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 Types of Nudist Recreation
 Clothing Optional resorts, clubs and destinations
 What are your views on clothing optional resorts?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 02/24/2008 : 12:07:09 PM
What are your views on clothing optional resorts?

Do you feel the clothing optional concept is a good one for the nude recreation industry?

Some feel it encourages gawkers, who could remain clothed. There is also the feeling expressed that the c/o experience is not a "pure" one.

What do you think?

By the way, if you have certain resorts or clubs to list, it belongs in the thread for that purpose. [here]

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Horace Posted - 10/02/2014 : 07:55:47 AM
I'm a confirmed nudist. I can be nude all the time. Mrs Horace is a comfortablist. She is nude, topless, bottomless, commando, or clothed depending upon the group, the wind, the position of the stars and other random factors. I believe in everyone being comfortable and feeling safe. Just the idea of being "required" to be nude freaks a fair number of people out who would otherwise be comfortable nude.
Elpato Posted - 09/28/2014 : 12:33:29 PM
When I was a member of a nudist club; I felt that all should be nude. It was a NUDIST club! Now, no longer a club member and a regular at a C/O beach, I try to make the textiles feel welcome whether they are wanting to try nudism or just wanting to share the space with us. I've found most to be friendly and comfortable with the nudists, as we should be with them. I Think I'm seeing that we have a better chance of bringing "clothing optionalism" into the mainstream than we do holding strictly to nudity.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 09/28/2014 : 11:06:49 AM
All resorts should be clothing optional. It really shouldn't matter to the resort owner what a paying customer chooses to wear or not.

Naked is green.
ROB g Posted - 10/29/2013 : 2:03:41 PM
When we go we don't wear anything. We pay at the office park then strip and don't get dressed till we see the sign no nudity beyond this point when we leave. But I did see something a little strange the first time we camped this year. There was a small family just up the road who spent most of the weekend clothed and in their camp site. I noticed they were nude only for short times. And they kept to them selves all though one of the ladies came up and talked to me for a little bit fully clothed and me fully nude. It kind of reminded me of losing in strip poker and sitting next to some one fully dressed. The other thing I thought was a little strange was they did let their little kids run around nude even though they were dressed.
Warmskin Posted - 10/29/2013 : 03:10:49 AM
Not to worry, Doc. Just fence off a small area for the clothing optional people, and place a kiddie pool in the middle. For those of us who want everyone else to be nude, we get the bulk of the resort.

I can understand if some folks are apprehensive about clothed people running around. It's going to be that way. Of course, a lot of people won't care one way or the other.

I was thinking out loud how to make everyone happy. Maybe I mis-diagnosed the problem, and thus prescribed the wrong meds, so to speak.

Eventually, it should be up to the majority of the clientele at the resort, although management of those resorts could dictate if it's clothing-optional or fully nudity required. Sarongs seem to be okay universally, from what I've seen.

Maybe there is just no solution to this.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

NaturistDoc Posted - 10/27/2013 : 6:14:28 PM
Fences? Really? So ... who gets the swimming pool? Or are you going to run the fence down the middle of the pool? Or are you going to build a second pool, hot tub, laundromat, pickleball court, etc., so the All-Nudies and the Optionals can each have their 'separate, but equal' facilities? You might as well just build two resorts.

We're already obliged to fence ourselves off from the textile world, We really shouldn't have to fence ourselves off from each other.
Warmskin Posted - 10/26/2013 : 7:14:56 PM
In ranches, they have fences that separate different areas for one purpose or another. Why not fence off areas for clothing-optional, and strictly clothing-free. Leave it to the customers to choose with whom they want to be. In this manner a resort can please both factions. It doesn't have to be one or the other (mutual exclusivity).

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

nudesunguy Posted - 10/24/2013 : 11:26:40 AM
I'm with Jenn and the Doc on this one. When a place becomes clothing optional you almost always get lots of clothed people, and for some reason this encourages more people to wear clothes (I think this is especially true for women). And when there are a lot of clothed people, nudists either stop coming, or are not as enthusiastic about coming to such a venue.

As for the "gawker friendly" posts above: spoken as a single male, I'm sure. And that attitude might be one of the reasons for being single. Gawking is rude, both in clothed and nude situations. Sure, everyone looks/glances, that is human nature, but to gawk or stare for periods of time is offensive. Try going to a nude beach or resort and have some guy (it's always a guy) plop down in front of your wife or girlfriend and start staring up between her legs and let us know how comfortable that is for everyone involved.

