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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bornnude Posted - 03/10/2004 : 07:40:57 AM
What are your favorites that deal with nudism or being naked in some way?

I don't mean "Hey we got a naked model" in playboy but things like.

I loved the Woodstock movie... Here are 500000 people who are just filthy because of the rain and mud. There is one scene where everyone is naked, treating a muddy hill as a sledding hill. Another, a group of people bathing in the pond.

Doc Hollywood....

A Door into Summer - Robert Heinlien. The main character time travels and drops into a nudist resort.

Stranger in a Strange Land - Robert Heinlin They live naked.

The Streak - funny

What do you think
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Safebare Posted - 12/08/2008 : 4:01:10 PM
It comes from 'our' immediate jump from nudity to sex. I didn't mind my kids watching the sketching scene at all, but then the movie went quickly to the sex scene, which was a little discomforting for me to sit through with the kids. But, I do not mind the uncomfortable situations and actually welcome them as an opportunity for us to openly discuss sensitive topics.
Most other cultures on this small orb are able to draw a distinction between mere nudity and sex. Someday, maybe, western cultures will find enlightenment and be able to stop objectifying the naked body.

"Wearing nothing is devine, naked is a state of mind."
n/a Posted - 12/08/2008 : 10:16:43 AM
I had a conversation not long ago with a young woman acquaintance about the movie "Titanic". She objected to the scene where the female lead was being sketched nude. "I don't want my kids to see that," she said.

So I asked, "What about the scenes were people are being shot or beaten up or drowned or frozen to death? Hundreds of innocent human beings screaming and dying?"

She replied that those scenes were ok.

And I know her feelings are not all that unusual.

I think as long as we live in a society where it is more acceptable to see people being beaten up or killed than it is to see them naked, we will have the kinds of situations being talking about in this thread.
aaardvark Posted - 12/07/2008 : 10:32:15 PM
I would like to bring this thread out of retirement - there is a music video clip recently released called Gobbledigook by an Icelandic band called Sigur Rós. They have quite a following down here as does quite a bit of Icelandic music thanks to the success of Bjork, the Sugarcubes and Bjork's dad who is a jazz musician in Iceland.

You will have to do a bit of a hunt for the uncensored version but it shows a whole lot of young people naked in a natural setting. I think it is partially being done as a fundraiser for the environmental protection lobby in Iceland (Bjork and Sigur Rós recently held a fundraising concert together). The uncensored version of the video was shown here on a mainstream youth-based TV channel.

To me it's a great video as it shows simple mixed nudity in a natural setting among young people - in NZ that is an age cohort that all the naturist publicity doesn't reach. THis video in my view does more for nudism than anything else because it shows ordinary young people doing something that (sadly in this country) is seen as an old people's pastime. It bridges a gap and is very refreshing to see.
Kimberly Posted - 03/25/2004 : 03:00:12 AM
I agree with you David, nudists do other things besides going to beaches and clubs. They need to show we are normal people and do the same things everyone else does, except we enjoy doing it in the nude.

Kim =^.^=
papabare Posted - 03/25/2004 : 12:01:43 AM
Well that was the idea, sorry couldnt speak well ;) Some scenes are shot in a resort, but its not the Reason of the movie. I'd say only 10% of the show if that :)

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
The Bead Man Posted - 03/24/2004 : 11:11:46 AM
Originally posted by papabare

"Joe Druff is looking for the person who killed his entire family. His partner is just looking for a good tan. They find the only witness to the murders was a blind man who lives in a nudist resort."

Sounds like the old joke where Stevie Wonder was asked about his early life; he said: "Sure it was real tough growing up blind, but it would have been a lot worse if I'd been black!" (Also see for Stevie's golfing expertise).

Back to the topic...

Although there is nothing wrong with showing nudist clubs or resorts in a film, I think the best choice is showing people casually naked in "normal" situations. Just showing nudists at clubs and beaches is a bit like films about teachers who seem to never leave the classroom.


"The Bead Man"

The Bead Artist formerly known as Revilo42
Kimberly Posted - 03/24/2004 : 03:15:44 AM
Melissa I was refeing to Mainstream television and movies in general, I didn't mean nudist videos.

Kim =^.^=
papabare Posted - 03/24/2004 : 12:16:29 AM
My english be not so gooder after the 8pm time of night.

Anyway, true Maslin wasnt made in the US, but I see more US movies having just plain non-sexual nudity in them. I would love to see a movie set in a naturist resort or a nude beach made in the US with big US budgets, but the key selling point cant be because its in a nude beach/resort. That is just incedental.

"Joe Druff is looking for the person who killed his entire family. His partner is just looking for a good tan. They find the only witness to the murders was a blind man who lives in a nudist resort."

Ok, maybe needs a little work

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
papabare Posted - 03/24/2004 : 12:08:11 AM
Kim, there is a site that has Tons of Good nudist type scenes in movies is

One I would love to find that I have heard good things about is 'Maslin Beach'

Maslin Beach
(1997) Takes place on a nudist beach in South Australia. Shows nudity as something very natural. The cast pretty much covered the full spectrum of body shapes and the appearance of not-so-gorgeous people made the nudity realistic.

You can even order this from Best Buy! I am doin that Now! :)

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
Revilo42 Posted - 03/23/2004 : 1:55:22 PM
I think reality in movies is that the situation is (fallen into the crack) somewhere between Kim's and Melissa's points.

Neither mainstream TV and movies nor naturist videos treat nudity as "normal": it is either used sexually, or to sell nudism. In the sexual context, the nudity is not inappropriate per se (most people undress to make love ); what is missing is all the other times people are naked. Naturist videos conversely concentrate on the (non sexual aspects of) nudity - without it the video wouldn't make sense. Again, this is not "wrong" (it is the objective of the video), but it is limiting.

A true test of whether nudity is accepted in the media will be when it can occur incidentally to the plot, such as when a visit to the beach is topless or C/O or people skinnydip at a pool party and nothing sexual happens!

I'm sure there are many people who get naked in social situations who wouldn't consider themselves "nudists". Idea for a few lines in a movie:
  • So, you're a nudist too?
  • No! Why would you say such a thing?
  • Well, what would you call it?
  • [pan out to show backyard pool scene with people swimming, sunning, chatting, drinking beer, etc.]


melissastarr Posted - 03/23/2004 : 03:29:30 AM
Sure there are! Go to the skinnydipper shop or to mom's house- there are all sorts of videos that depict nudity as normal, they're just not in your local theatre.


"Do they say that nudity and sex always go together? Well, then be careful and don't get pregnant while taking a bath."
Kimberly Posted - 03/23/2004 : 02:47:32 AM
You will see a lot of TV programs and movies with nudity in them, and the nudity is always in a sexual nature. You will never see a movie that treats nudity as being normal.

Kim =^.^=
calmnude Posted - 03/22/2004 : 9:41:02 PM

right on the $$$$ again. if it doesnt get ratings, it wont go on the air.
Kimberly Posted - 03/20/2004 : 11:48:27 PM
I think your right about that vealj, its all about making money. Sex sells. Put a picture of a nude woman on something and a guy will buy it.

Kim =^.^=
vealj Posted - 03/20/2004 : 11:19:37 AM
A nice start might be televising the Nudist Volleyball Superbowl at White Thorn each year on a sports channel.

The problem with reality shows is that none of them are ... real. They're manipulated and scripted to be as shocking or titillating as possible to 18-39 year old males - the target market. Normal nudism and reality shows don't mix.

Take care and ...
Keep it Bare !!!
- veal

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