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 For the Conservative Nudist - Resorts to Relax
 Towards A Kids-Free Vacation - Quiet Locations
 Living Waters Spa - Desert Hot Springs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NaturistDoc Posted - 05/10/2005 : 11:33:29 PM
I'd like to recommend Living Waters Spa in Desert Hot Springs (just north of Palm Springs)for couples looking for a very quiet, relaxing retreat from the real world. No phones, no TV, just great people and wonderful artesian hot spring water. Oh, and great massage from the owners. Check their website and the reviews on
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DENZILOP Posted - 08/05/2013 : 02:29:56 AM
Thanks for the wonderful tip. I would like to visit this place sometime.

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davidandcathy Posted - 07/27/2013 : 3:18:00 PM
Have fun and put the iPhone away :)

nothing feels better than the warm sun on 100% of the body!
FlCpl4NewdFun Posted - 07/27/2013 : 3:10:21 PM
Well, here it is three years later and we are back again at LWS for the weekend and massage workshop so I thought I would give an update.

Had a great session last night and are looking forward to the Day 2 sessions this afternoon and this evening. I'm happy to say my trip report above still holds true today with one noted exception, I haven't noticed a single leaf in the pool yet! Hooray!!! Class size is smaller this time, but just as enjoyable.

This is truly a relaxing place, my constant desire to reach for my phone and check in with the office is fading with each passing minute. Once again, we can state without hesitation that we highly recommend LWS for anyone looking to completely relax and get away.

FlCpl4NewdFun Posted - 08/01/2010 : 5:38:28 PM
We recently stayed at Living Waters Spa for the weekend, and once again it did not disappoint. Jeff and Judy were great hosts. We also attended the "Hot Summer Nights" couples sensual massage workshop (more on that later).

The resort itself is small and intimate with about 7 guest rooms surrounding the pool, with a massage and yoga room, office, and gameroom/breakfast area in the remaining rooms. There are also condos on the street right outside the resort. When we arrived there was about 5 other couples there and a few day visitors. Later in the day most all of those folks left and three other couples checked in.

LWS is not a party place so if your looking for that you may want to go somewhere else. The atmosphere is quite and serene with some sort of Asian/eastern ambient music playing the background, but there is conversation around the pool and hot tub. The rooms are tastefully decorated, the beds and linens are very comfortable, in rooms with kitchens the appliances and storage are sufficient and functional. Overall the rooms are nice, it's not the Ritz but very relaxing and much nicer than most clothing optional places in the continental U.S. One aspect we like is there are no phones and TVs in the rooms which allows one to focus on the experience and unplug form the world for a day or two. For those of us who have a hard time doing that (of which I'm guilty) there is free WiFi throughout so we were fully connected with our laptop the whole time. We even watched a TV show one evening on the internet (don't tell anyone that).

The mineral water hot spring supplied pool and hot tub are great. My only complaint about the entire weekend is the pool should be skimmed of leaves more often. It gets windy in the desert and often leads to leaves in the pool. I really think Jeff should hit the pool with the skimmer several times during the day. It would literally only take about a minute or two. (So Jeff if you are reading here's my suggestion: Every time you take a dip in the pool hit it with the skimming bag and the problem is solved) I don't swim in my own pool when it has leaves so it kind of bothered me that I had to swim with leaves in a pool I was paying to swim in. That said, it's really a minor issue and more about my anal tendencies and attention to detail. Not sure if it even bothered anyone else or if they even noticed.

Now back to the good stuff.

The massage workshop was fantastic, and really allowed Mrs. FC4NF and I to focus on us as a couple without the day-to-day distractions of children, work, and other responsibilities! However, one should know before attending this workshop it is not for those who are shy. It's sensual massage and very adult topics and intimate techniques and discussed and practiced. However, Jeff & Judy taught the workshop in a very respectful and professional manner while still being playful and fun. We never felt uncomfortable at any time. It did get a bit new-agey for us with some of the vocabulary, but opening ourselves up to new and different experiences and trying something outside our normal comfort zone is why we took the workshop in the first place so we just took it all in (and we're glad we did). We were fortunate to have three other great couples attending who really added to our experience and made the workshop even better (thanks to all of you!). The first evening was overall couples massage technique, followed by a session the next afternoon focused on women, then an evening session focused on the men. In total it was about 7 hours of training over the weekend. Well worth the price (I think the workshop was $395.00 per couple, not including lodging).

