When there is nothing between horse and rider, the communication is magnified.

"Wearing nothing is devine, naked is a state of mind."
bornnude Posted - 10/27/2008 : 10:11:46 PM
Originally posted by bqdude1

I have heard that in Munich at the english garden (translation). This is the C/O garden in downtown. The people would float down the river, get out, walk to the bus stop, ride to the start and repeat. The Transit Athority needed to resolve the non-fare paying riders, so they sell a laminated punch card attached with a string so that you can hang it over your neck. Problem solved. It seems that the EU is so much more relaxed with nudes than the US.

I have hear this. I can not confirm it.

Quite a few years ago anyway, it was true. I went on a cool day and saw a couple of people on a cool day so I wasn't surprised there weren't more. Didn't get over toward the river so don't know about that direction.

Warmskin Posted - 10/27/2008 : 5:57:24 PM
Originally posted by Anniebare

I have always wanted to go horseback riding in the nude. I actually ride every week, but on the trails around where my horse is stabled there is not sufficient privacy to ride in the buff.

If anyone has a private ranch and a horse they can lend for an afternoon, let me know.


Hmmmm, Annie, I'm just trying to picture the Lone Ranger riding his horse in the nude. By that, I meant the man, not the horse. Of course, we'd have to let him keep his mask on; we're reasonable and compassionate.

That government governs best, which governs least - Thomas Jefferson
bqdude1 Posted - 10/19/2008 : 09:46:42 AM
Originally posted by Freckles

Would love to get a bus into town, buy a paper, go into a coffee shop and sit and do the crossword. Trouble is, nowhere to put my loose change for the bus fare etc.!

I have heard that in Munich at the english garden (translation). This is the C/O garden in downtown. The people would float down the river, get out, walk to the bus stop, ride to the start and repeat. The Transit Athority needed to resolve the non-fare paying riders, so they sell a laminated punch card attached with a string so that you can hang it over your neck. Problem solved. It seems that the EU is so much more relaxed with nudes than the US.

I have hear this. I can not confirm it.

Freckles Posted - 10/17/2008 : 2:58:52 PM
Then walk home in the warm rain (don't need any change!).
Freckles Posted - 10/17/2008 : 2:49:25 PM
Would love to get a bus into town, buy a paper, go into a coffee shop and sit and do the crossword. Trouble is, nowhere to put my loose change for the bus fare etc.!
bobski96 Posted - 10/16/2008 : 08:50:17 AM
There is a store at club orient that I have gone to and did some shopping. I loved it.

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