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 Nudism and The Law
 Nudism and The Law / Laws Concerning Nudists
 The current state of nudism and the law

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 07/09/2002 : 4:32:52 PM
We have a compilation of the statutes for indecent exposure and public lewdness at . Many thanks to Cheri for her contribution.

Laws effecting nudists vary from region to region. This part of the forum is to share your insight into the laws in your region as they concern nudists. To participate, hit Reply To topic.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
go n nude Posted - 01/24/2008 : 5:37:01 PM
The AANR, TNS , INF And FCN are helping to make these dreams reality. They represent 1,000's of Nudists and are actively lobbying towards the day when the majority of people see that nudism isn't indecent or lewd. The AANR i know is very involved in gov. affairs, and working hard to accomplish more for our freedom. Although there is strength in numbers and many need to join up,without them the dream will remain just that. The more they represent the better off we'll be guaranteed. I've seen so much change in 20yrs, thanks to the many organizations who the goverments truely respect and do get results. For the better of all of us join one.

go n nude
agde Posted - 01/24/2008 : 4:30:55 PM
Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy
Sadly it’s attitudes like “it’ll never happen in our lifetime” or “the world/USA isn’t ready for that,” that helps to keep it FROM becoming a reality in our lifetimes.

There may be a number of ways to bring change relatively rapidly, but perhaps not by attacking anti-nudity laws directly.

Just thinking out loud -- to get the change started, you might get a broader consensus for pro-tolerance laws, rather than pro-nudity laws. In other words, argue that basically there is nothing more sacred and personal than one's own body, that how to clothe one's own body should as a principle not require the approval of others and hence not involve the courts, that laws governing behavior should apply in all situations and hence be attire-neutral, and that the only legal exceptions to the principle of personal choice of attire and tolerance of others' personal choice should be in cases where clothing is premeditively used to incite intolerance, thus falling under established free speech restrictions, eg. involving incitement to hatred.

The "obligation of tolerance" could essentially have the same practical impact as the "right to nudity" since complaint about dislike or offence would be insufficient for legal action.

It is much easier to put politicians on the spot for supporting intolerance than it is for not supporting personal freedom.
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 01/24/2008 : 2:29:24 PM
Originally posted by go n nude

The day the supreme courts rules anti nudity laws violate freedom of expression or speech, would be a real dream come true for sure. Unfortunately this world isn’t ready or North America for that to ever happen anytime in our life time. Everyone has rights and freedoms to practice theirs provided we don’t infringe on theirs. Would it be safe for all to go nude with all the ills and criminals to pray upon vulnerable children and females or anybody else if they’re not already, they allow us our freedom to participate in appropriate settings, respecting everyone’s rights that’s a hurdle and then some. In God they trust or do they.

go n nude

Go n Nude,

Sadly it’s attitudes like “it’ll never happen in our lifetime” or “the world/USA isn’t ready for that,” that helps to keep it FROM becoming a reality in our lifetimes. As others have told stories from their youth there was a time even in the USA when skinny dipping WAS an acceptable activity.

And as has been suggested what we need to do is to write our various elected officials and encourage them to vote in favor of laws that support nudist activities and against anti-nudity laws. As well as remind them that they’re in office at OUR desire and NOT theirs and if they don’t vote for laws that support nudism that they could very well find themselves [b]OUT[/] of office.

I also think that like the group Tampa Area Naturists ( who have been working to get beaches in the Tampa Bay area designated for nude/clothing optional use, that we need to circulate petitions letting our elected officials know that we want to be treated just like any other group.

Yes, everyone has the right and freedom to practice our lives how we want, particularly if we don’t force it on others. But that is exactly what the textiles are doing by making us “hide” behind privacy fences as well as preventing us from enjoying public lands while nude. They’re forcing their choices on us.

Why wouldn’t it be safe for all to go nude all the time? Without clothes those who would abuse their spouse or children would be easier to catch as there wouldn’t be any clothing to hide the bruises under.

Live Long and Prosper
go n nude Posted - 01/22/2008 : 6:54:47 PM
The day the supreme courts rules anti nudity laws violate freedom of expression or speech, would be a real dream come true for sure. Unfortunately this world isn't ready or north America for that to ever happen anytime in our life time.Everyone has rights and freedoms to practice theirs provided we don't infringe on theirs. Would it be safe for all to go nude with all the ills and criminals to pray upon vulnerable children and females or anybody else if they're not already, they allow us our freedom to participate in appropriate settings, respecting everyones rights thats a hurdle and then some. In God they trust or do they.

go n nude
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 01/21/2008 : 8:24:21 PM
I’d probably visit the local beach or pool, or maybe park. Or maybe go for a bike ride. Although it’d look a little funny shoe, and helmet an nothing else...;-)

Live Long and Prosper
Cheri Posted - 01/21/2008 : 5:58:48 PM
Originally posted by Digital_Cowboy

Ok, everyone here is a very good question. What would you do if you went out to pick up the morning newspaper and saw a banner headline that read:

Supreme Court Rules Anti-Nudity Laws Violate Freedom of Speech/Expression

You come inside turn on the TV/radio and hear/see the same thing on every channel/station. What would your first reaction be? What would your first actions be?

