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 The Smooth Nudist Forum - dedicated to shaving
 Do most people like guys shaved?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nakedsurfer2000 Posted - 11/29/2005 : 5:19:14 PM
I am new here and have not read through very much yet but I wanted to see how most females feel about guys shaving. Do they like it better than hair or is a good trim better than a full shave.


Notice: This moderator, operating under username 'Moderator', has been terminated for repeatedly censoring or altering posts without providing a clear indication of which policy was being enforced. Her actions were not sanctioned by this organization.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bubbabubba Posted - 10/13/2017 : 12:16:44 PM
I discovered the joy of getting waxed-- love the feeling and look...

doug2323 Posted - 03/26/2017 : 01:43:11 AM
Yeah, I don't care what other's think. I will shave or let it grow depending on how I feel that day, week, month. It's sickening bullshit that people even have this discussion. I'm currently growing a backhair mullet.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 03/25/2017 : 11:53:46 AM
To me it looks stupid and ugly. Its a FAD that ought to end. Natural bodies are always better looking.

Naked is green.
oldnudyman Posted - 03/24/2017 : 5:21:44 PM
I tried it, but I didn't like the itchy stubble while waiting to shave again. I know that some men shave every time they are in the shower, but to me it's just to much trouble.
Nude in AK Posted - 03/23/2017 : 10:36:04 AM
I do not know what others think, but I like being shaved. Have been for many years and hope to stay that way for a long as possible. No real reason other then I just like the feeling.
soonbnude Posted - 03/22/2017 : 06:33:17 AM

Think I'm with Jenn, does it really matter? It's a personal choice. 13 pages is extra-ordinary. SBN.
bubbabubba Posted - 03/19/2017 : 12:26:18 PM
GLAD CHERIE was removed from here-- Years ago on this site I was viciously attacked by her for something I had stated as my opinion or experience-- if we are here to learn or discuss be polite and there should be no problem...I LOVE seeing guys shaved...BUt then hair can be attractive too....esp if manscaped....Nudists should be ok with ANYTHING that does not harm others...

dakref Posted - 12/20/2014 : 3:28:16 PM
Check any forum and you'll find this topic is always an obsession of men. It's a personal choice and no one really cares what you do. Sheeeesh.
zaveh Posted - 12/08/2014 : 01:28:46 AM
Just like shaving the face it's a trend issue. body hair has been going on and off.
Some people have their hair cut by their barber/hair stylist while others (men mostly...) shave their heads.
No doubt, it's a fascinating issue!
Personally I prefer smooth, either shaved, waxed or lasered.

smoothman60 Posted - 06/23/2013 : 07:12:23 AM
Family and friends see me naked all the time as I hate wearing clothes and as I am smooth allover most people don't comment and the ones that do say it looks good .l think is a personal choice which people respect
smoothman60 Posted - 06/23/2013 : 07:10:02 AM
Family and friends see me naked all the time as I hate wearing clothes and as I am smooth allover most people don't comment and the ones that do say it looks good .l think is a personal choice which people respect
nudesunguy Posted - 01/09/2013 : 10:36:15 AM
I agree, it's difficult to tell how sincere the question was in the first place and what its intention was. Anyone who has spent time in nudist environments realizes that almost nobody gives a damn about your pubic hairstyle. And for those people who do care, the responses above show that some do/some don't like shaved; so do what YOU prefer. Can we now say "case closed" on this pressing issue?

I know, I'm dreaming...

allnaturalwife Posted - 01/08/2013 : 4:19:35 PM
All of these topics usually go way off track. Especially the ones about shaving. I've never seen so many virtually obsessed with the topic. If you go back to the actual title of the post, it asks " do most people like guys shaved"? Most likely this was someone trying to generate a sexually charged topic. Maybe it was someone actually wondering, as a man, if they should now shave themselves. (doubt it)

Does the question mean..from a physical attraction standpoint do WOMEN in the nudist community prefer men to shave? Does the general nudist community itself prefer men to shave?.. which would be a silly question, since I'm pretty sure the nudist community as a whole couldn't care less what "men" or women do with their shaving habits. So we must assume this post is asking the former. If so, instead of 13 pages this could be answered by a yes/or no poll and be done.

Just saying..

Nudony Posted - 01/07/2013 : 08:01:03 AM
I don't understand the point of this topic anyway (all thirteen pages of it). Some people shave, some people trim, some people go natural. When did that go up for a vote? Sighs...

Admin Posted - 01/07/2013 : 01:35:56 AM
We had a little scuffle here, at this point of the thread.

I have removed several comments that began with:
  • rabbitnbunny posting an off-color and offensive insult toward smoothies in general
  • another member taking the bait with some polite disagreement
  • rabbitnbunny using extreme profanity while he threatens that member with bodily harm
  • a second member backing up rabbitnbunny
  • rabbitnbunny is banned permanently from this forum
Very simple. You talk trash, you are removed. IP is logged. That's a real shame after 71 posts, rabbitnbunny.

There is another person with two strikes that was participating to increase the tension. These two individuals have generated the only complaints I've received over an entire year.

No problem. Easily fixed.

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