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Posted - 04/15/2008 :  4:11:24 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nude Beaches vs. Nudist Clubs
As the "Senior" part of our lives approached, we began spending more time in our home nude during the warm months of the Northeast. Then we ventured to Haulover Beach almost on a dare from a family member, and 1st the Big Guy, then myself came to enjoy nude sunbathing, and no tan lines. With my Italian complexion, I'm able to bring home a tan that is "envied" Since we have found this website, we see there are many topics about public nudity, family nudity, sexuality, etc.
We like being nude at a beach were we just blend-in.

Now the question; what is the "why should I do this" differences between the anonymity of the nude beach vs. the far more personal involvement of a nudist club?

Hopefully you who articulate nudism so well will share your thoughts on my question.


Country: USA | Posts: 13

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Posted - 04/15/2008 :  8:57:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sarah, Even if you do only visit beaches, I do hope you'll join AANR and/or TNS without which we would not be able to sustain our beaches.

If you visit a nudist park, you can still maintain your anonymity. Just keep to yourselves. However, humans are social animals and tend to spend time with people of like minds. I prefer nonlanded clubs as the members tend to be sort of an extended family.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism

Country: USA | Posts: 3519 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/15/2008 :  11:25:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope I'm reading your question right. If answer would be;

I'll use our venture into social nudism as an example.

We began, like most, as home nudists. After several years of that we bought our first home and after some privatizing, of our backyard, we ventured out into the backyard and began outside nudity...first at night then all the time.

Our first experience with being nude around others was at a nude beach. At the beach you can experience nudism with others but can still have anonymity. You choose if you want to be social or not. It's easier to be "anti-social", so to speak, but a bit harder in a social setting such as a resort.

We became social at the beach at my wife's own speed and comfort level. Once she became comfortable with the social aspect, at the beach, the more intimate and confined spaces of a resort were next on my list.

We chose a smaller resort and it worked to our benefit. We met some very nice people, including the owners, and she's quite comfortable with almost all nude social gatherings today. I say "almost all" because she's still working on getting on a ship with 2000+ other nudists and cruising for a couple of weeks. She's just about there.

So...I'd say that the differences between a nude beach and a resort...regarding the "why should I do this?" question is...the beach is a good starting point for social nudism. You can control where you want to sit...near others or away from others, whether you want to talk to anyone...sit closer and be open to conversation or...sit away and ignore others or politely say...I'd like to be left alone.

I can say that, from experience, the resorts and clubs are much more social and friendly. It's hard to keep from being social. It's true that you can still be anonymous at a club or resort but not near as easily as you can at a beach.

We've met dozen of couples that we have become good friends with at the resorts. We've only met 3 other couples at the beach in the same amount of time. It's fun talking with others that have the same love of nudism as you do and enjoy other simular things as well. We both enjoy the social and personal involvement at the resorts more than the anonymity of the beach.

Country: USA | Posts: 3175 Go to Top of Page

Balto Bob
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Posted - 04/16/2008 :  12:49:48 PM  Show Profile  Visit Balto Bob's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Many folks who join a club are looking for a weekend/ summer place. While you could go to Gunnison (for example) every week, you cann't stay there. Also, you have that LONG hike from the lot. My brother and his wife have a timeshare (textile) in FL, I don't understand that either but, they like it.

Have a nice NUDE day !!

Country: USA | Posts: 830 Go to Top of Page

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Posted - 04/16/2008 :  2:17:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Like FireProf I'm not sure I entirely understand your questions, but it seems to me it boils down to personal preference.

The "why should I do this" can only be answered by you. I do it because it's pleasurable and relaxing and gives me a feeling of freedom, there's really not much more to it for me.

As far as a club or a beach once again a personal decision. We enjoy resorts because we like the relatively equal balances between the sexes, the socialization with like-minded, yet diverse people, as well as the fact that at resorts most people are nude at most times. While I absolutely love nude beaches, I just can't seem to enjoy them when they are public such as Haulover. Something just doesn't feel right to me to share that experience with gawkers and cell-phone cameras. When in public like that one loses their ability to protect their privacy and self-ownership. I've heard all the stories about how there really aren't many gawkers or cameras, but all I have to say to that is give me a break and let's step back into reality. I've been there and for me there are just to many men with bathing suits on walking around. Resorts are not immune from that either, but small clubs, resorts, and gatherings are much easier to police and have property ownership rights to enforce their own rules. That said, most people really enjoy Haulover so if that's you, Go for It!


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go n nude
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Posted - 04/16/2008 :  8:01:15 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Resorts vs Beaches is really your own preference indeed, each one has its pro's and cons and are enjoyed by many with the freedom to enjoy our lifestyle. I'll visit both and echo Cheri, the AANR and others do much to ensure we have this privilage that we take for granted. 77 years of AANR representing nudists in US&Canada,it really wouldn't be this great Lifestyle without it, changing Goverment and public acceptance,regardless where we Go NUDE. I think we'd be that Cult without it, and shunned like it was or got run out of town like some experienced or even jailed like many were.

go n nude

Edited by - go n nude on 04/16/2008 8:04:00 PM

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