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 Has anyone really used SEIKO shaver

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
makis665 Posted - 07/24/2005 : 12:52:03 PM
I would really like to hear opinions on Seiko shaver.I have seen these ads all over the net.But i have never seen somebody really saying if its good ? Or if it does a good shave as a razor.

[Admin's note: To support our site, consider purchasing your Seiko Shaver through our partnership with Amazon. With this link you can view the full selection of Seiko shavers available.]
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hairerazor Posted - 08/22/2012 : 3:59:16 PM
The Seiko is old technology and was only developed because there was nothing for the market. There's been many improvements since then, especially from ourselves. We've become the leader in Personal Shavers, now with four models and still growing.

We just released the eRazor Fuzion. It's the world's first personal shaver with a built-in trimmer. You can find out more at
Cheater Posted - 12/22/2008 : 4:37:22 PM
The only "lies" are those spread by Cleancut salesmen trying to sell an overpriced product by claiming it was made by Seiko and thus had some magical qualities which made the extra cost somehow worth it. At no time has the "Seiko Cleancut" ever been made by Seiko. It was ALWAYS made by Izumi Products and to claim it was made by Seiko and only available through "authorized Seiko dealers" is nothing short of deceit and trickery. To claim it is made in Japan is also deceit and trickery. That is the only complaint I have.

Seiko did not "sell" the Seiko shaver to Izumi, they stopped Izumi from using their name early in 2008. This was way before the economic downturn really hit and it had nothing to do with the "credit crunch" and more to do with realizing that they did not want their name on such a product. We wonder why if the Cleancut was truly such a great shaver??? If this does not bother you then by all means buy a Cleancut - sans the Seiko name - as they are now calling it.

I fully concur that it is far from desirable to shave pubic areas with a face shaver. However there are several pubic shavers that do the job for far less money than the so called Seiko and some that have far better guarantees and more product features, some being eco friendly AND COST LESS.

To those sucked in by the use of the Seiko name - you were deceived into paying more than necessary. For those still wanting to buy a pubic shaver - check anywhere on the Internet, compare the features and prices, warranty etc like you would with any product and then buy whatever you feel is right for you.

I wish all Seiko salesmen a "smooth" 2009
seiko-cleancut Posted - 12/22/2008 : 2:13:36 PM
There is a lot of half truths and misconceptions in this thread. Body4Real initially sold the Feather Touch shaver, which proved to be a poor quality imitation of the Seiko Cleancut. They quickly sourced the REAL Seiko Cleancut to replace it. That was more than FIVE (5) years ago and they were an authorised Seiko S-Yard dealer up until a few months ago, when Seiko S-Yard shut down their shaver business unit (another casualty of the credit crunch) and sold it to Izumi.

The Seiko Cleancut is a superb shaver which has sold literally in the millions, not all to fans of pubic hair shaving of course!

What the vast majority of people don't know is that there were 2 versions of the Seiko Cleancut. The version sold domestically in Japan was actually made in China and the official export version was made in Japan. This was done on purpose to combat the grey market import problem.

Alas, the Seiko Cleancut is no more and only a handful of authorised dealers have the original Japanese stock:

I really don't understand what all the complaining is about? The Seiko Cleancut branded shavers have legions of supporters and the world has lost a truly great pubic hair shaver.

If you believe the conspiracy theories then by all means don't buy it. Drop into your local electrical store and buy a cheap shaver and then butcher your genital region...

Cheater Posted - 12/03/2008 : 11:08:17 PM
I do not sell anything. I am a journalist. I had to buy my shaver and did not get a free shaver to be exchanged for product placement.

I used to use the Seiko Cleancut and like many others have ditched it as the battery was always running down. I compared the features of many newer shavers and settled on the Hair eRazor. It works for me.

You are a Izumi Seiko and snakeoil salesman and see nothing wrong in using deceipt to wring a few more dollars out of trusting consumers. That is not right and you cannot convince me or anyone else differently. As a journalist I love to expose deceipt. It is what I do.

