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 Nude Romance

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
philzer Posted - 03/06/2004 : 10:08:40 PM
Here's another topic I'd like to offer everyone: Do you have any fun stories of Nude Romance you'd like to offer?

Here's my opening story, to get things rolling. My wife and I had a very special way of becoming engaged. We had been dating each other for a little over a year, after having been friends for years beforehand. She had tried a little nude recreation with me. Anyway, I had decided to ask her to marry me and my plan was to ask her in the spring (the romantic season, doncha know), in the mountains of central Virginia, where we had both gone to college.

So, in early November before the spring when I planned to propose, she came to spend a weekend with me (our relationship was long-distance). We spent the evening at a place (now closed, sadly) where you could rent private hot tubs. So we climbed into the swirling water sans clothes and were talking and kissing and holding each other when she suddenly asked if I'd ever thought of the two of us getting married.

I said yes, I'd planned on asking her to marry me in the spring. She said, why don't we get engaged now? So I asked her to marry me, and she said yes (surprise, surprise). I think we then invented a new form of recreation: Nude dancing in a hot tub! It was an evening of pure joy.

We got engaged on November 3, and got married the following September. We've been married seven years now, and we have two kids.

Maybe my experience shows the romantic side of nudism. After all, look how my wife and I got engaged!

Anyone have any stories to offer?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kimberly Posted - 03/29/2004 : 03:19:02 AM
Congratulations Melissa, I am so excited for you. I can tell from your posts that this is something special for you. I hope really does work out.

Kim =^.^=

philzer Posted - 03/28/2004 : 7:59:35 PM
Papabare, like I said, my wife and I surprised no one when we began dating -- in fact, a few of them said, "It's about time you two started going out!" We still laugh about that. It's true that you run a risk of losing a friend if the relationship doesn't work, but any relationship carries some emotional risk (I'm sure I'm not telling you something you don't already know at least as well as I!! :)) At least if you date a friend you're dating a "known quantity." If I had to do it again, I'm pretty sure I'd do it much the same way.

papabare Posted - 03/28/2004 : 11:31:13 AM
That is so kewl guys, gives me hope :) I think relationships are the better when they start off as friends. Sometimes you worry about loosing the friendship if the realtionship goes bad, but it makes for so much a better relationship to be friends aswell :)

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
philzer Posted - 03/27/2004 : 07:53:06 AM
Melissa, that's the way my wife and I started. We were friends for years, did many things together as friends, and it turned out BOTH of us were interested in dating each other but were too shy for a long time to say so. (I was the one who finally made the suggestion that we start dating as we were driving home from a friend's wedding. I nearly drove off the road when she immediately said yes!)

This, incidentally, was after I had brought her to White Tail Park for her first nude resort experience. I guess by then we were starting to realize we had stronger feelings for each other than "just being friends." Besides, everyone who knew us wasn't surprised when we started dating. You just can't hide it, I guess.

Good luck with your guy friend! And if it's meant to be, it will be.

melissastarr Posted - 03/27/2004 : 07:24:26 AM
There is a guy whom I've been friends with for a while and we've talked a lot about dating. It seems that we've landed in this romance thing without warning. And it's wonderful!


"Do they say that nudity and sex always go together? Well, then be careful and don't get pregnant while taking a bath."
calmnude Posted - 03/27/2004 : 06:39:24 AM
dont know but romance is good for the soul.

seems to make the whole world brighter.

and the sharing is just great.

of course, the affection isnt too hard to take either.
papabare Posted - 03/27/2004 : 12:29:22 AM
Whats Twitterpatted?

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
Kimberly Posted - 03/26/2004 : 10:28:25 PM
Its springtime Melissa, you must be "twitterpatted".

Kim =^.^=
papabare Posted - 03/26/2004 : 7:50:21 PM
WooWooo Melissa :) Are you saying you have an idea on a future romance? Or just feeling the spring rush of romance in the air?

I am not activly looking for a romance. I would LOVE if one found me but I am too busy with my lil ones and work to go looking for romance. My ex has the kids over her house for at most 8 hours and very rarly over night (only if I ask her, which is rare indeed, and only if she wants to or can).

Romance is a great and wonderfull thing, just don't make it the only thing in life to live for. But do be open for it when it arrives :)

I join everyone when I wish you good luck Melissa, and everyone else out there :) And wish me luck too! :)

Live Body Proud, Live Clothes Free
melissastarr Posted - 03/26/2004 : 5:12:26 PM
I am finding out. Boy, am I finding out. Love is DEFINITELY in the air right now. Ahhhhh....


"Do they say that nudity and sex always go together? Well, then be careful and don't get pregnant while taking a bath."
chic Posted - 03/26/2004 : 4:34:59 PM


I join Kim in wishing you success for a nude romance. Good luck !

Kimberly Posted - 03/26/2004 : 04:30:23 AM
Melissa; Hope a nude romance becomes a reality for you.

Kim =^.^=
melissastarr Posted - 03/25/2004 : 7:50:34 PM
I'm slowly but surely finding that out, calmnude. Now... everyone share their nude romance stories to continue to inspire me!


"Do they say that nudity and sex always go together? Well, then be careful and don't get pregnant while taking a bath."
calmnude Posted - 03/25/2004 : 7:43:58 PM
yes, melissa, romance is a great thing, especially if it is with someone REALLY special.
The Bead Man Posted - 03/25/2004 : 2:05:15 PM
I think that in the phrase "caught naked", the word naked is still passive, in the same way as "caught by a sudden downpour", or "caught with your hands in the cookie jar". None of these things are negative in themselves, just the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Thinking about some other uses of the words: "Did you see the nude model?" means did you see the person who is (actively) modeling undraped, whereas "Did you see the naked model?" might refer to peeking into the changing rooms at a fashion show.

Although not fitting the description of "comfortable and natural", a "nude march" may be done by people actively protesting against, say, closing a nude beach, whereas - much less comfortable or natural - a "naked march" sounds like something out of WWII Japanese POW camps.

I think the negative connotations of "naked" come from it being passive, and its figurative usage meaning "unprotected".

Of course, "nekkid" is a different thing altogether...


"The Bead Man"

The Bead Artist formerly known as Revilo42

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