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 Etiquette and Grooming for the Nudist
 Pubic Hair Style - design, grooming, and trimming

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 11/21/2003 : 1:57:53 PM
Pubic hair style design
Grooming and trimming for the fashionable nudist

This topic seems to come up a lot, so let's have a go at it! In your opinion, what is the best pubic hair fashion trim for men and women?

What styles of pubic hair grooming have caught your eye as being both pleasing and fashionable?

We're looking here for great alternatives to the smoothie look.

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15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ROB g Posted - 12/15/2019 : 08:37:28 AM
for me bald. My wife keeps some.
Nude in AK Posted - 12/08/2019 : 5:56:03 PM
For some of us, it is just the way of life. I like being shaved clean and have for many years. Beside just like head hair, shaved there too, it is wash and wear, never messed up and just plain comfortable!
n/a Posted - 12/08/2019 : 1:40:25 PM
As a model, I stay completely smooth always. A job requirement for my work. I noticed the guys do too.
When at a club or resort, I've observed that a large percent of women/girls are either fully shaved, or sporting just a landing strip. The younger guys seem to be shaved a lot, while older men lean toward some or all hair.
FireProf Posted - 06/28/2018 : 8:09:51 PM
Both been smooth or very close to it for over 35 years … before it was a trend. I was smooth first but the Prof had very little pubic hair at that time. I could count the pubic hairs and not use all my fingers and toes.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 06/28/2018 : 11:00:25 AM
Been that way for many years. I just like it that way!
stealer Posted - 06/27/2018 : 8:02:21 PM
I used to leave a little strip of hair, but the other day it all came off. Took a little getting used to, but I like it.
swl13fl Posted - 06/27/2018 : 7:26:03 PM
I shave it all down there, genitals, in between legs, butt cheeks/crack, so it's all smooth down there and it's the best feeling in the world
sailawaybob Posted - 06/13/2014 : 9:18:55 PM
Cavanudist i use a diposable razor in the shower with liquid soap, hair conditioner works better and than for touch up i have a cheap $8. battery razor for touchup and legs. once you get past 6 months you will probably never go back to being hairy - i've been totally smooth about 6 years now and can never see not being a smoothie especially in summer when everything is tan.
FireProf Posted - 06/11/2014 : 6:11:13 PM
Our trick ... was to do it together! I've always preferred having little or no pubic hair and my wife kept trimming hers shorter and slimmer and thinner til one night she emerged from the shower and it was all gone. It was her choice, as it was my choice to be smooth, and this issue, like nudism, is about allowing everyone to make their own choices about what is right for them. It may not be for everyone but then again ... we don't all live the same nudist lives.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Cavanudist Posted - 06/11/2014 : 05:40:57 AM
Well, I did it! I'm a smoothie and it feels great!!! My wife freaked out about it but I think is getting used to it. The razor rash is going away and so are the bumps. I do have some rash along the belt line but I pretty much figured that would happen. Gotta find a job that allows me to be nude 24/7! ;-)
señorsevo Posted - 06/06/2014 : 3:23:09 PM
I have very strong male secondary sex characteristics. I don't shave my body, and I am often the hairiest person at the resort. I usually sport a full beard too. I have noticed more shaved men than not when I visit a resort. It would take a silly amount of time for me to keep my body completely smooth. No one has ever commented on my body hair, and I feel totally comfortable with how look. I have found the nudist community to be totally accepting of all hair styles. My wife feels more comfortable completely shaved, and rarely sports any body hair. Never been an issue for us. To each his or her own we say!!
Cavanudist Posted - 06/06/2014 : 06:25:54 AM
Ok, so another question to all of you, are there any good grooming tools for the pubic region?
Cavanudist Posted - 06/05/2014 : 05:15:38 AM
Originally posted by Nude in AK

I do not remember how long, but it does stop. Have not had an issue with 'razor burn' for a long time. Stay with it as things will improve.

Nude in AK Posted - 06/04/2014 : 10:18:00 AM
I do not remember how long, but it does stop. Have not had an issue with 'razor burn' for a long time. Stay with it as things will improve.
Cavanudist Posted - 06/04/2014 : 06:45:54 AM
So, the question I have is how long before the razor burn stops coming up when I shave? I've been shaving for about a month and I'm noticing some improvement but when will it completely go away or does it?

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