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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bfg123456798 Posted - 07/25/2003 : 01:47:41 AM
I was talking with Cinderella recently and was recalling a conversatoin with one of my friends (her name is Marissa). She was telling some friends and i a story and she said at one point her parents were having company over so she went upstairs to go put socks on. i was confused and asked her why and she said her parents usually made her put socks on if company was coming over as it was rude to be barefoot in front of company. I'd never heard of anything like this (gladly too, i hate wearing socks). And the other day a bunch of us friends were hanging out at a friend's house and one of my guy friends was trying to give one of my girl friends a foot massage. She wouldn't let him and said she didn't like people touching her feet. Another girl agreed. I just shrugged and offered my own feet in place of my friend's (she missed out, too. it was the best foot massage i'd ever had. he even rubbed in between each individual toe and it felt soooo good). And yet another time i had some friends over, 3 girls and a guy. They all wore sandals but the guy had socks on! oh how i hate that. the point of sandals is so that you don't have to wear socks. anyway, i told him it would be alright if he wanted to take his socks off as he'd probably be more comfortable but he said he didn't want to (later we fixed him, though. 2 of my friends held him down and i took off one sock and my other friend got the other one off). I've had girls do that too. They tell me they aren't comfortable being barefoot in another person's house, saying it was rude. Of course i told them i wouldn't consider them rude and it was my house but they wouldn't listen (they shared a similar fate. i'm notorious for my sock stealing ability). my question is (and you textiles can answer this too) are some people honestly ashamed of their bare feet? i mean, they're just feet! i couldn't imagine being in my own home and not being barefoot. it just makes sense. your feet don't get hot and it's comfortable. it's been months since i've warn socks, i wear sandals every day to school (i live in AZ so there's no snow ever) and work and i'm not at all embarassed. Granted I'm a nudist, I could probably go to school wearing nothing and not be embarassed, but even before i discovered nudism i would always want my feet to be bare. I think feet are one of the most beautiful body parts. I love the way they look if you get them in that just right position where you are looking down on the point where the toes meet the rest of the foot and you can see the curves of the bottom. and toes! i mean toes, people! they're like the cuttest body part. name me anything you can do that's cuter than wiggling your toes. And how about no shoes no shirt no service. I can see no shirt (the prudes are afraid of breasts), but no shoes? Who cares! I'm sure health codes say you have to keep the floors clean, so i wouldn't have any problem being barefoot in a mcdonalds, but either way it should be your choice. I mean what they saying? we're going to mess up their floor with our bare feet? I gaurantee you the bottoms of my bare feet are probably cleaner than the bottoms of someone's shoes (how often do you wash your shoes? i wash my feet every night) and it's not like you're eating off the floor. I could understand if people were putting their feet in other people's food (again as long as it was my friends, though, it wouldn't totally gross me out. One a dare i once ate 8 olives off my friend Cassy's toes and another time i had to kiss the bottoms of 8 bare feet, two guys and two girls, and neither incident grossed me out all and probably wouldn't mind doing it again). I tickle my friends bare feet all the time and am yet to catch the horrifying foot disease! So what's the big deal?

i'm sorry to rant like this (and sound like a hippy). what i'm asking is, are there really people out there ashamed of their bare feet? i mean, i've always told people that nudism is "just like going barefoot all over" and i just assume
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 05/18/2012 : 04:08:17 AM
Originally posted by Carlover227

I almost never go barefoot. Even when I go nude, I usually leave my socks on. I guess I'm just weird like that, lol.

We still like you anyway. Although you might try going barefoot at home, where it's safe.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Carlover227 Posted - 05/14/2012 : 12:28:12 PM
I almost never go barefoot. Even when I go nude, I usually leave my socks on. I guess I'm just weird like that, lol.
free2be Posted - 05/12/2012 : 08:20:43 AM
FP - I hope your foot heals quickly to get that bandage off. I know the feeling...I hate to even wear flip flops because I don't feel completely naked.
FireProf Posted - 05/11/2012 : 11:24:54 PM
I'm currently going nutz! I had foot surgery last week and my left foot is completely bandaged and wrapped from toes to ankle!

