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 Judy Grisham, running for AANR Small Club Trustee
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Judy Grisham
New Member

Posted - 04/28/2008 :  7:13:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi, my name is Judy Grisham and I am currently an AANR Club Trustee, and running for re-election in the small club category. I have been the AANR Youth Chair for the past 8 years, facilitating the AANR Youth Leadership Camps, Nude U and the Youth Ambassador programs. I would appreciate your vote in May so I can continue the work with the nudist youth and young adults. Comments and questions are welcome.

Country: USA | Posts: 4

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Posted - 04/28/2008 :  7:54:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Judy, You know you have my support for this position. You do a fantastic job and I know you will keep on keeping on once re-elected.

Let me know if I can help in any way! I will recommend that my club members also vote for you.


Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

Judy Grisham
New Member

Posted - 04/29/2008 :  3:24:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Cheri for your support. I really appreciate it. The Youth Ambassador program will be huge this year, as we already have over 50 applicants, so the word is getting out. If you know anyone over 18 who would be interested in either the Nude U or Youth Ambassador program, let me know or send them to website to apply. We sent a DVD from last year's program to all clubs in Dec, that you can show your members. Thanks again.

Country: USA | Posts: 4 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/01/2008 :  7:26:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just voted for you per instructions in the May Bulletin using the P# on my AANR card and the Pin # supplied on the voting instructions. I also voted in Group 6&7 for Bob Migliore. I voted for Mark Hammond in Group 3, and since I'm in the Eastern Region, I could vote for only that Member Trustee, and I chose Audrey Weber who is doing some great things is Government Affairs in the East. I would advise against voting for the individual running for Sec-Treas. Email me at for the reason.
All the best, Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Notice: This moderator, operating under username 'Moderator', has been terminated for repeatedly censoring or altering posts without providing a clear indication of which policy was being enforced. Her actions were not sanctioned by this organization.

Edited by - Moderator on 05/20/2008 12:58:31 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/04/2008 :  11:23:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Most of the time, I agree with you, but in the case of Audrey Weber, I cannot understand your reasoning for supporting her. I'm sure she's doing a great job on the GAT team, as are you, but in Audrey's case, she has only been a member of AANR East for less than two years and while she's been an AANR member since 1995, has NEVER run for elective office. As you know, the requirements for running for AANR East member trustee used to be that the candidate first serve in an ELECTED position. This was changed to allow for CLUB TRUSTEES who may not have been able to serve in an elected position, but had served in an appointed position, to run for an AANR office. While it wasn't ever the intent of the change in the bylaws, the Member Trustees were included in this change, thereby opening the door for non-elected individuals to run for a Member Trustee position. Finally, Audrey, while the mid winter AANR East Board meeting was held at her home club chose not to attend any portion of the meetings that did not affect her GAT team. Cheri, I think that the AANR East Member Trustee should at least show some modicum of interest in AANR East business other than just the committee work for which she has taken resposibility. If you or others, for whatever reason, choose not to support me personally, that's ok, but then Jimmy Corsentino would be an infinitely better choice.

Walt Iliff

Country: USA | Posts: 110 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/07/2008 :  7:12:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Walt, neither you or I were at the meeting so any information we get is second hand, and I personally only like to post what I know first hand.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Notice: This moderator, operating under username 'Moderator', has been terminated for repeatedly censoring or altering posts without providing a clear indication of which policy was being enforced. Her actions were not sanctioned by this organization.

Edited by - Moderator on 05/12/2008 9:34:15 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 05/20/2008 :  12:03:50 PM  Show Profile  Send clothesbegone a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I was at the meeting in question and can confirm that Audrey's absence was excused on Friday and she was in attendance for most of the meetings on Saturday with the exception of some coordinating a meal for those in attendance.

I do find it ironic that Walt would comment about second information regarding Audrey's attendance when Walt himself was not there.

I know Walt, Audrey, and Jimmy so I'll keep any personal endorsements to myself but I will mention for those in the East who may not have noticed that Jimmy is also listed as a nominee for a position on the AANR-East Board (publicly available information if you poke around on the AANR-East website) and I don't believe that he would be able to hold both positions.

In the interest of full disclosure I am also running for a seat on the AANR-East Board.

-- John Andersen

If God meant for us to run around naked we would have been born that way.

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Forum Admin

Posted - 06/04/2008 :  1:17:08 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We found this that may be helpful. Scroll down to the two bolded sections. It provides background information on Judy Grisham. Bold emphasis is added.

From - Published 07.03.03

Naked Without Shame
Families enjoying a classic pastime endure a desperate politician's campaign

By Nano Riley

(Creative Loafing) Editors Note: Newspapers, Time magazine and television talk shows have had a field day with a Florida Congressman's attack on a nude summer camp in Lutz, just north of Tampa.

Two weeks ago, conservative Republican Mark Foley -- who is gearing up for a tough U.S. Senate race next year, and who has admitted he wants to shift attention from undisputed recent news reports that he's gay -- attacked the camp as immoral, a possible haven for pedophiles, sex-crazed teenagers and perverts.

No matter that the summer camps, as well as other family nudist activities, have been operating for years; or that other conservative politicians, less skittish about their own sexual secrets, have seen nothing wrong with them. The camp organizers and their national organization are now in a media spotlight, and on the defensive.

As it happens, only three news organizations actually attended last month's youth camp at Lake Como Family Nudist Resort: the New York Times, Time, and us.

Here's our eyewitness report.

Lake Como Family Nudist Resort is a slice of old Florida. Wood-frame rental cabins, recycled from World War II-era barracks, overlook a small lake lined with cypress trees. Across a gravel road, rows of mobile homes look as if they haven't left their moorings in decades. In winter and early spring, the RV section is nearly always full. There are volleyball courts, of course, and a small sandy beach with a few sailboats, a swimming pool, an unimposing clubhouse, a screened-in "Butt Hut" down by the lake with a bar and a newer athletic complex with well-groomed Har-Tru tennis courts.This rustic setting, on 200 acres just north of the Hillsborough County line, may remind baby boomers of the homespun vacation spots they visited as children, before the advent of theme parks and time-shares.

A first-time visitor to Lake Como during the week will find that everything you've heard is true about nudist resorts. It isn't that visually stimulating. Sagging bellies, mottled buttocks and varicose veins far outnumber the fit and the nubile. Which is fine. For the whole point of nudism is to be comfortable in your own bare skin, without shame or self-consciousness.

Generations of families have come to Lake Como, which claims to be the oldest nudist resort in Florida, formally organized in 1947. It is run today as a co-op, with 100 equal shareholders.

Grandparents and children share the space still. On a mandatory tour of the premises that all visitors must take (so that park leaders can size up the attitude of potential guests), one encountered a trio of girls, ages roughly 8 to 14, walking toward the clubhouse for ice cream. Only an outsider would find this remarkable: Except for tennis shoes and towels draped over their shoulders, the three girls were as naked as the day they were born.

The wide open space of Lake Como is one reason why the American Association for Nude Recreation youth camps have settled here, rather than at one of the posher resorts like nearby - -, which has condominiums and a disco.

In mid-June, more than two dozen campers pitched their tents in an open field apart from the rest of the resort, where they were monitored 24/7 by chaperones. As with any other youth camp, they had campfires and games, discussion groups and talent shows.

Most of these

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