I have no problem with the Body Bare or the Philips Body Groom. If I was selling Hair eRazors I would make sure not to mention the competition but as you and anyone will see I have done so many times. At least these two shavers are sold honestly and without deceipt and way CHEAPER than the so called Seiko (Izumi) Cleancut. These shavers must work as the companies are obvioulsy still in business.

You can decry the Hair eRazor and any other personal shaver as much as you like provided you tell the truth. It does not bother me in the slightest.

If the so called Seiko Cleancut is so great why did Seiko wash its hands of these shavers? Doesn't make any sense if what you say is true. Why would they let such a "miracle of shaving" pass into oblivion. Seiko is clearly concerned about quality and image and obviously the Cleancut shavers do not belong in their stable any longer. That is the only logical reason for them ditching the Cleancut.

If the Hair eRazor is as bad as you maintain, why do they offer a money back guarantee? It must cost them if they do not deliver the goods. I have found their shaver works much better than the Seiko that I still have somewhere. It is much more technologically advanced, it is eco friendly and COSTS FAR LESS. No one is concealing the fact that it is made in China like almost 99% of all shavers.

You can rage and spew vitriol and attempt to confuse readers of this thread. I dont think anyone cares what you think or want to sell. I certainly do not.

May your Izumi shaver sales go through the roof or wherever.
smartp Posted - 12/02/2008 : 12:34:28 PM
Why you say, because I detest people like you spreading lies for your own personal gain as you are obviously the erazor seller and by your last paragraph you convict yourself. Did I miss something? Of course the Seiko is made by Izumi, what are you delirious? We have been saying that from the start. Read your own words as you are so confused you don't know what your writing. You have not emailed Izumi to find the truth because in the words of Jack Nicholson, 'You can't handle the truth'. Call them if you don't believe the email address, the number is on their website, but that could be falsified, right?. Deadbeats like you are just using lies and deception for your own commercial gain, your plagerism is everywhere, you could at least change the words here and there and hide it some. Who knows what tiny backyard factory you use to make your erazor, but like Phillips, Panasonic, Sunbeam and Remington the Seiko Cleancut is made by Izumi and it is made in Japan. That's the truth and the message I tried to get across to you. Rather than you continually spreading misconceptions for your own personal gain at the expense of others. Simply put the Shaver works and if you were a ligitimate journo which you are not you would go and verify the facts, but of course this would be to your detriment and you would sell less crappy erazors. The myriad of good comments for the Seiko Cleancut is enough for people to know that it is a good product, rather than the misinformation you portray to sell more of your own product.
Cheater Posted - 12/01/2008 : 2:15:11 PM
Thank you for at last conceding that the "Seiko" is not the genuine Seiko Cleancut that you professed it to be earlier and is NOT made by Izumi products.

It is so evident that you are not just a user like myself but a "self appointed authorized dealer" for the Izumi/Seiko shaver. Why else would you put up such a vitriolic storm about the fact that I exposed this deliberately deceptive advertising and misdescribing the Seiko Cleancut as being made by Seiko and being Japanese made when it is NOT. No ordinary shaver user would do this. It is just another deception on your part. I like exposing deception.

I have not touched on the fact that these Izumi/Seiko shavers are more expensive than any others I have mentioned that do the same job and also have outdated features. I do not know why people would pay more for old technology E.G. being non rechargeable in the case of the ES 412 or rechargeable for the much more expensive ES 1080 which has outdated transformers, cords and toxic NiCad battery. However that is their choice.

You claim that the Seiko Cleancut is better as it is made in Japan and that is why it is more expensive. Actually Seiko had the Izumi/Seiko Cleancut ES 412 advertised on its Japanese website for the equivalent in yen of $30.00. Please explain why it is sold on US websites for $60 and about $100 for the ES 1080. Sounds like a rip off to me. Perhaps you have an answer for this too.

You must have a literacy problem as you appear to have missed all this year's negative press about how Customs fails to catch fraudulently and falsely described imported items. Customs usually only responds when complaints are made about the authenticity of a product and not usually very effectively even then. Perhaps they will now investigate the Seiko Cleancut further. That will be very interesting and embarrasing for Izumi Products.

