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 First time experience naked outdoors as a adult
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Posted - 07/27/2009 :  12:10:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My first experience with being naked outdoors came not to long a go. Let me set this up for you, I went to stay with some friends down close to the coast. The live out in a rural area but they have neighbors that are within sight of the house. Anyway we had been out in their back yard trimming some tree limbs and working on repairing a down fence. It was at the beginning of summer so it was pretty hot out so my friend and his girlfriend said we should knock off for the day and head into town for some dinner and maybe movie. So we did and we headed up to the house and his girlfriend called for the first shower. No problem I thought it would give us guys a bit of time to cool off. My buddy and I were sitting in the livingroom looking for the baseball scores when I noticed his girlfriend stroll by. Once she was out of the room I asked were was she going? He said she was going to the shower. What I said!! He laughed and said he had installed a outdoor shower on the side of the house on the back porch. He went on to explain that when they get home from beach instead of tracking in all of the beach sand to get to the bathroom to take a shower he thought he would just put in the outdoor shower to rinse off. Well one day he and his girlfriend took it one step further. So from that day own they liked it so much they just started to take all their showers out there when ever they could. Just then she walked back through and noticed that I had a surprised look on my face. Not missing a step she said "well I guess you told him about the new shower, you will love it she told me". Just then my buddy jumped up and said me next and off he went. I was left there still thinking about the whole thing, when from the other room I hear his girl say if your uneasy with it you can use the other shower. Well when my buddy comes back in he yells NEXT, his girl pulls him over and tells him she didn't think I was going to use the outdoor shower. Well you know how guys are he pokes his head back in and yells CHICKEN!! Well not one for backing down from a challenge I said wheres the damn towels at!! Off I went, once out there I checked out the view from the shower area to see if I was going to give the neighbors a show or not. As I looked around I could see that the trees and shrubs pretty much blocked the view for the neighbors. So I started my strip down. Once I got undressed and got under the shower I relaxed a bit. The longer I was out there the more I started to enjoy it. Being able to feel the sun beaming down on all of my skin felt great. When I finally got out and started to dry off I could feel the nice breeze blowing over body parts that never have felt a breeze before and it was awesome. A nice little side effect of that breeze was it didn't take me any time to dry off. After that first shower I could hardly wait til the next time. They were right I did love it. I loved it so much when I got back home I headed out to a local forested area to try a nice secluded spot and did. Since then I have been going out there when ever I can. I hope to find a girl like my buddies to take out there to share the great outdoors with. Anyway thats my first time experience.

Country: USA | Posts: 6

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Posted - 07/28/2009 :  8:24:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used to strip and walk around the house naked when I was a young boy. I didn't understand then that I was a nudist. Growing up I would hear people laugh about nudists, jokes were told. In high school I would take long hikes with friends. I would wonder what it would feel like walking around nude. Finally in college I realized I enjoyed walking in the woods naked. My first real experience - when I got up from my bed and determined to find a quiet place to walk nude - was when I was in college. I hung my clothes on some bushes and walke naked for almost two hours. I still remember the early morning light flitering between the tree branches, reflected by dew drops in a million rays. I was so caught up I forgot where I put my clothes! It took me twenty minutes to find them. I nearly panicked. From then on I take my shorts with me. Wish I could go back to that time and walk naked all over again.

Country: USA | Posts: 117 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/04/2009 :  10:41:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
in the mid 70's i purchased a sailboat and rented a slip at the lake, on weekends the lake would be crowded so left my swimsuit on majority of time but when i was off during middle of week i would find a new freedom of sailing nude and than skinnydipping at a island or jumping off back of boat when the wind died. back then didn't know much about nudist resorts and they probably wouldn't let in a single male at that time so this was my paridise. a few years back i had a chance to purchase a 20 foot sailboat but needed a boat slip, when i checked the marinas they were $1600. to $2000. a year alot for a single parent to budget, thinking back to the mid 70's i paid $63. a quarter, guess i'll have to live with the memories...

