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 Convincing my ex to let me and kids go to resort.
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Posted - 11/29/2009 :  11:17:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Aw, shucks, guys. It's not as though we have a lot of precedent for how to behave under such ... unusual circumstances.

Country: USA | Posts: 1054 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 11/30/2009 :  09:36:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Doc is right, keeping it secret is the worst thing to do. Especially if you specifically told them not to say anything... when it eventually coems out there is an implication there as to something else going on, otherwise why keep it secret, that is what they will say. I have heard of such a case. If all parents and guardians involved don't agree then it should not happen. My ex has now come around to it, but I regret the way I handled with with him and my daughters. In fact, my ex and my new partner are now really good mates. But looking back I see why my ex had the issue. Now he understands more about nudism, why we do it, and what we do. I think that is the main thing, making their dad fully aware of the situation.

Country: United Kingdom | Posts: 9 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/12/2010 :  2:48:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by beatrice

Hi, this is my first post.
My name is Beatrice and I remarried about a year ago. My girls adore their stepfather. He's everything I was looking for in a husband. Hes been a lifestyle nudist for most of his life, he was raised in a nudist home so you can imagine he isn't very comfortable wearing his business suit everyday to work lol.
Well anyways, about a year before we married I started sharing in his lifestyle and I regret that I didn't do it sooner. I used to be really self conscious about my body but now I feel so much more confident. I'm getting sidetracked lol. Heres my problem. For the last two years me and my husband have gone on vacation to a nudist resort about three hours away and we stay for almost a week. Its always the most amazing and relaxing time. But this year, since we're all technically a family now, I wanted to take my girls with us. This is a FAMILY RESORT. Yes its nudist but both times I've been there are lots and lots of children and nobody is staring or being pervy. There will be plenty of other kids my own daughters age there and I'm sure they'll have a blast. My girls are 7 and 12.
So anyway. They know that my husband and I are nudists and a while ago my youngest expressed an interest in it, so we let her go 'the lifestyle' in the house. She's like a little guppy lol. She loves it. My oldest was a little more shy and it took her a little longer, but now she rarely goes clothed around our house too. My husband out of respect for the girls father, doesn't go nude around the house but I do.
So we want to take the girls on vacation with us this year, and they want to go as well (we just couldn't keep the idea to ourselves lol) The problem is the girls father, my ex.
Hes not of the lifestyle and he, as far as I know, doesn't know that the girls go nude when they are with me. (I am the custodial parent). I'm sure he will not approve or agree with us taking the girls to this family resort, which just happens to be nude. He is like the average person, thinks that nudity means something sexual. I can't blame him because that is exactly what i thought until my husband introduced me to the lifestyle.
So yah, I'm sure he will flip if I ask him for his permission to take our girls. I guess I can understand where he is coming from, he doesn't want anyone seeing his girls like that! lol. I just wish that i could make him understand its not about THAT. (if you understand what THAT is) Also, I'm afraid he is going to flip when he realizes that since the girls have been in the lifestyle that my husband has seen them naked. Again he'll thnk its sexual and he'll think my husband is some sort of pedo. My ex is already very jealous and threatened of my husbands good relationship with my daughters.
I guess whati need are ideas for ways to go about asking and getting my ex's approval for our vacation.

Why don't you suggest to your husband if he can go away fishing or camping or just for a Guy's Weekend, with some friends. While they are away, ask your Ex over for the day and suggest that if he wants, he can stay over with the girls so you can have some family time (of course tell your current husband about this), and make out it was your current husbands idea (he could even suggest it to your Ex; saying that it is so you and your Ex and your Girls, can spend some Family Time in Your Own Environment). Try to get him to stay 2 nights. On the 2nd day, let the girls run around naked and swim naked (if you have a pool). Speak to the eldest girl and explain to her about the way you feel your Ex would react. Get her to kind of do the asking. She could go and sit with him and casually mention that You and Your Current Husband are Going camping and that they (the 2 Girls) would like to go with you, but it's to a Naturist Resort (tell her to say naturist, not Nudist), and that they wanted to ask him (Their Dad) first.

The conversation could go something like this:

The 2 girls a Playing and frolicking naked and thouroughly enjoying themselves (which their dad, Your Ex can clearly see): You smile and giggle and say to him, "Isn't it wonderful to see them having such fun!?!... They are so comfortable and unashamed" ... He will possibly grin and agree in a kind of way.

(You will have arranged with the eldest girl to wait until after you serve refreshments before she approaches him about it)

After about an hour or so after you said that to him about the girls having Fun, go inside and bring out some refreshments.

While you are all enjoying refreshments and laughing and joking, slyly nod to your eldest girl as a signal.

She says, "Mommy and (Stepdad) are going Camping next holiday to a Naturist Camp. We'd like to go with them please Daddy. We wanted to ask you first. Please can we go. It sounds like so much fun. There'll be lots of other girls and boys our ages."

He'll no doubt refuse at first: But then you reassure him that he has seen how comfortable they are naked and it doesn't bother them.

At this time the eldest girl puts her arms around him and pleas with him to let them go.

Now tell me ..... how is he going to Refuse Those Beautiful Innocent Eyes of his little girl.

Let me know the outcome ... :)


Country: Australia | Posts: 10 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/13/2010 :  12:56:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just wondering if Beatrice has any updates on this topic.
It would be very interesting to see how it all turned out.

Country: Canada | Posts: 141 Go to Top of Page
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