Nudony Posted - 10/21/2013 : 08:09:16 AM
Originally posted by Daretobare

I go to a beach or a resort in order for me to enjoy my own self being naked in a safe and friendly environment. I couldn't care less about others dress or undress. They probably have as many reason why they stay dressed as I do to be undressed. I don't go to judge them and I'm pretty sure they aren't judging me either while there. So CO doesn't bother me at all.

And I don't think there's anything wrong with that philosophy. If I had a "naked for me" philosophy, I might be happy just going about my business in my appartment nude, going to C/O yoga every Saturday and practice nude regardless of who is wearing what around me.

But my philosophy of nudism is perhaps a bit more romantic and less pragmatic (i.e just being more comfortable nude for oneself). Social nudity is for me a break; a getaway. An escape from the day-to-day-conventions that I find myself trapped in. A break from the mask(s) and barriers that I have to put on and that people around me put on. It's not just that I prefer everyone else around me being also naked; it's that it allows me to relate to them at a very human and simple/natural level. It also allows me to "connect" in a more authentic and profound way; even if it just three words or some glances that are exchanged.

When I was a nudist Dad, I also felt it was important for my daughter to interact with other nudist children; she was typically comfortable in C/O situations, but to me her being bale to interact, relate to and play with other nude children was a fundamental part of what I wanted nudism to teach her.

And again, that's just my philosophy. :)

gnarlyoldman Posted - 10/20/2013 : 12:14:07 PM
I am of two minds about this. For years I frequented a CO resort in Colorado. Often I was the only naked person. Most people got naked in the afternoon around the swimming pool, or in the hot springs in the evening. Most people got dressed immediately when they left the pool area. What was important to me was that i could be naked without criticism even if nobody else wanted to be naked. In mornings I could fix breakfast naked in the communal kitchen, or spend an afternoon walking about the grounds naked among clothed people. I could spend an evening using the computer Internet in the lodge, all naked while others were clothed, and the management was supportive of naked as a choice everywhere.

On the other side, I kind of agree with Jenn that when clothing is "optional" it tends to encourage clothed people and even members of "nudist clubs" are clothed most of the time. As a management perspective, a lot of their paying guests would not be there if they were required to be naked. So allowing the textiles supports the costs and creates a larger place for a naked choice. I would like naked to be optional everywhere in the world, but at least clothing optional is better than clothing required.
free2be Posted - 10/20/2013 : 08:44:46 AM
Well said feelings are the same.
Daretobare Posted - 10/20/2013 : 06:29:49 AM
I go to a beach or a resort in order for me to enjoy my own self being naked in a safe and friendly environment. I couldn't care less about others dress or undress. They probably have as many reason why they stay dressed as I do to be undressed. I don't go to judge them and I'm pretty sure they aren't judging me either while there. So CO doesn't bother me at all.
COCR Posted - 10/19/2013 : 2:17:17 PM
Personally, I am happy and content with or without clothes, but I hate to be cold. It is also very much against everything I believe in to MAKE somebody do something (except the kids of course ;-) ) or to be MADE to do something. If we are at a nudist venue where it is either not that warm, or the A/C is blasting because others are too hot, I have a problem if nudity is a firm requirement, and I will not come back.

As business owners/managers of a very small nudist complex (in the tropics, so I am fine! ) we still don't want to TELL anybody what to do and find it more important that a couple who might not be quite on the same page regarding nudity can vacation together. "To cover or not to cover" has not presented any problems to date.
The die-hard nudists don't seem to care, and most of those on the fence have quickly decided to just jump in and toss everything. From what we have seen, it has actually been the men who were the most hesitant and took the longest to convert.
Don't know if size of the place matters or not.

Clothesfree, Naturally,
NaturistDoc Posted - 10/19/2013 : 1:31:12 PM
I'm slowly coming around to Jenn's point of view. I just spent a few days at a well-known resort in California. It was a bit cool in the mornings, so I can fault people for covering up. But in the afternoons, aside from those in the pool area. virtually all the women were clothed. And most of the guests were either 'regulars' or residents. I couldn't quite figure out what they were doing there.
allnaturalwife Posted - 10/18/2013 : 7:28:38 PM
Personally I am not in favor of "optional" resorts. Quite frankly I think they almost discourage nudity. From personal experience over the years, I have noticed at my own club that more and more people are in some sort of "dress" more than completely nude. I have stated this position in many other threads, so I'm not going to "beat a dead horse here", but I do not think it makes people more comfortable to get naked when fewer people are naked..The logic in that is kinda silly. Furthermore all of these HUGE amounts of uncomfortable women who don't want to get naked..usually just don't get naked. And looking around at a bunch of clothed people at a resort...why would you want to?

I do not think a club or resort should be militant about it...however I wish there were more people who liked to "live nude" all the set an example for everyone. Our family does, and I guess that's all we can control..hope others follow suit.


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