Country: USA | Posts: 1268 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/05/2009 :  1:11:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote brought back some great memories for me....being a sailor as well. when I moved to oklahoma, bought a nice 16ft daysailer to explore the area lakes, ending up down at lake texoma. wow what a lake,could sail for hours in the nude. there are a string of islands out in the midle of texoma, perfect for camping out. I remember vividly, my first camp out, enjoying the moonrise, sitting on my own little private beach, in the nude. sometime in the night, I could hear a large boat moving slowing, could not see it for the trees, only to find it less than fifty yards from my campsite the following morning. thinking my carefree nudity would be frowned on, I took a peek through the trees, only to see a couple wading ashore to walk their dog, and in the nude themselves! needless to say, my shorts remained off, and I got the nerve up to walk nude down the beach to meet them, such a rush!....have many wonderful memeories of that lake

Country: USA | Posts: 48 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/01/2012 :  1:28:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First time was in either 1979 or 1980 while in the Navy. Rented a house with 3 other guys during a 3 month temporary duty assignment. Being the junior member of the group, I got the bedroom in the basement. Not a bad deal as the basement opened up to a patio. Early one morning, around 3 am, I was awake and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to go out on to the patio. The house was located on a little cove off of a river, so there was a little beach basically in the backyard. It was such a nice night, I then decided to go for a walk along the beach. I walked all the way to a pier, which was about 1/2 mile away and then back again. It was great and ended up even setting my alarm to wake me up at 3 am so I could do this when the weather permitted. My only regret was not going skinny dipping during some of those strolls. It was May or early June in CT and the water would have been kind of cold but it still would have been a great thing to do.

Edited by - free2be on 01/01/2012 1:29:26 PM

Country: USA | Posts: 706 Go to Top of Page

Bob Knows
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Posted - 01/02/2012 :  1:54:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hmmmmm? Gotta think way back to remember this one.

When I was young none of the homes had air conditioning. Children's bedrooms were upstairs in our bungalow houses, and the upstairs got very hot in summer. It became common for kids to sleep out in our fenced back yards when the temp got over 90. Another family with two boys about my age lived next door, one the same age and one a year younger. Behind our homes was a high fence that bordered the grade school playground. Usually it was just the boys sleeping outside, and we played together all day and slept in a row at night in one yard or the other.

We commonly slept naked, especially in summer. We had some war surplus sleeping bags for late at night when it got cool, but on warm evenings in the dark we would often lay naked on top of the bags. One night we got to talking, and dared each other to run naked to the back fence. Then we dared each other to go out of the gate onto the school playground. Pretty soon we were naked down to the end of the playground. Eventually, and late one night, we dared to go around the whole school naked, which included several hundred feet down the street on the far side of the school. We must have been about 9 or 10 years old.

The other family eventually moved to a nearby town on a river, by then we were in high school. Sometimes in summer I would go visit for a week or two. We would spend afternoons down swimming in the river, and if nobody else was there we would go skinnydipping. We thought we were very daring. It was only 3 blocks from the middle of town.

Country: USA | Posts: 295 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 01/15/2012 :  11:17:53 PM  Show Profile  Send Warmskin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
My first time nude in the outdoors was in the Sierra Nevada. I don't know why, but I just took off my clothes. I was a boy then, and was reasonably close to where my family was at that moment - far enough away to be alone, but not too far to be lost. I walked around and enjoyed the feeling of being naked in the outdoors. I thought I discovered something unknown to mankind, but that's the way it is when you're a boy with little knowledge. Something about being nude in the Sierra that is exhilirating.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Country: USA | Posts: 1964 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 02/27/2012 :  11:57:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As the male half of this nudist couple I vividly recall my first time nude outdoors. I was 16 years old and the south side of our house backed up to some woods. There was a secluded house out back in the woods off to the side that did not face directly to the back of our house so I felt it was safe to be naked out there. I had experienced the sun shining through a window several times and it felt very good. On a warm sunny day while at home alone I took the chance to go outside nude because I wanted to feel the sun all over. I would stay on our back porch for about 15 minutes and enjoy the experience sunning every chance I got on warm sunny days. One day the lady who lived closer next door saw me. I found out when she told my mother that evening. My mother made a remark about it but never criticized me in any way, and she did not tell me to stop. I decided to stop just in case somebody else might complain and cause trouble next time. I never got naked again outside until we became nudists in the 90's. I realized then that I had always been a nudist and I had not even heard the term nudist back then. There was no internet in those days.
Technically my first time naked outdoors as an adult over 18 was in the mid 90's at Gunnison Beach in Sandy Hook, NJ. I stopped there to check it out on my way back from a trip to New York. I could not wait to get back home and tell my wife about it. We went to a nudist resort together the first chance we got, and have been social nudists since then.