I'm not covered anywhere else on my body but I still don't feel completely naked! LOL

Can't wait to get this bandage off and both nude feet on the ground!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 05/11/2012 : 07:21:00 AM
I agree Warmskin,

Why not have that barefoot feeling all over. :-)

Warmskin Posted - 05/10/2012 : 9:24:39 PM
Being barefoot is the first step towards nudism/naturism. In the Sierra Nevada, I'm usually barefoot. Why stop at just bare feet, though? If it's good to be barefoot, let's go for bare-body, too.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

free2be Posted - 04/29/2012 : 4:25:24 PM
Bob and Mike - thanks for the input. I did have surgery for an ingrown toenail myself. I don't remember which toe, so there may be some scar tissue, but as long as I can make some improvement, I'll be happy.
mj45 Posted - 04/29/2012 : 1:12:45 PM
Hi, I recently came across an herbal treatment, I was skeptical but the wife said why not. It is an asortment of herbs that you soak in apple cider vinigar and then soak your foot dailey after a shower for about 2 min. It works slowley but I have been at it since Apr 1 and the ugly black nail on my right great toe has moved away form the bed by 3/8 of an inch! The tincture is supposed to be good for 2 months and if it keeps working I will order more in June. The nail fungus soak contains equisetum, mentha, lavendula, and eucalyptus.

summer is coming, stay nude, michael
Balto Bob Posted - 04/29/2012 : 11:16:47 AM
Well, my Dad has lived with this for 60 years (he is 79). I've had it 35 years. Due to scar tissue from ingrown toenail surgury (left big toe at 17, right at 19) I'm told the pills won't work. About 10 years ago I looked into a study. The podiatrist said the only cure was a treatment to kill off the nail. No nail, no fungus. I've done soaks, which let me peel off the infected nail and treat the nail bed. Works for a while but always comes back. Good luck Rob. I hope you don't have any scar tissue on your toes.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
free2be Posted - 04/29/2012 : 10:37:04 AM
Thanks Mark. I may actually try the vinegar soak again. It couldn't hurt. Then after the soak, when the nail is soft, apply the Tea Tree Oil. Like you said, it takes a long time due to the slow nail growth. I've only been doing the TTO for a little over a month, so I'm at least hoping to see some improvement in the next month or so. That will at least give me the incentive to keep going.
nudehndymn Posted - 04/29/2012 : 08:31:37 AM
I'm taking an external prescription for my toes. No blood work. The problem with the meds is it takes a long time to work, do to the slow nail growth. My Dermatologist said that Vicks vapor rub also works and to try and soak your feet in water and white vinegar for twenty minutes a day. I guess the vinegar goes after the fungus and softens the nail. If nothing else the nails will grow out quicker. Hope this helps. Mark
free2be Posted - 04/28/2012 : 9:28:01 PM
Thanks Prof. I didn't really want to do the prescription as, like you said, it required blood work to monitor liver function, but I was hoping it would work. Hoping the tea tree oil works better. It got some pretty good reviews.
FireProf Posted - 04/28/2012 : 8:59:58 PM
I contracted toe nail fungus from work. I didn't wear shower shoes (flip flops) back then and we had two guys that had jungle rot from the tours in RVN.

I took a prescribed medication for 18 months with periodic blood tests to ensure it wasn't killing my liver. It almost took it ALL away but a little remains ... very little on one toe. The podiatrist would not let me take anymore of that medication so I'm stuck with what I have ... but it's managable and hardly noticible ... just to me actually!

Good luck with your tea treatment. I don't use the shower or anyone's shower without flip flops on. Don't want the Prof to get it, my kids, grandkids or friends ... maybe paranoid but just wanna be safe!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
free2be Posted - 04/28/2012 : 2:07:26 PM
Old post, but I do have a question about feet. I have tried numerous items for toe fungus...Listerine, apple cider vinegar, WD40...yes WD40. At least my toes don't squeak anymore, but the toe fungus persisted. I've also tried over the counter items and even had a prescription from a Dr....nothing helped. The latest venture is with Tea Tree Oil. On the internet it said it was the treatment to beat all treatments. We'll see. Has anyone had any success with Tea Tree Oil? It doesn't stop me from being barefoot as much as possible, but I am self-conscious about it.
calmnude Posted - 10/23/2004 : 8:43:14 PM
sore ankles and feet.

epsom salt and warm water for about 20 minutes does wonders.

plus as has been mentioned above, if you are not used to wearing flipflops, sandals, or going barefoot, it is going to take a while to strengthen them enoug without shoe support.

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