Live Long and Prosper

Herman, I would let out a squeal for joy. If it's winter, I would come inside and do normal things. If it was warmer weather I might just get on my riding mower and mow the front of the property (near the road) au naturale (I've worn just a pareo previously).

I would make arrangements to visit a beach or go boating.


Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
Digital_Cowboy Posted - 01/21/2008 : 2:26:46 PM
Ok, everyone here is a very good question. What would you do if you went out to pick up the morning newspaper and saw a banner headline that read:

Supreme Court Rules Anti-Nudity Laws Violate Freedom of Speech/Expression

You come inside turn on the TV/radio and hear/see the same thing on every channel/station. What would your first reaction be? What would your first actions be?

Live Long and Prosper
Cheri Posted - 01/20/2008 : 11:43:00 PM
Originally posted by ETrainer

Where can I find the laws defining public nudity in Michigan? I've scoured the website, but seem to be naive as how to navigate around the site.
Be safe, be bare!

MI is not listed on my list. The NAC site used to list all the states' laws, but I was unable to find it this morning and dug up my Word doc with them listed.
You might call the Library of your local Law School and ask them. Librarians are very helpful. Just ask about indecent exposure and public indecency laws in MI.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
ETrainer Posted - 01/20/2008 : 8:55:54 PM
Where can I find the laws defining public nudity in Michigan? I've scoured the website, but seem to be naive as how to navigate around the site.

Be safe, be bare!
naturist58 Posted - 01/20/2008 : 7:59:21 PM
Dear Cheri, I am not an activist only because I don't know much about how to do so but I did want to respond to your post regarding TN Chap. 542 (39-13-511). It is only illegal to appear nude in a place where the public can be reasonably expected. (a)(1)B states that a person may relieve themselves whenever necessary provided reasonable care is taken to conceal themselves while doing so & that such functions are done in unincorporated areas. (2)(B)defines a "Public place" in many different forms but does exclude private residences that are stand-alone structures either temporary or permanent in nature.

Cheri Posted - 01/20/2008 : 3:10:43 PM
Originally posted by CAPTAIN_JAMES

I do believe you are right naturist58, as far as I know there is NO federal laws on simple nudity. That is why in Florida if you are on the National Sea Shore, they have to charge you with a local ordnance.

There are indeed Federal anti-nudity laws. Do a search on this website. A lawyer even weighed in.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
CAPTAIN_JAMES Posted - 01/20/2008 : 10:01:52 AM
I do believe you are right naturist58, as far as I know there is NO federal laws on simple nudity. That is why in Florida if you are on the National Sea Shore, they have to charge you with a local ordnance.
naturist58 Posted - 01/20/2008 : 01:22:45 AM
I did a search pertaining to nudity in the federal statutes and Tennessee and found that there are no federal laws (or state laws) expressly forbidding simple nudity or even acting on nature provided reasonable care is taken to conceal oneself from those who might be offended. If anyone can find exceptions to this or feel that I may have read or misinterpreted things the wrong way I am very much open to being corrected. John

Cheri Posted - 04/24/2007 : 11:01:24 AM
Originally posted by tommyjoe

How about Minnesota? I would like the laws changed here also. Let the women go top free like the men already do. As far as nudity, I see nothing wrong with going outdoors to do whatever yardwork, sunbathe and not get arrested for indecent exposure. lists all the state laws.
MN reads:
Minnesota Statutes 1999
Chapter 617

617.23 Indecent exposure; penalties.

Subdivision 1. Misdemeanor. A person who commits any of the following acts in any public place, or in any place where others are present, is guilty of a misdemeanor:

(1) willfully and lewdly exposes the person's body, or the private parts thereof;

(2) procures another to expose private parts; or

(3) engages in any open or gross lewdness or lascivious behavior, or any public indecency other than behavior specified in this subdivision.

Subd. 2. Gross misdemeanor. A person who commits any of the following acts is guilty of a gross misdemeanor:

(1) the person violates subdivision 1 in the presence of a minor under the age of 16; or

(2) the person violates subdivision 1 after having been previously convicted of violating subdivision 1, sections 609.342 to 609.3451, or a statute from another state in conformity with any of those sections.

Subd. 3. Felony. A person is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or to payment of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both, if:

(1) the person violates subdivision 2, clause (1), after having been previously convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for violating subdivision 2, clause (1); section 609.3451, subdivision 1, clause (2); or a statute from another state in conformity with subdivision 2, clause (1), or section 609.3451, subdivision 1, clause (2); or

(2) the person commits a violation of subdivision 1, clause (1), in the presence of another person while intentionally confining that person or otherwise intentionally restricting that person's freedom to move.

Subd. 4. Breastfeeding. It is not a violation of this section for a woman to breast feed.

If you want to change laws, get involved with The Naturist Society's NAC arm. Donate to NAC & affiliate with TNS. I can faciliate it through my club if you wish.
Also, AANR has a Government Affairs program. Contact them.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
tommyjoe Posted - 04/23/2007 : 10:20:16 AM
How about Minnesota? I would like the laws changed here also. Let the women go top free like the men already do. As far as nudity, I see nothing wrong with going outdoors to do whatever yardwork, sunbathe and not get arrested for indecent exposure.

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