We note that you did not actually provide an Izumi authorised dealer and address in this forum. Just an email address which can easily falsified as anyone knows. Once again if anyone is interested please google "authorized Seiko Dealers" nothing but watches are shown in the results. Google "Authorized Seiko Cleancut dealers" and you may see one or two shady dealers that self profess themselve to be "authorised dealers". Google Izumi Products are you will see one authorised dealer in Hawaii.

I suspect that no one except you is reading this thread and that is fine by me. The thread started by asking if anyone used the Seiko/Izumi Cleancut. Most did not know the shaver, some liked it and some preferred the "rip 'em out by the roots" hair removal methods which is both painful and can cause skin infections. I mentioned the Hair eRazor as I used to use the Izumi/Seiko Cleancut and moved to a very good and cheaper more up to date new shaver the Hair eRazor. I did not know this brand ( I did not know Izumi products either) but as they have a good warranty money back guarantee and a far better price I gave it a shot and it worked for me. I leave it to others to try it or not as they see fit. Whether they do or not I really do not care. If anyone thinks that I might benefit from the "surge of sales" in the Hair eRazor that may results from about 50 readers of this thread, then think again. Few if any people read this thread as you can clearly see and those who do really dont care what either of us have to say. If however just one person is better informed then I have done them a good turn.

Over and out.

nudeisbetter Posted - 11/28/2008 : 4:24:37 PM
It's amusing I guess, but no one seems to care except you two. Maybe you should get a room?

smartp Posted - 11/28/2008 : 10:01:56 AM
Masters? Oh yes all mighty one, you win how much discount will you give me on one of your Chinese shavers?

And for anyone who cares, which I'm sure they don't and neither do I but then I detest dishonest journalism.

The contact email address for the person in charge of marketing for North America from Izumi Products based in Japan is,

And some of the response I just received is as follows,

"Yes I can assure you we manufacture many products in Japan for our domestic market and for export including the PS334 and PS335 Shavy Feminine hair trimmers, and the ES412, ES1080 Cleancut (formerly SEIKO) rotary shavers you enquired about.

Nice person, they even referred me to a non existant authorised reseller?. So maybe they were lying to me, the whole world's gone crazy.

And for all you Customs people out their you have been fooled for the past 20 years! Yeah right your lucky to get a wooden toothpick past Homeland Security these days, nudist or not there is no place they won't look to check, rubber gloves and all.

But if anyone cares you can now email the horse mouth and get the truth for yourself but try all the shavers and see if you come up with the same conclusion I did no matter what it's called or where it's made, just as long as it works for you.

Don't believe this guy, his plagerism is all over the Chinese shaver websites and he just wants to influence you in denegrating a product that seems to work for a lot of us judging by all the other good comments. Dare to be Bare is the best!
Cheater Posted - 11/27/2008 : 1:48:49 PM
If you went to charm school you really should ask for your money back.

Feel free to sell the so called "Genuine Seiko" to all comers. I coud not care less. I have no vendetta against Seiko. However I dislike consumer scams of which you are quite obviously a part.

I say again quite unequivocally that the Cleancut is misrespresented as being a "genuine Seiko". There are no "Authorized" Seiko dealers anywhere in any Country that sell the Seiko Cleancut. Please prove me wrong and please answer why this would be, if the shaver were truly a Seiko on the up and up. It is absolutely not made in Japan as evidenced by the Izumi website, although they may indeed have a factory in Japan that paints on the Seiko name and stamps "made in Japan" on the shavers. Anyone knows that you can "manufacture a shirt in one country and sew the buttons on it another and thus the country of real origin is obscured. This origin doctoring is the oldest trick in the books and the very same applies to the "Seiko" shavers.

I am not aware that any of the other pubic shavers attempt to disguise the place of manufacture in order to prise a lot more dollars out of the customers wallets. They are all straigtforward and honest about this with the Cleancut being the only one that is not. The various Customs authorities round the world might be interested in this thread and might make some interesting inquiries about the exact origins of the components and manufacture of the Seiko shavers before allowing an other shipment of Seiko shavers into the country.

By all means please pass this on to your masters.