It was a fabulous nude weekend. We learned great massage techniques, met some wonderful people with whom we shared food, wine, and great conversation under the stars with the warm dessert breeze blowing against our skin, and took many relaxing dips in the natural mineral water hot spring pool and hot tub.

Bottom line, if you get a chance to visit LWS you should. It's not for everyone, but if it is your taste you'll want to keep going back.


allnaturalwife Posted - 10/24/2006 : 2:04:13 PM
As far as Living Waters not accepting same sex couples, I have a first ahnd account of a female-female couple from my club being denied access. So thats what I based that on. Why then did this gay couple get denied access then? Anyway thats neither here nor there. And Terra cotta has changed their policy regarding same sex couple last time I checked. In reference to " a nudist complaining about peoples strange views"..I have been a nudist my entire life,born and raised. So many people think all nudists are eccentric or spiritual. I am NOT AT ALL,nor is my husband also a born and raised nudist. Neither are my parents or his parents opr our daughters. I like nudism for purely superficial reasons as does my family. So I get tired of peole assuming just because I am a nudist I enjoy discussions that are of that nature. I do agree naturistdoc, that there are different resorts that provide a different "flavor" for all tastes, and I too am happy for that. Just posting here about OUR experiences. You know, different people can see the same thing in totally different ways.

NaturistDoc Posted - 10/20/2006 : 7:25:00 PM
I must say that in our 5 visits to LWS, we have never gotten the sort of vibe that Andy and Jenn seemed to experience. Yes, Jeff and Judy are religious people (and I'm not particularly), but it's never been a topic of conversation unless maybe I brought it up. And my dealings with them have always been quite friendly, unlike what I experienced with some of the personnel at - - - . Lastly, Jenn is flat-out wrong regarding LWS' policy toward same-sex couples. (Feel free to inquire if you don't believe me.) It's odd that she should make such a comment, since from what I've heard, and correct me if I'm wrong, Terra Cotta isn't too receptive to single men or gay couples. It also strikes me as a little funny to read a nudist complaining about peoples' "strange views", since most folks would consider our views pretty strange from the get-go.

Different strokes, I guess. LWS is, in philosphy and design, a very different place from - - - , which in turn is different from Terra Cotta. I'm glad they're all there to provide a variety of C/O experiences. Peace.
allnaturalwife Posted - 10/20/2006 : 2:31:02 PM
Terra Cotta is nice. Havent been there in a while, but last time we went was great! I still think - - - has got the market cornered on Palm Springs nude resorts. Although they are a little pricy.

Ace Posted - 10/20/2006 : 09:08:12 AM
HHHmmmm, surprised to hear the last couple of comments, we didn't have that kind of contact at all. Can relate to FireProfs input about Terra Cotta thus far though. Planned on a day visit last week when car trouble struck, by the time we got there it was late in the afternoon. The new girl working the desk gave the wife and I the nickle tour and invited us to stay for the next couple of hours of daylight on the house if we wished. Going to try and get back by there next week hopefully this time without incident...

"Stay Cool & Hang Loose"
allnaturalwife Posted - 10/19/2006 : 5:09:25 PM
Well said. Your experience sounds similiar to mine and my husbands. Its not that we had a horrible time or anything. Its just that we have had much better times at Terra Cotta and - - - . When we were there.. all three times the place was practically deserted. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that - - - ,a much more up-scale resort is literally right down the street. Some of it may also have to do with the fact that other couples have had similiar experiences with the owners. As it is a small intimate resort, you really cant go there without having a lot of contact with the owners. One of the major turn offs of Living Waters is they DO NOT ALLOW same sex couples. This sort of discrimination is not the sort of thing my husband and I care to be around. The owners are sort of eccentric, NOT in a good way, and have some strange views, which they are not shy about sharing with "all 4" of there guests on any given day! These have been our experiences so take this advice for what its worth.

FireProf Posted - 10/19/2006 : 4:39:45 PM
The Prof and I took the Doc's recommendation and visited LWS for the day several months ago. We met another couple from another website that we had become good friends with.

We were having a great time. Some family matters kept us close to the cell phone. The owners had said that they do not allow cell phone useage unless you use it in the game room with the door closed. They wanted to keep a atmosphere free of these types of intrusions and that the Inn was a quiet, place for relaxation and reflextion.

