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 If I provided a private multi camera chat room...
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Forum Admin

Posted - 03/13/2016 :  2:52:20 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Would you use it?

I've talked about Google Hangouts On Air as a basis for a nudist talk show on YouTube. I can also configure this system to NOT record, and NOT broadcast. Only those invited to the room would be able to see and talk to each other.

Up to ten people can video chat simultaneously.

You could also talk with your camera off. In that case only your Google avatar will show.

If you're interested, let me know in this thread and I'll RSVP you for the video chats coming up later next week.

Country: USA | Posts: 1888

Bill Bowser
Forum Member

Posted - 03/13/2016 :  3:00:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to get involved in this, but I'm not confident that I'd be very good at it, and until I get back to my home in April the low quality of the Internet connection here would probably prevent me from participating.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati
Not lewd, not crude, just nude.

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.

Country: USA | Posts: 345 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/13/2016 :  3:46:59 PM  Show Profile  Visit MrsAzLagoon's Homepage  Reply with Quote
For me, I'm not keen on video chat rooms. It seems if a female is in the room, people lose their minds. ;-). No idea why, but other female friends have the same issue. So for me...likely not something I'd do. I do, however, sometimes use typed chat in rooms...but I took the camera off of my computer a couple of years ago so could honestly say I COULDN'T cam.

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome

Country: USA | Posts: 259 Go to Top of Page

Forum Admin

Posted - 03/13/2016 :  6:30:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm sorry, I thought I made it clear that I can run a room with NO ONE on camera, just voices.

That's what I'm offering to do as a test. In other words, it's just a voice chat room, with everyone's camera off, but with the ability to share images on the screen.

Perhaps we can test it this evening and get to know each other's voices.

Who's comfortable with that?

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page

Bill Bowser
Forum Member

Posted - 03/13/2016 :  8:01:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For whatever it's worth here are my thoughts:

I think such a discussion with ordinary nudists would not be particularly interesting or entertaining to others. It seems to me that members of successful panel discussions must be quick-witted, well informed, well spoken, and have a gift for injecting some humor in the discussion occasionally. (I don't think I fit that description, but I'm still interested.) Interesting or amusing anecdotes are important to such a discussion. Panel members should have lots of interesting and amusing experiences to share.

The discussion ought to be somewhat structured, but probably not scripted. There should be a moderator who keeps the group on topic and keeps things orderly.

I've never watched any of the Naked "reality" shows on TV (I got rid of my TV several years ago.) but I assume the nudity is nothing more than a gimmick to attract viewers. Without pictures I think there would be little interest in our discussions.

I don't think we have what's necessary to do this and the very limited response here seems to confirm my opinion.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati
Not lewd, not crude, just nude.

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.

Country: USA | Posts: 345 Go to Top of Page

Forum Admin

Posted - 03/13/2016 :  10:54:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Bill, you may very well be right. Let's give it a few days to see if there is any interest.

Thanks for the insights. They are spot on.

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page

Bill Bowser
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Posted - 03/13/2016 :  11:48:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't really enjoy raining on your parade, but we need to be realistic. It would take some very talented people to make your idea work.

I wish I could find some way that I could become an effective advocate for nude recreation, but the textile world doesn't exhibit much interest, and there are many who are hostile to the notion of public nudity. If our lifestyle were better understood it would surely be more accepted, but we lack the activism needed to get the general public's attention. Everyone is concerned with his or her own problems.

Bill Bowser - Cincinnati
Not lewd, not crude, just nude.

Nudists are everywhere, but they're hard to identify with their clothes on.

Country: USA | Posts: 345 Go to Top of Page

Forum Admin

Posted - 03/14/2016 :  01:08:11 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We'll see. I have to give folks a chance to speak up.

I'll probably withdraw both offers by tomorrow night.

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/14/2016 :  05:34:35 AM  Show Profile  Visit MrsAzLagoon's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm traveling the next couple of days, so I won't be available.

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome

Country: USA | Posts: 259 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/14/2016 :  06:29:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am currently out of town at relatives house for 12 days. Nowhere near a nudist area. Wouldnt have the privacy nor an internet connection outside of my cell phone signal.

Country: USA | Posts: 218 Go to Top of Page

Forum Admin

Posted - 03/14/2016 :  10:20:51 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Looks like we'll be shelving this project.

Thanks for your input, everybody!

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 03/16/2016 :  12:07:36 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry K ... been traveling ourselves. We are currently visiting Mira Vista in AZ. Great place, by the way.

I don't care much for chat rooms nor do I or would I cam. I just find it difficult to get a word in edge wise in chat. I'm not that quick with answers or questions. I have used them a couple of times to converse with a friend but once the other guys caught wind that a woman was in chat ... forget the "private conversation"... don't think it would happen that way here but that's why I rarely use chat. If it were there and I was invited to "chat" I may join in but most times ... probably not.


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

Forum Admin

Posted - 03/16/2016 :  12:22:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding. Under no circumstance would I provide a mic or camera to strangers. I don't trust strangers to behave! Each and every person participating in conversation would be hand picked NRO members.

If we found we were having really good, informative conversations, we have to ability to let others (silently) listen or view it through YouTube, or play it back on demand.

It would be exactly like a three way phone call, but with 10 well chosen people.

Being a Google product, the minimum that shows is your avatar and first name from your Google account. You can temporarily change your avatar if that's an issue.

So for the most private of us, it's your first name and voice. And we would not attempt to broadcast or record it until everyone was totally on board with that.

It's a relatively new product, so not grasping it right away is understandable.

You can use it with cameras or without. Recording and broadcasting is optional. It's basically a 10-way phone call when you get down to it. But if we got pretty comfortable with it, once we got settled we could hit the record button for two minutes and you could provide a poolside report, or even let our panelists interview the resort owner. Then we'd stop recording and get back to private conversations. It can be a community building tool, which nudism needs desperately. Real nudists, yadda yadda.

I realize it may never fly here, but I didn't want any misunderstandings to remain about what I'm suggesting.

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page

Forum Member

Posted - 03/19/2016 :  10:03:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I guess a lot of us were all travelling recently. Hopefully most were going someplace nice...I was traveling for work.
I am not a fan of chat rooms...I've never been in one...but just heard too many negative things from people on another nudist website. The other website was nowhere near as well run as this one and I no longer go there, but I understood the concept of this one being organized here and was definitely more interested...but I was still somewhat hesitant...and I can't really say why.
I guess part of it is that I spend all day on the computer for work that when I shut it off...I'm done! My evening and weekend computer time is on my tablet and that may only be maybe a half hour or so each day to check personal E-mail and of course THIS site. Maybe, once I'm retired, something like this project will be a reality and I would get involved...but that's still a few years off.

Country: USA | Posts: 706 Go to Top of Page

Forum Admin

Posted - 03/20/2016 :  5:05:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ah, I share your disdain for random chat. What a way to waste a life! I recently discovered a walkie talkie style chatting app called Zello that is amazingly addictive. After two weeks I had to quit cold turkey, once I realized the groups I had joined weren't actually accomplishing anything but wasting hours upon hours of my productive time.

I would manage things entirely differently. You can be assured I would never open the chat room for random, how's the weather, here's my cat, show me your boobs sort of nonsense. Quite the opposite. Businesses use Zello and Google Hangouts for board meetings, and in that sense I feel NRO could benefit from some well managed discussions on organizing better public outreach and finding ways to help the nudism culture to prosper again.

Country: USA | Posts: 1888 Go to Top of Page
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