Being Naked and Being Real

Edited by - blavan on 04/23/2012 09:18:18 AM

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Posted - 04/08/2012 :  6:55:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My first time nude outdoors would probably have been as a young teenager, sneaking out of the house and walking around my neighborhood. Then in my early to mid 20's, I often would get naked at parties and hang out outside, being the only naked guy there. My first time actually being in a publicly accepting nudist place would have been when I went to Black's Beach in La Jolla, CA around 1999 or so when I was in my late 20's. Unfortunately, it was February, so not many people were there. Having come down from the great white north, it was warm enough for me, but I guess not for the locals.

Country: USA | Posts: 1235 Go to Top of Page

Bob Knows
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Posted - 04/09/2012 :  12:44:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My first time naked outdoors as "an adult" was shortly after my 18th birthday when I went skinnydipping in a lake. I was, at first, terrified that someone would see me in the dark, or while getting out onto the dock. But the naked swimming was a lot of fun.

Country: USA | Posts: 295 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/22/2014 :  06:32:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For the most part I have gone skinny dipping, streaking and running around the house nude since I can remember. This morning I went out on our deck for the first time as a smooth nudist, I must say that it was different feeling, a more relaxing and free feeling. I don't have the opportunity to lounge out there during daylight hours (too populated and no fence) so the increased sensation "of getting caught" was incredible!! I'm more and more comfortable nude and looking to try organized social nudity real soon.

Country: USA | Posts: 20 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/22/2014 :  10:06:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I, also, had been naked outdoors quite a bit before my 18th birthday. Having begun my nudist life journey at the age of 14, I'd had quite a lot of time naked before I became an adult. My first time as "an adult" would have been after I got home from boot camp. My family had gone to a party, my girlfriend (now wife) and I went out, came back to my parents house and got undressed and spent some time out in the backyard. She was nervous as all heck because she thought we'd get caught.

The first time at a nude venue would have been when my ship returned from RVN and I was able to borrow a friends car for the day and head down to Santa Cruz, CA. In route to SC, we came upon a bunch of parked cars and so we stopped to see what was going on. To my surprise, we had stumbled onto Bonny Doon Beach, north of Santa Cruz. Needless to say, I wanted to stay for the entire day, my friend did not. We stayed for a few hours and it was awesome. I returned every weekend I was unable to go home. Spent many, many Saturdays or Sundays there and if I was granted special liberty for the day, I'd head to Bonny Doon. Met some great people, became friends and probably should have taken my dad's advice and skipped the military and gone to college ... up in Santa Cruz with all the other nudist college kids, but I would have been drafted and so I made the smarter choice.

About 15 years ago, we installed our very first outdoor shower at our other house. After the installation ... I never took showers inside anymore. After moving here, we had an outdoor shower put in and we always take showers out there as well. My water heater for the outdoor shower isn't working and my wife has been on me to fix it because she misses taking a shower outdoors.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 08/23/2014 :  09:59:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I grew up in the country with few houses close by so it was normal for anyone in the family to go from bathroom to bedroom naked, dress next to the furnace register in the kitchen before school, my mom and sisters often just wore bras and panties in the warm months and even sleep nude during those hot summer nights before air conditioning. So even though we were not a nudist family it wasn't uncommon. My friends and I often swam nude in fact I never wore a swimsuit until high school! So when I grew older I wonder how my ex-wife ever got me to stop being nude. Or should I say get me to feel body shame? After the divorce there was a period of self loathing until I began to become involved with the volunteer fire department and squad. On one 24 hour stretch there was a rather long and difficult shift as a paramedic and the crew decided to go to the river that morning to unwind and drink beer. So with three guys and four girls we headed out that summer morning. To make a long story short, skinny dipping was in order and I was hooked again. So I am always nude at home now, get naked hikes when I can and still trying to get to a resort someday with the wife.

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Posted - 08/23/2014 :  6:28:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wish I could remember. I have always been nude in our pool, hot tub and boating but that is private so it does not count. The first public coming out must have been at Club Orient while on a cruise maybe 15 years ago . Great experience.

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Posted - 08/26/2014 :  5:33:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My first very tentative time was a the Eldorado Hot Spring at Tonopah, AZ, and the next day only slightly less tentative at Shangri-La. Several years later I was at a C/O beach in Spain and quickly discovered how normal and natural beach nudity is, took to it like a duck to water and haven't looked back. Spain, Croatia, Therme Erding near Munich, Paya Bay - where next?

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.

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