During this quiet day of relaxation and reflextion, the male owner and a male relative were busy taping and painting a large portion of the INN. They were actually making quite a bit of noise and talking quite loud, scraping, mixing, using the air compressor to spray paint this area. It didn't matter to us and since we were the only ones there that day, we figured all bets and rules were put aside..............wrong! We got a phone call we needed to answer, the Prof answered the phone and immediately, both owners gave her a nasty look and said...."we don't allow cell phones unless you're in this room, please go in there to use the phone.

Later that evening while enjoying afternoon refreshments in the spa with our friends and the owners, the conversation turned to nudism, naturism. My wife usually doesn't say too much but felt comfortable enough to join in the conversation but was then somewhat chastised by the male owner for using the terms, nudist/naturist. He went off on a tangent about labels, which then led to religion and then his whole life story. He knew he had stepped on some toes and those were the toes of the only 4 guests he had all day.

He later apologized but the damage was done and the Prof hasn't really been willing to return. I think if we are going to meet another couple there, she wouldn't mind but probably won't go back alone if she has a choice of Terra Cotta or - - - .

allnaturalwife Posted - 10/19/2006 : 3:24:00 PM
My husband and I have been to Living Waters several times. Although we enjoyed the faclities the crowds seemed a little too "new age" for us the times we went. Much talk of higher power and religion sort of stuff..which we REALLY ARE NOT INTO AT ALL. Nudism to us anyway is not so deep. Its not spiritual nor is it some sort of religion. We simply hate wearing clothes. It is primarily about comfort and for my daughters a lot of it is about working on their tans!! But people choose to live this way for many different reasons and as long as we all like to be naked,doesnt matter to me the root of it.:)

Ace Posted - 10/19/2006 : 09:24:42 AM
Have to agree with Doc, nice place!

WOW! Just had a great visit here last week with my wife. What a nice place hosts Jeff and Judy have created here after only three years of ownership, with some nice plans for expanding in the future. We were actually lucky to have the whole place to ourselves; Jeff and Judy were able to join us for afternoon snacks and we all had a great conversation in the spa. The mineral water in the spa was great and the layout of this motel for sunning with a great view is another huge plus. If you like "retro" style you really must make a visit here. They really have attention for detail as the entire spa is spotless.

"Stay Cool & Hang Loose"
NaturistDoc Posted - 06/02/2005 : 2:35:36 PM

I have a little more time on my hands now, so I can write a bit more about Living Waters. My wife and I have been there twice and have really enjoyed it. In fact we're going back in 2 weeks.

The place is rather non-descript from the outside. It features a funky old 1960's motel sign ("The Kismet Lodge") from the original site that Jeff has restored. Inside are 8 guest rooms, about half with full kitchens, surrounding the pools. the rooms are simply furnished but comfortable, and the beds are great. There are no TV's or phones in the rooms. Jeff has wireless internet access if you need it. The pools are wonderful. First is the smaller 100-degree pool fed directly from the hot springs. This in turn feeds the larger swimming pool which typically runs 85-88 degrees. Since the pool water is continually replaced by spring water, they don't need to chlorinate it. Very nice.

Breakfast is typical B&B fare, although Judy's pastries are above average. They also bring out snacks at 3:00 PM which are always interesting. There aren't any restaurants within walking distance, and frankly, I have been very unimpressed with the restaurants in DHS overall. Supposedly there is a pretty good Italian place there, but I haven't tried it. If you want a good restaurant, you'll need to drive into Palm Springs. We get a room with a kitchen, and make a lot of our own meals. There are grocery stores a short drive away.

The guests are mostly couples, 30's to 50's, quiet intelligent sorts. Jeff has pretty good radar for swingers and sociopaths, and does a good job of keeping them out. Alcohol is certainly permitted, but I've never seen anyone drunk and obnoxious. The conversations in the hot tub are generally on a somewhat loftier plane than you might expect at, say, Hedonism.

Jeff and Judy both do massage. They're not cheap, but they're well worth it in my opinion.

In sum, LWS is a great place to go hide for a few days to relax and recharge. Let me know if you decide to visit in October, and maybe we could meet you there. After all, what good is a surgeon without an anesthesiologist?
pilot Posted - 05/30/2005 : 10:42:46 PM
I would be grateful for a trip report on Living Waters Spa. I have to lecture in San Francisco in mid October and am thinking of taking a 4 day mini-vac en route home to the midwest. Palm Springs area is a quick flight from SFO...

FireProf Posted - 05/17/2005 : 12:45:52 AM
Thanks to both of you for the information on LWS. Sounds like a place the Prof and I should visit one day soon.

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