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Bare in the Desert
Forum Member
Posted - 09/24/2003 : 03:15:56 AM
I was wondering, is it legal to be nude in your own backyard? I have a 6ft high block fence around the yard but my neighbors backyards are right on the other side. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Country: USA
| Posts: 276 |
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Posted - 09/24/2003 : 11:45:37 AM
It depends on how the local ordinances and statutes read. For the most part, if you've made a concerted effort to screen your yard from peering eyes, it should be enough. 7 feet would have been better.
In South Carolina, if you can be seen from the public right of way, it's not enough screening. Regards, Cheri
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
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Bare in the Desert
Forum Member
Posted - 09/24/2003 : 12:53:16 PM
Thank you for the info. Cheri. I will check locally to find out more.
I work from home and really enjoy the sun out here in Arizona so I try to only go out during the weekdays to water the grass and such when most are at work and school.
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/26/2003 : 09:45:22 AM
Cheri is correct. All depends on local statutes. Would think that being nude in or around ur own home was legal. Land of the free and all that. But some people are trying to limit if not stop any kind of nudity..I live in the desert too and enjoy being ouside as much as I can. But I have "English skin" I burn like no bodies business even with high spf..right now no place to go nude outside my place..but as soon as I can will be out in my backyard as much as I can..wooden or block wall..
Country: USA
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Bare in the Desert
Forum Member
Posted - 09/26/2003 : 11:54:54 AM
Yea, I'm not gonna worry about it too much. I've made the efforts to avoid being seen. I'll just try to play it safe and stay in on the weekends.
I know what your mean tucsonnude. The sun out here can be brutal. My kiddo and I are very English but are fortunate enough to have darker olive skin. But sunscreen is always a requirement under the arizona sun.
Have you tried some of the sport sun screens like Bull Frog?
Dare to be Bare
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/26/2003 : 12:10:36 PM
You might want to take a trip to El-Dorado Hot Springs in Tonopah for a change of pace. Very nice place, great owners.
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Bare in the Desert
Forum Member
Posted - 09/26/2003 : 2:20:16 PM
Actually I would really love a change of pace. I'm new at nudism and am a bit nervous about it though. Is El-Dorado clothing optional? Is is some place a newby like myself and girlfriend (both new at this) would feel comfortable at?
Dare to be Bare
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/26/2003 : 3:10:45 PM
you would definitely feel comfortable there, please tell Camilla & Bill hi from Cheri Alexander
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Bare in the Desert
Forum Member
Posted - 09/26/2003 : 6:36:59 PM
That looks very relaxing, much appreciated, thank you for the info.
Dare to be Bare
Country: USA
| Posts: 276 |
Bare in the Desert
Forum Member
Posted - 09/26/2003 : 9:42:46 PM
Sheri, I spoke with the love of my life about this place and she feels this is too private. She would actually prefers to jump right in and be with others. Looks like we are gonna take a day trip up to Shangri La. They seem to be pretty sensitive to new comers. Thanks for the advice anyway, Im sure we'll make our way down to El-Dorado soon.
Dare to be Bare
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/27/2003 : 03:02:36 AM
We have a fenced in back yard with plenty of shrubry and trees, and we have our hot tub on the deck. We have made every effort that someone can not accidently see us in the nude, an be shocked, they would have to climb a fence or something. We can sun bathe in relative safety, and use the hot tub nude. Our neighbours know we are nudists, and so far we have not had any complaints.
Kim =^.^=
Country: Canada
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Posted - 09/27/2003 : 08:54:07 AM
Dare to Bare hope that you can get to JDS here in Tucson. I have not gone yet since I prefer the mountains and such. Have heard that places you want to go are great and hope the wife will have a great time of luck
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/27/2003 : 5:36:06 PM
Bare in the Desert, When you go to Shangri-La, give my best to Patty Faber (mgr) and her parents - Horst & Gigi for me.
:) Cheri
Doing what I can to positively promote nudism - -
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/27/2003 : 5:43:35 PM
So nudism was brought up at dinner last night with myself and friends and One of my friends told a quick story of her Father, who would be identified as a home nudist. Apparently a few years ago a young girl saw him on the couch in his own living room nude and the girl's parents called the police and the father recieved a fine!
I was absolutely APPALLED at this. How could this happen while in the comfort of your own home?
Country: USA
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Posted - 09/28/2003 : 04:17:14 AM
A fine for being nude in your own home? I have never heard of such a thing. I have heard of people being nude in their homes and the curtains open, and people on the street being able to see them. I think they were told to keep their curtains closed if they were going to be nude. If the guy purposely exposed himself to the girl, I can see their being a problem, and the police called, but if she walked in his house and found him nude on the couch, then shame on her, its his house. Some nudists have signs on their doors warning people that they may encounter nudity within. I feel that is a throw back to Nazi Germany where Jews had to wear the star of David on there clothing so they could be identified
Kim =^.^=
Country: Canada
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Posted - 09/28/2003 : 09:01:46 AM
socialnudist, that is an interesting story. I have never heard of a simialr situation. That is amazing that he would be fined for being in the privacy of his own home. I guess this is another example of being in very "pc" times.
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