It was not for amusement that Izumi Products built a factory in China many years ago ( see preceding message) which they openly acknowledge, makes the shavers for Seiko and others. If you are really asking the readers of this thread or indeed anyone else that Izumi just built this factory for the production of all shaver EXCEPT the "Seiko" Cleancut, you must have shaved your brains when shaving your head.
smartp Posted - 11/27/2008 : 09:41:50 AM
Oh my seems I have upset you again, the truth hurts or being WRONG WRONG WRONG and cannot accept it. Your still honkin your horn, saying the same thing over and over, sounds like a broken record. So take your own advice and email then yourself, or here's the address lifted straight off their website, you didn't notice, very selectively left out by you.

Izumi Products Company,
Head Office & Factory
3039 Sasaga, Matsumoto,
Nagano, Japan

Oh my, factory in Japan, wrong again but just can't accept it. No deceit on my part the truth is there to be seen and heard. Why don't you do a bit of hearing yourself, in your own words you just said Izumi make Remington and Sunbeam, so what's the diff? You really eat your own words or the same applies to Remington? Oh my god they don't make their own products either, such deception. Tsk Tsk Tsk.. Who cares! Why have you got such hatred for Seiko, still dislike the Japanese from WW2? Or got an old Seiko watch they wouldn't fix for free for you and you expect to pay nothing as it's really made in China. I read they are a 100 year old company and I believe they make rather good watches, got one myself, oh and it's made in Japan not China but that's probably false like their shavers according to you. Never mind that it would be grossly illegal. I read Seiko MADE the first watch that works in space, went aboard the space shuttle recently, or sorry should I say one of it's factories in Japan made it, probably Chinese, as you keep harping it's to expensive to make anything in Japan. I asked the very same question to Seiko that you again mentioned and rather than guessing the response as you do and come to the again WRONG conclusion. I was told quite bluntly that they do not like the product category of personal shavers or the effects it was having on their brand name and it didn't matter to them how good the shaver was selling it didn't fit their image, hah! Hear that everyone Seiko are snobs, they don't like us using their shaver in the places we like to shave!. If you want a good laugh then take a look at
It's a TV Ad for their shaver, how funny, but how embarassing for them. No wonder they said they are consolidating their business around their watches and taking their brand upmarket. It's understandable to anyone with half a brain that fanny shavers might be detrimental to such efforts. Wake up Wally you are so out of touch and truly if your a journo do the world a favour and stick your head back in the sand. Sayonara Hakuchi..
ddoger Posted - 11/27/2008 : 03:34:00 AM
Not me, I epiliate. Only have to do it once every couple of weeks, been doing it for over a year now. very low maintenance and very little discomfort. Recently bought a panasonic w/d model for about 50 bucks. Until then I had been using a 5.00 no name model I bought off ebay. Worked just fine. Can't imagine having to shave every day or two and have to deal with the stubblies. Wife would kill me if I showed up with prickles.
Just my opinion

nudeisbetter Posted - 11/26/2008 : 4:11:50 PM
This is such a bizarre thread. Does anyone else even care?

Cheater Posted - 11/26/2008 : 3:42:23 PM
Deceit is not part of freedom and democracy.

The so called Seiko is NOT a genuine Seiko as it is often purported to be. There are no authorized dealers of this product and never have been. Seiko has never manufactured this shaver at any time. The Cleancut has always been made by Izumi Products.

The following is the exact wording from from Izumi Products web site - read it for yourself. "Izumi set-up an export department, the sole function of which was to sell electric shavers and personal care items on an OEM business to such large accounts as Sears, Remington, Sunbeam, Seiko in Japan, and many others. Izumi opened a factory in Yokota, Japan, in the mid-sixties, followed by an affiliated factory in Korea, and then opened an office in Hong Kong and a manufacturing facility in conjunction with Durable Electrical, and finally opened another factory in China whose sole function and responsibility was to manufacture electric shavers for export to the United States and the much smaller domestic market in Japan."

This makes complete nonsense of what you claim either through ignorance or intent to keep up the deceit.

I have no problem with anyone buying a Cleancut, Hair eRazor Body Bare, Bodygroom or even a weedwhacker. The choice is alway the perogative of the customer provided he/she is not deceived and can make an informed choice.

