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 Indecent xposure on Wreck beach
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Posted - 06/01/2009 :  6:49:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK Here we go !!!!!
Imagine my delight when we found Wreck beach !!!!! WE r French/english so toples sun bathing or nude bathing is second nature to speak !!!The 1st time there (about a cpl of years ago ) was a total bast ,we loved it . The music ,everyone was so friendly no gawking ot staring its was gr8 !!!!! Of course there was the odd guys sitting on a log fully dressed among the nude sun bathers just looking ,but after a while they felt out of place, moved on, or got nakked too.LOL.
WEll this past Sunday (31st om May ) My hubby and I raced to the beach ... It was about 12noon . The beach was getting very busy ,we found our usual spot by the rocks on the right of the stairs .At 1st glance ,i felt a little wierd .... There was more fully dressed ppl than nude ones !!!!! Thats funny .....was my 1st reaction !!!! Then I asked my husband "We r on the right beach ....right ??? of course we were.....Anyway we got settled ,got undressedand thats when I strated to really look around me ....... YEs there was more ppl dressed " WE "(the nudist were in the minority ) what the hell !!!!!! Did something happen and no one told us .... I was a little perturbered .... I looked around some more and found a few nudist drated around here and there ...but not like last year... Anyway we decided to have a a little walk on the beach .....And thats when all hell brobke loose in front of my eyes . As we walked towards the other side of the beach ,where all the crafts and most of the ppl hang out playing music and so forth .Half way there on the sand a lot of ppl were playing ball or freesbie..Stood 4 males in their undergarments ...not bathing suits which in itself is fine ....but one of them had his knickers down to his knees ...sporting a very fresh ERECTION and very confortably stroking it ... His friends did not seem perturbed by this unusual behaviour .There was a lot of families nearby and a lot of young children playing around them .....I must say at this point I was totally struck dumb.I looked at my husband in disbelief...I was waiting for a few guys to go to him and smack him senseless for his indecent exposure .....Or even the Police to arrive on the scene ....they always seem to be there dragging someone in the sand for smoking a joint or drinking a beer !!!!So where were they this time ....... NO WHERE to be seen !!!!! WEll needless to say my hubby was about to go to him and have a little word in his ear when he dropped his underwear and run to the water flagpolling in the wind !!!! Anyway we went back to our towels and little jaded by the incident .... When a guy, fully dressed , stopped on the next log sat down facing away from the ocean and started to gawk at 2 young girls who were lying down enjoying the sun on their back ,he sat there for a while until of the girls sat up and gave him a dirty look .He moved .....
SO I dont know if there is an organisation who look after the intergrity of Wreck beach ,because its ppl like that who give nudist beaches a bad REP ...I hope someone will read this and act upon it !!!! or just keep a watch out for PERVS !!!!!
THank you for reading my rant !!!!!!

Country: Canada | Posts: 2

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Posted - 06/10/2009 :  08:58:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A difficult post to read, on several levels, but I'll stick to the content. Your experience was totally different than what I saw there a few years ago. Yes, there a few gawkers, mostly bewildered Asian tourists, but nothing like what you've described. More to the point, there actually is an organization, the Wreck Beach Preservation Society, that not only works to keep the beach C/O, but usually has at least a few members at the beach to discourage disruptive or lewd behavior. The WBPS has a working relationship with law enforcement, and have called the cops when someone didn't take the hint. I'm more than a little surprised that nobody intervened. I hope your experience isn't becoming the norm, or we risk losing one of the most glorious nude beaches in the world.

Please consider sending a message of concern to the WBPS through their web site.

Country: USA | Posts: 1054 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 06/10/2009 :  11:16:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fortunatly I have got in contact with the ppl taking take of all that at Wreck beach ,they gave me their number so if anything like this happens again ,the RCMP will be called .But apparently the guys who were making a nuisance of themselves carried on bothering ppl on the beach all day, until someone did report them and got a severe talking to.I hope that they will never return there ,to be honest they are not welcome.So hopefully this is an isolated incident that will not be repeated .

Country: Canada | Posts: 2 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 12/20/2010 :  3:07:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

A difficult post to read, on several levels, but I'll stick to the content. Your experience was totally different than what I saw there a few years ago. Yes, there a few gawkers, mostly bewildered Asian tourists, but nothing like what you've described. More to the point, there actually is an organization, the Wreck Beach Preservation Society, that not only works to keep the beach C/O, but usually has at least a few members at the beach to discourage disruptive or lewd behavior. The WBPS has a working relationship with law enforcement, and have called the cops when someone didn't take the hint. I'm more than a little surprised that nobody intervened. I hope your experience isn't becoming the norm, or we risk losing one of the most glorious nude beaches in the world.

Please consider sending a message of concern to the WBPS through their web site.

I like that! 'Bewildered Asian Tourists' They like to wade into the water, fully clothed, and take pictures of each other.

They also like climbing STAIRS, all 497 steps! WBPS should put up a sign at the bottom of the stairs that reads 'Welcome to Canada' in Chinese!

Country: Canada | Posts: 121 Go to Top of Page
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