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 Nudist Men - From the Male Point of View
 Unwanted Erection
 Where do you stand on Male Arousal?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Belisha Posted - 10/27/2003 : 9:13:16 PM
Not as original as I thought: See other thread

Sorry for duplication but feel free to respond if topic is new to you.

I do not ask this question in a leading or sexual sense, however I have taken the time to look through the last 12 months of topics raised on this site and felt it needed asking.

An old Girlfriend of mine used to love the fact that She could, within reason be as aroused as she wished without drawing attention to herself, whereas the men had to excercise an unusual degree of self control to ensure that they did not offend.

I am not aware of the standpoint taken in Canada or the USA; in the UK one could be dismissed from a club at the slightest hint of arousal.

Before you all jump on my neck (although you may well do so anyway) I would mention that I am now 30 and was raised as a naturist from 7 or 8 years and of course it is intimacy that produces arousal in most cases.

I do not raise this question for amusement but to address a central issue in the ethos of nudism: -

Do we accept that the naked body is beautiful in all its variety and forms?

Do we accept that nudity is perfectly natural and should not lead to immature sniggers or outcry?

Do we believe that any element of arousal whether male or female is intrinsically wrong and should be firmly opposed by all right thinking members of the naturist society?

Finally is arousal unnatural?

I have no axe to grind here, this is merely a question that has occured to me ever since I read the rules of my club as an adolescent and found that that prohibition conflicted in my mind with the remainder of the rules and most importantly with the spirit of naturism.

Once you have answered in your own mind the central question raised here ask yourself: What of a Man who falls asleep on a sunny day and awakes to find he is erect (it does happen you know)do you repremand him banish him or do you find yourself unconcerned. I appreciate that this is simply an extension of the central issue, but those of you who have come to the conclusion that such a thing should never be seen may have some slight cause to reconsider at this stage.

I look forward to your replies.

Kind regards

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
charissacacnio Posted - 10/11/2022 : 10:11:20 PM
I am quite new to this and I intend to go full naturalist with life. We are predominantly conservative here in the Philippines so I would like to get your opinion if I get anyone unecessary errection if you see me like this in a beach. Your honest feedback is appreciated.


Charissa Cacnio
MTBnudist Posted - 01/12/2020 : 3:42:27 PM
I've just signed in for the first time in a few years, I can't believe this thread is still alive and well lol.
The great debate: Boners, cool or not cool

My god lol...

I was born naked, so I'm staying naked :)
Blessed Be!!
Nude in AK Posted - 12/05/2019 : 4:29:24 PM
Tomgirl; as has already been stated, welcome to NRO. Erections happen, just part of being human! The few that I am with accept that fact and make no big deal of them. I do find that as I am a little older erections do not come about as often. That is OK!
Good luck on your travels! Seldom do I venture out of Alaska, but would like to visit nude friends places more!
speedy123 Posted - 12/05/2019 : 4:12:52 PM
Hi Tomgirl,

Welcome to NRO. Yep, it happens occasionally. I'll bet it's the number one question asked when a guy is inquiring about visiting a nudist club.
n/a Posted - 12/05/2019 : 3:35:54 PM
I'm new to this site, so Hello.

As someone who has practice nudism for nearly eight years at age 24, I think this concern over erections is far too overplayed. I've been to beaches and home parties while traveling and do see occasional erections. This happens more-so with younger men and boys. Most get embarrassed over it. Others don't. That's life.
I've also stayed at bed & breakfast type homes, and the men sometimes have an erection early morning en route to the shared bathroom. If you can't handle seeing it, maybe nudism isn't your thing. Just my thoughts.
FireProf Posted - 12/05/2012 : 11:30:57 PM
ALRIGHT! That's it ... I'm leaving now ... for tonight! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 12/05/2012 : 4:31:07 PM

He's always been a sucker. LMNAO

Opps did I say that out loud?

FireProf Posted - 12/05/2012 : 2:42:34 PM
Oooooooo... nice of you to throw the bait out there too! LOL

You know I'd come back to see what YOU typed! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 12/05/2012 : 1:41:10 PM
Originally posted by FireProf

You are NOT going to bait me into coming back into this thread Diger ... you are not!


Looks like he are SO easy!!

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
FireProf Posted - 12/03/2012 : 7:41:46 PM
You are NOT going to bait me into coming back into this thread Diger ... you are not!


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 12/03/2012 : 4:35:48 PM
Thanks Fire, You made me blush.

You know someone will say something here that you can't let go of and sooner or later you will be back. LOL

Come on brother you know we have to be the voice of reason on this site, even in this thread.


Be careful if you post your design for the award, we all may be blushing.

Admin Posted - 12/02/2012 : 4:02:37 PM
If we don't have a place for this most common of male questions, it will just show up where you don't want it in other parts of the forum.

Besides, having it here, it kind of serves as a troll magnet, so we see them earlier.

But hey, you guys just keep patiently and graciously reminding them to read the previous 66 67 pages. We should have an award for anyone who actually researches the whole thing. How about the Unwanted Erection Research Award? Sound good?

I can't imagine what the badge would look like.
FireProf Posted - 12/02/2012 : 10:50:38 AM
I stated that I had left the building ... but I came back ... WHY? Because I am friends with Diger and I always like to read what he has to say. I agree and know from years of experience on nudist internet sites that ... you can close this thread all ya want, someone will just start a new one!

You can tell when it's colder and people are spending much more time on the computer. The topics of discussion are increased AND ... the old, tired and discussed to nauseam threads are resurrected ... such as "erection" or "shaving" threads. People feel the need to type away, contribute or at least feel like they are contributing to a site by starting their own thread and having pages and pages of responses. But when you go back and take out ALL the needless banter, the arguing, the silly name calling ... you'll find that 66 pages of posts can be dwindled down to one or two pages of really good, concrete information, advice and opinions.

Diger said it well and although we will probably not see the end of this thread or any other "erection" thread in the foreseeable future ... I "promise" to try and stay outta this topic ... but ... ya never know for sure! LOL

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Diger Posted - 12/02/2012 : 10:23:15 AM
Rodders, it's no ones fault. We will always have these proboners that come into this site that think its OK to fly their proverbial flags (pun intended) in everyones face. Most are inexperienced to social nudist venues and don't realize how rarely this actually happens.

Most all of us long time members here have told ourselves at one time or another that we will never respond to this thread again. However we come back cause we hope to be the light of truth and the voice of experience to the new members that read this thread.

Most guys are worried about having an errection on their first trip to a nudist venue and read this for advice so we have to let them know the truth.

I am resigned to the fact that this thread will never end.

Rodders Posted - 12/02/2012 : 08:05:34 AM
Time to close this tired old thread. I agree with free2be and all the others who feel the same. I suppose it's my fault for opening it and perhaps response just helps fuel it all and makes it go on and on and on.............zzzzzzzzzzzz


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