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Posted - 03/09/2009 : 01:58:40 AM
Cookie, You and Mrs. Cookie have got to put up an album of your artistic pubic regions. I've been reading about the wonderful colors for years, and I think it'd be a real hoot to see all of the excitement! Have a wonderful St. Pat's Day!
Country: USA
| Posts: 114 |
New Member
Posted - 03/09/2009 : 6:24:56 PM
I agree with Saxman. I would love to see a sampling of the various pubic hair designs of Cookie and Mrs. Cookie. I am very impressed with their creativity!! My shaved bush hasn't grown out enough for a decent shamrock, but there is always next year!!
| Posts: 5 |
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Posted - 03/09/2009 : 11:46:43 PM
That's awesome, JG! I hope you have a great St. Pat's day!
Country: USA
| Posts: 114 |
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Posted - 03/11/2009 : 12:23:54 AM
Cookie and Mrs Cookie,
That is super that you two have such a good funloving time decorating your pubic regions!! Very Cool!
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
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Posted - 03/11/2009 : 3:45:38 PM
We have been doing this recreational activity for many a year!! In the past some of our friends have joined the fun in bleaching, coloring,trimming and shaving.
When Memorial Day arrives, that is when we slowly start to remove the "bush". We will start with a "triangle", and then to a "landing strip", and then a small patch, and eventually we are "smoothies".
Mrs. Cookie is shy about posting, sorry!!
Remember, we are here for a short time so let's have a good time.
| Posts: 596 |
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Posted - 03/14/2009 : 1:07:19 PM
Hope everyone has a great St. Patricks Day!!
Shortly, we will be on our way to Conn. for the annual St. Patricks Day Party!!
Needless to say we brewed up some green food coloring, and both our "bushes" are bright kelly green!! Same as the Boston Celtic's!!!
Happy St. Pat's!!!!!
Remember, we are not here for a long time so, let's have a good time.
| Posts: 596 |
Forum Member
Posted - 03/14/2009 : 7:20:22 PM
Cookie, you and Mrs. Cookie knock um out, with your festive bushes! I, like others, would love to see that. I see lots of body jewelry, I have none, but I do apprediate those that sport it. I also have no tatoos, but I really love them too! My niece in Nashville, is an amazing artist, and a tatoo artist as well. I WILL have some of her work on my body somewhere someday, I promise! Her work is amazing!! OOps, I already said that. :)
I've seen some bush artistry at resorts, but none quite as viberant as that of you and Mrs.Cookie, according to your discription! I'm a lover of body painting also, I've seen some amazing things in that department, as I'm sure you have also.
Happy St.Patty's day to you both as well, and that's NO BLARNEY!!!
Take Care Stay Bare, fullmonte
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
New Member
Posted - 03/31/2009 : 12:12:22 PM
Anyone have any experience of using dyes to hide grey hairs? I am slowly going Grey 'down their' and it's taking my once unshakable confidence away a little bit.
Also, some of these comments make me a little bit reticent about the dyes - anyone know of any natural/healthy versions that wont cause any problems?
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas Edison
Time to relax! - Jane Babes
| Posts: 2 |
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Posted - 03/31/2009 : 5:17:52 PM
I probably shouldn't respond to this, since I don't have the exact answer that it seems you were looking for. I'm sure there is some such hair coloring to be purchased at Whole Foods or some holistic healthfood store. I also have two other thoughts. Depending on how long your bush is, just trimming can hide alot of gray, once the hair is shorter. You must perfer growing your natural bush, to waxing, I'm guessing?
I'll speak from my "male" and personal perspective. First of all, if you do nothing but wear your natural bush, and you are starting to turn grey there, I, as well as many other nudists think that is a wonderful and beautiful look. You may consider doing nothing different! A big part of our pitch to the textile public, is "Body Acceptance". After that, it's just preference. Believe me, as a man, I do go smooth and love it, but it's because of the way that it feels, and I do have my own body acceptance issues, I understand.
If I, as a friend across the miles, could encourage you in any way, I'd like to tell you, that you are beautiful just the way you are, and I personally think all phases of life, have there own unique beauty.
Take Care Stay Bare, fullmonte
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
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Posted - 04/08/2009 : 12:35:51 PM
i just trimmed/shaved for the first time today! first i trimmed the bush using scissors, with only one knick. then i hopped in the shower and shaved the top of the bush and left the rest trimmed. it like the way it looks but i'll decide whether if i'm going to shave it all off or not within the next few days.
| Posts: 20 |
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Posted - 04/08/2009 : 2:20:24 PM
My wife is almost entirely clean, except for a little tiny bit over her most sensitive part.
I am shaven except an area directly above, with a line heading toward the navel. My wife loves that little line. Over the years, I seem to get more and more shaved. At the gym locker room, I found myself hiding behind a towel because I was worried about being judged. Silly, I know.
My armpits have also been mostly shaved for years, and I just completely shaved them. What do you folks think of the shaved armpit thing on men? I'm not sure I like it completely shaved.
| Posts: 19 |
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Posted - 04/08/2009 : 2:54:57 PM
By the way, it FEELS great, I'm just not sure what folks think about the way the completely shaved armpit thing looks.
| Posts: 19 |
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Posted - 04/08/2009 : 11:55:10 PM
I go to an estitition, and wax pretty much everything. I shave my chest,stomach and legs. My pubic region I used to wax and get an entire Brazillion, but with an electric razor, I keep the pubic area nicely smooth, but must do it every day. I had my armpits waxed once, and thought, out of everything I get waxed, armpits hurt the most. I did like it, and I've thought about shaving them an keeping them that way. What people think is of little consequence to me. I think smooth all over looks great on guys. Body builders have no hair, and they look great.
My wife doesn't care what I do, one way or another. She did run her had over my butt a few days ago and remarked how soft it felt, so maybe she does care a little??? :)
Take Care, Stay Bare fullmonte
Country: USA
| Posts: 29 |
Forum Member

Posted - 04/26/2009 : 08:43:24 AM
Mrs. Cookie and I have been bleaching and coloring our respective bushes for quite a few years. Mrs. Cookie did it because she noticed some white. She has been a blonde (head) for eons, so when she colors her bush she is generally raven black. She like to use Feria, and we both have never had a problem.
She surprised me yesterday, she went to see her colorist and she changed the shade of her head hair to a platinum shade like the chef Paula Dean. It looks great. She also surprised me with a small bottle of the shade, and now both bushes are platinum You have to love it!!
As I said, we have never incurred a problem. and we have a lot of fun.
Remember, we are only here for a short time, so let's have a good time.
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New Member

Posted - 04/27/2009 : 4:38:20 PM
I prefer to be fully shaved and would rather have my female partner shaved as well. It is a feeling unlike no other.
Country: USA
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