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T O P I C    R E V I E W
glock45 Posted - 11/19/2007 : 05:44:18 AM
I have been gone from here for a while so I don't know if this question has been asked.
Have any of you shavers(or hair removers) been to your family doctor right after you shaved? If you did, did the nurse or doctor comment as to why you were shaved or did they make any comment at all?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bubbabubba Posted - 03/19/2017 : 12:20:29 PM
I have never ben asked a question and I have a very manscaped crotch--- trimmed "V"V shape and waxed o the sides of that. Get my ass and crack waxed or lasered....See urology folks 2 times per year and they just ignore it-- I WAS once insulted by a rude nurse because of my extra holes where I had removed some genital jewelry-- I still go to that practice but REFUSE to ever let that nurse be anywhere near me....I now leave some of my jewelry in that does not interfere with the exams I need to have...

FireProf Posted - 09/19/2015 : 09:39:53 AM
Since my initial post, 7 years ago, I've had many visits, exams and conversations with our doctor. She's made comments that 1) don't make you feel as though you're doing something wrong, 2) what you're doing is harmful to your health and 3) is not negative or judgmental about how you live ... as long as it's not unhealthy.

Her comments to both of us were, "beautiful tans, just be sure to use sunscreen," "are you visiting a dermatologist regularly?," "do you sunbath daily?," ... She noticed that my wife had had some spots removed surgically and told her, just like the dermatologist, "you just have to be more careful about how long and how much sun exposure you're getting. It doesn't mean you have to stop all together." That from our primary doctor and our dermatologist ... both females.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Warmskin Posted - 09/19/2015 : 02:07:13 AM
I have a slight tan (noticeable) where the sun doesn't usually hit me. I'm due for a physical given by a female doctor. A lot of us probably don't want to appear out of the ordinary when being viewed by a doctor. Nudists less so, to a good degree, I imagine. Still there are some of us (me! me!) who don't like attention being drawn to themselves.

I would bet that doctors are trained not to make comments that would make their patients feel uncomfortable. "Wow, you must be one of those nudist types," would not be an ethical comment to make to a patient. Or, "I see you've taken to running around naked for the first time."

My thought is to place the onus on the doctor, and let him/her deal with your overall tan, or other effects, and not you. A good doctor is not going to make anything of it. The only thing that should draw attention is if you got a terrible sunburn.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

FireProf Posted - 09/19/2015 : 02:05:04 AM
Thankfully ... our primary doctor isn't one of those afraid to touch, poke and physically exam us. Her being aware that we are nudists and are "comfortable with being nude or partially disrobed makes her job easier."

When she stops treating us like this, it may be time to look for another doctor but I suspect she'll retire long before then.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
sailawaybob Posted - 09/18/2015 : 8:43:32 PM
docor offices seem like a factory lines nowdays heck lucky if they check your heart or blood pressure let alone tell you to disrobe.
SailingBare Posted - 09/03/2015 : 8:18:20 PM
For a couple of years my doc ( a close family friend) used to say time to drop the pants and lets see where the sun don't shine. For some reason he does not say that any more......
SailingBare Posted - 09/03/2015 : 8:17:58 PM
For a couple of years my doc ( a close family friend) used to say time to drop the pants and lets see where the sun don't shine. For some reason he does not say that any more......
Daretobare Posted - 09/03/2015 : 05:17:07 AM
Earlier this week I had that certain test that everybody over 50 hates to have. The doctor did an upper and lower check. Thankfully all was well. After the procedure he did mention that he noticed I probably tanned more than some others. So as any good doctor would do, he just made mention that I have regular skin checkups and to use a good sunblock.
blavan Posted - 09/02/2015 : 09:12:26 AM
We are both totally smooth with no tan lines. Both of our primary care doctors are female. There has not been a comment from our current doctors, although several years ago another female doctor initiated a discussion about the lack of tan lines. Our nudism was freely discussed. It was mostly a talk about us having no body shame, and the benefits of mixed gender relaxation in the nude both at home and socially. It was a matter-of-fact discussion. Then that was the end of it. It's probably a good thing for us as nudists to openly discuss our lifestyle with our primary care Doctors as it is a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Being Naked and Being Real
NaturistDoc Posted - 08/30/2015 : 7:42:30 PM
Such a non-issue. By the time you finish Med Skool you will have examined hundreds, if not thousands of undressed human bodies. Compared to the things we look for during an exam that are actually important, shaved body hair is so far down the list as to be irrelevant. I'm amazed that this topic keeps coming up.
Daretobare Posted - 08/30/2015 : 06:10:34 AM
I went in for a heart cath a couple years ago and the female nurse pulled the blanket back to shave me for the procedure. She told me it looks like I did it myself but she still had to clean it up with a razor. As she was doing it she noticed i had no tan lines. She mentioned to me that she thought maybe I was a nudist. We then discussed where I go nude, if my wife was involved and she said quietly.... She has tried to get her husband to attend a nude resort but he is reluctant. Help ease my nerves at that time.
smoothman60 Posted - 08/29/2015 : 9:08:15 PM
I have been to doctors nurses and hospital and no one has ever asked me why im smoooth
mike007 Posted - 08/06/2008 : 8:17:46 PM
Recently I had to change doctors for insurance reasons. So, I just had my annual physical with the new Doc. He noticed that I was shaved 'down there' and commented. I simply replied with a 'why Yes I am'. He then said, 'you know a lot of the kids are doing that these days.' My reply was, yep, and I'm constantly trying to keep up with those darn kids!! He almost fell off his chair laughing!!!
Seeing how I'm a 50 year old kid, and he's probably late 30ish - maybe - I think I may have caught him a bit off guard.
Just thought I'd share!!

Burns3 Posted - 08/05/2008 : 12:20:11 PM
I have a male Pakistani urologist, a female Hispanic primary care, a female Anglo laser technician, and a female Anglo dermatologist. They and their staff have seen me totally nude and smooth with never a comment. However, a couple of nurses have asked me for more information on social nudism because they wanted to try it.
EuroTim Posted - 06/28/2008 : 4:32:43 PM
Since my post last November, I've had several exams with several different doctors, including an exam for hydrocele which included a testicular ultrasound. There has not been even one visible or verbal reaction to my being completely shaved, except for the hydrocele doctor whose only comment was to thank me for making his job easier, since here in Italy (I don't know about in other places) they shave everything before doing the exam.

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