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 'INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL' to signify you are nudist!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
free2tannude Posted - 10/10/2009 : 2:35:58 PM

When you see a Commercial Truck carrying Hazardous Goods, you will notice a Diamond Shaped Placard with a 4 digit number on it and a symbol (flammable or oxidizing,etc) For an example, a tanker truck hauling gasoline will not have a placard that says 'gasoline' but has a 4 digit number and a symbol.

Let's have a contest to see what we can come up with. Mine is a yellow triangle,like a yield sign with a 'N' in the middle of it.

These can be stickers for a car window etc. or go on T-Shirts or whatever!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 07/10/2011 : 03:35:03 AM
Another thought, anent the symbol possibility -- take the "S" from the Superman costume, and turn it 90 degrees. That will change the S into an N. Voila, the nudist symbol.

"How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
OLD BUZZARD Posted - 07/09/2011 : 3:06:28 PM
I think a universal sign for nudist would be great, nothing to big but maby a sticker for your car window or a decal etc. Yellow is a good color with something to contrast with it for T shirts,towels etc................OLD BUZZARD

Warmskin Posted - 03/06/2011 : 6:18:57 PM

My cousin would babysit for a family many years ago. There little boy would run through the house with only a red blanket tied around his neck and yelling SUPER NAKED. When my cousin would tell that story we all got a big kick out of it. Diger

Clearly a young man of wisdom and common sense.
I'm sure he will go on to bigger and better things, such as president of AANR or TNS.

Maybe we could get temporary henna tattoos (for the summer) on our respective chests that would show the symbol. Great conversation starter if you were attending a textile pool party of day at the textile beach. Not that we would all go to those things that much, of course.

"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

James Madison
free2tannude Posted - 03/06/2011 : 3:52:38 PM

I still maintain that something simple would be the best way to go.

eg. During WWII, in occupied France, the resistance would mark the letter 'V' on anything given the chance. 'V' for Victory.

They say that this had an negative effect on the German occupying soldiers morale.

YES! Something simple!

Diger Posted - 11/13/2010 : 10:01:03 PM
Originally posted by Warmskin

Or, the icon could be like Superman's "S," only with an "N," instead. Of course, patent attorneys would have to be consulted, and they don't come cheap. Maybe good ol' Balataf will come up with the cash for that expense.

"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder."
George Washington

Warmskin I love the Super Naked sign.

My cousin would babysit for a family many years ago. There little boy would run through the house with only a red blanket tied around his neck and yelling SUPER NAKED. When my cousin would tell that story we all got a big kick out of it.

free2tannude Posted - 11/13/2010 : 4:56:46 PM
My idea is being used in the province of BC, but not for what I intended.

It is a triangle with an N on it. It goes on the back of your car when you are a new driver (probationary period) I actually asked someone who's car was sporting the sticker.

How about a decal that looks like the sun, yellow, with an 'N'

This would not look out of place on anything, vehicle, t-shirt, towel, cooler, etc.

nudesunguy Posted - 08/28/2010 : 11:04:47 AM
And what's with that "No Fat Chicks" symbol? I happen to love fat chicks. I have to admit it's pretty funny though...

nudesunguy Posted - 08/28/2010 : 10:59:05 AM
The bikini bottom with the line through it is the most universal, however it says what you can't do, not what you can do. The idea of butt cheeks is pretty universal also, but it would take some serious graphic design work to refine it; don't what people thinking the beach is for a**holes only. I also agree the letter "N" could become a symbol (rather than a letter) if it was stylized and used consistently.

Balto Bob Posted - 08/28/2010 : 08:26:42 AM
The last thing I need is a T-shirt. Anyone marketing to nudists should be printing things on TOWELS.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
free2tannude Posted - 08/27/2010 : 10:01:54 PM
Originally posted by free2tannude

I actually never meant the sign to 'promote' the nudist lifestyle as such.

The sign was meant to be a 'signal' to other nudists.

In July, I was at Wreck Beach. I purchased a T-Shirt that said: Wreck Beach and Party Naked. The Vendor used the Harley Davidson Logo artwork for the background. I also purchased a Bic Lighter that said: Wreck Beach on it. I told the vendor that a License Plate frame would go over Big Time,IMO.

I would have no problem with this License Plate Frame on my '09 VW Jetta.

Warmskin Posted - 10/20/2009 : 10:15:18 PM
Or, the icon could be like Superman's "S," only with an "N," instead. Of course, patent attorneys would have to be consulted, and they don't come cheap. Maybe good ol' Balataf will come up with the cash for that expense.

"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder."
George Washington
balataf Posted - 10/20/2009 : 3:04:13 PM
The "no bikini bottom" sign is great! That should be undertandable just about everywhere not ruled by the Taliban.

On second thought, where I was joking, let me point something out. Both the Afghan and Paki Taliban have had the policy of throwing battery acid into the eyes of little girls as a punishment for going to school. If that isn't worth fighting against, I don't know what is!
PappaBare Posted - 10/19/2009 : 07:52:36 AM
Just like those international window signs, here is something I just put together.

I am the way I am, because it makes ME happy
free2tannude Posted - 10/18/2009 : 10:09:35 PM

I actually never meant the sign to 'promote' the nudist lifestyle as such.

The sign was meant to be a 'signal' to other nudists.

Calbob Posted - 10/12/2009 : 4:38:20 PM
The late Lee Baxandall, founder of the Naturist Society, once proposed an international symbol for naturism. As I recall, it was a rear view silhouette of a nude man, woman and child. Lee also proposed making the letter "N" a universally recognizable symbol for naturism. TNS still sells merchandise with the "N" prominently displayed.

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