If the Cleancut is such a great shaver and is honestly represented why on earth would Seiko completely disown it and cease having anything to do with it as you correctly point out.
smartp Posted - 11/26/2008 : 12:10:21 PM
It is you who is the amusing one resorting instantly to acusing someone of foul play just because they have a different opinion. Freedom and democracy, the pillars of this society allow us to express our opinion freely. For a journalist as you say you are I found the exact paragraph you wrote on this board about Chinese products and shavers as PR on the commercial website of one of the cheap Chinese copy shavers. Either you are 'the' Chinese shaver seller or plagerism is your art and not journalism. Why you keep harping on about Seiko not making the shaver is beyond any reasoning unless you are hell bent on denegrating it so you can sell more Chinese hedge clippers. I have emailed Seiko at the address you gave, thankyou, and the reply came that yes they do not manufacture the shaver anymore and their shaver business has been passed entirely to Izumi Products Japan who manufacture the product in their Nagano factory JAPAN. And if you look under the hood as you said, low and behold it's ALL Japanese made parts. I would say get your glasses checked or you have been looking at one of the many cheap Chinese copies. I have since been told that Izumi has factories in China and manufacture Remington, Phillips and Panasonic so Seiko was in good company but they insisted their product was made in the Japan factory so they could ensure a very high quality. What I hear you say, Phillips Remington and Panasonic also don't make their own shavers, why yes, Izumi does. Like I said it does not matter who makes it so long as it works. They say the highest form of flattery is imitation and I guess the Seiko shaver is one that has been flattered many times now. Seiko told me and you would agree, if it's made in Japan it's of course more expensive, but then it's not a rip off or price gouge as you try to make out. But you are right on one thing and that is the authorised Seiko shavers and sellers list has gone, why? Because Seiko said they have withdrawn from the market and it is Izumi Products responsibility to issue such a list. Sounds fair enough to me. But why you keep on about such triviality when I cannot find such a list for Body Bare or even Erazor. Seems to me Erazor is some backyard operation based in Las Vegas who sells a few units cheap on eBay because no retailer will stock them. You wouldn't happen to be from LV, WOULD YOU? I have been to Amazon as you said and only found mostly praise for the Seiko or Cleancut product. But I did find your plagerism written there again, but low and behold the Seiko or Cleancut was mentioned as one of the best selling ladies shavers on Amazon. I appreciate good honest journalism and detest fabricated twisted information denegrating a good product for no reason. Now it might seem that I take the bit in my mouth when someone makes wrongful accusations about me and a product which as you can probably guess is a favourite of mine. But I like the truth to be known and it was worth my time in finding it out for others here to share. The number of satisfied users including myself, wife and friends show the Seiko Cleancut shaver works well. Might not suit everyone including so called journalists but like he said go out and try them all for yourself.
Cheater Posted - 11/25/2008 : 3:34:09 PM
I find it hugely amusing to see you desparately trying to convince readers of this thread to be "very afraid" of anything other than your Seiko shaver. I personally do not care what shaver you or anyone else buys. I have no interest financial or otherwise in any shaver. I do however have an interest in pointing out deceitful advertising and silly fearmongering.

You are patently trying to use these boards to sell Seiko shavers under the guise of pretending to be an loyal customer. I have no doubt there are those that are happy to pay more than they need and who do not mind the scam that is being perpetrated in the form of deceptively using the Seiko name when it has never been manufactured at all by Seiko and also made with some Chinese components. Anyone wanting to see what nonsense you talk has only to look under the "hood" of the Seiko shaver and they can see Chinese components and not all Japanese as you seem to claim. If you really expect any manufacturer to produce components in a high cost country like Japan and still stay in business, you are simply deluding yourself and maybe others.

Customers for pubic shavers are smart enough to "shop around" and if they see a better deal from you, Body Bare, Philips, Hair erazor or anything else, at a better price, providing a better shave then obviously they will buy that shaver.

Again I suggest that anyone should buy whichever personal shaver they want, test drive it and if it doesn't perform as they would like - SEND IT BACK for a refund. The proof of the pudding is always in the eating.

You need to remember that you can deceive some people some of the time but not all people all of the time.

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