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 Nudist Men - From the Male Point of View
 Unwanted Erection
 A simple question? Arousal and etiquette...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Massai Posted - 08/08/2003 : 2:10:31 PM
Hello everyone,

I have a question that has some philosophical undertones. However, please forgive me if at times I sound as a simpleton.

(Premise) I have tried nudism a few times in the past on the philosophical premise of:
"what separates Man from beast is the human asset of intellectual sophistication. The test of being "Human" (IMHO) should be a measure of ones ability/mastery of maintaining *self-control* (and intellectual clarity) while in their nude state"

(Question) My question relates to simple yet critical issue of etiquette (expected behavior) in nudist areas.
Particularly: It is my observation that males are always instructed so as to be prepared In the event they experience an unexpected erection. The instruction is to always err on the side of inconspicuousness.

The question at hand is:
"What is the importance of inconspicuousness" ?
Based on the afore mentioned philosophical premise It should NOT mater whether a male (or female) has become aroused (regardless of sexual thought or other Physiological reasons) as long as they maintain composed and they do not *act* upon those instincts.

Deciding NOT to act on a basic instinct is still in my mind well within the parameters of self control. .

What is your opinion on this?


This discussion has run its course for a few years. Many thanks to everyone who participated in this topic (both pro or against).

Those of you that do agree that the current nudist ideology contains a deeply rooted taboo (assuming offense by sight alone on aspects of human nature) feel free to join this group ( if you have a myspace account.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EuroTim Posted - 08/22/2012 : 07:13:18 AM
Originally posted by Matt Cotter

Erections are nothing to be embarrased about, I occasionally get one at the beach, but I don't "wave / wiggle it in everybody's personal space",but I don't hide it either.

Matt Cotter Posted - 08/10/2012 : 1:27:40 PM
Erections are nothing to be embarrased about, I occasionally get one at the beach, but I don't "wave / wiggle it in everybody's personal space",but I don't hide it either.
wishwarm Posted - 10/10/2011 : 6:51:21 PM
Peter's Nudist Pages have some interesting thoughts about nudity and erections, for any who haven't checked this out.

D in Upstate
nudesunguy Posted - 10/10/2011 : 10:59:43 AM
31 pages of this stuff. At least it's taken a humorous turn...

Diger Posted - 10/09/2011 : 11:23:37 PM
Go one step further and imagine the guy likes you to stare at him. LOL

Sorry that was in bad taste. Just could help myself. :-)

nudesunguy Posted - 10/09/2011 : 10:46:08 PM
Another great way to get rid of an erection, of the feeling of an impending one, is to force yourself to stare at men (assuming you like women). That will cool your jets rather quickly.

Warmskin Posted - 10/09/2011 : 6:19:44 PM
I'll echo what wishwarm said, to some extent. I went to one nudist resort, where they had a long conversation pool, and it happened that there were far more than the usual crowd that day. One woman, for whatever reason (maybe three sheets to the wind) came over to me and planted a healthy kiss on my lips. I do have to admit that I started to get an erection.

I believe that is the somewhat intimate contact that alone caused the erection. Seeing a nude member of the opposite sex, to me anyway, is not a cause for an erection. But, if it goes beyond talking and watching, than there is a risk of an erection.

So, we have to look at the pattern of behavior to determine what causes an erection.

One way I get rid of an erection in the case I mentioned is to imagine that all the men nearby will whoop the tar out of me if I don't cool down my erect state. Or, I imagine being back in military basic training. If that does not kill and erection, I don't know what will.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

wishwarm Posted - 10/07/2011 : 6:35:24 PM
May not be appropriate, but when we were at a nudist resort, in the communal hot tub, I discovered my EX-wife playing some underwater footsie with a guy we met that day. When we all moved to the edge of the tub to chat, he was clearly "aroused." Was that a problem with nudity? Not at all. It was a problem with our marriage. But that's another issue.

D in Upstate
Diger Posted - 10/06/2011 : 11:30:28 PM
Well balanced post Blavan, but I didn't mean to say that erections never happen. Just when they do, leave them alone and they will go down.

It's very rare so it's not really an issue. The erection police are not waiting for you to get a stiffy. They will not put you in cuffs and drag you off the beach.

What I can't understand is us guys complain about not enough women joining us at the nude resorts and beachs, but we think we should be able to run around with an erection and everyone just understand.

The ladies that have been around for a while will not be spooked but the ladies that are there for their first time may never come back again.

blavan Posted - 10/06/2011 : 11:24:16 AM
Hey guys, we have been social nudists for about 14 years. That qualifies us as experienced. Men, including yours truly, do at times get erections at the resorts and beaches that we frequent. It has never a problem because the occasional erection happens and goes away with no issue. We have not seen a raging hard-on pointed at anyone, but to say that erections never happen is not accurate. Let us be accurate in the use of the word "never". We have attended many resorts over the years and we regularly vacation at nudist resorts, so we are also experienced nudists at numerous nudist venues. Erections do happen, even in an environment that is not sexually charged. They are a normal part of being a man. Not every man is the same, and therefore some men experience erections more than others.

We have been to numerous dances, parties, and special events at family oriented nudist resorts, and the atmosphere was not sexually charged. We prefer family oriented resorts.

We have experienced a different type of atmosphere because a couple of times while traveling we did stay at PL in Land O Lakes, FL and the atmosphere was S-Charged. Not all places are the same. Some are adults-only resorts or adult-oriented resorts.

All of the back and forth about erections never occurring vs them happening often are according to individual experience. Some men experience them more than others. One thing is certain. As long as men are men some of them will have erections while nude in mixed company, and some will not. Another certainty is that erections are not such an important issue when they happen.

Being Naked and Being Real
Diger Posted - 10/05/2011 : 10:30:18 PM
Bob, I can't believe you take all these reports as the truth. If you look back nearly all these posts were from Trolls that just come here and want to talk about their stiffy. How you spot a troll is to look at when they join and when they make their first post about their erection. In most cases the same day, and most all they post about is the same. These guys have probably never been to a nude resort or beach and are just wanting to yank someone's chain.

Some are beginners that have never been to a social event and not sure how they will be able to control themself. (These are the guys this thread stays open for) I was the same when Mrs. Diger and I began our journey into Naturism, frequent erections when we were skinny dipping or sunning in the back yard. I was very nervous when we went to Apollo for the first time, thinking I would have to spend my whole day laying on my stomach. LOL

That trip to Apollo was the best, it was like I had taken an AntiViagra. I can't expain it guys it's just like your body knows how to behave. Believe me as I say it's not the problem some want you to believe it is. I personally know several couples from this forum, met in person, shared the beach with all of them and have many other nudist friends that we get together with on occation. All of them will tell you the same story, IIIIT'S NOOOOOT AAAAA PROOOOOBLEEEEEM.

I tell myself I will never post here again but then I see someone here on the ProBoner side posting all this and no one stepping up to tell the truth I just can't stay quiet.

Bob Knows Posted - 10/05/2011 : 10:27:54 AM
Diger wrote, "We have never seen a erection at a nudist resort, so how are so many men being shamed and banned for something that is so rare?"

That may be your experience, Diger, but apparently other men have different experiences. On previous pages of this discussion we have read personal experiences from several men who have experienced natural sexual arousal around women at nudist resorts, and we have read their stories about being discriminated against or asked to leave the resort. If there are enough men with a bad experience to write about it on this forum then I will not waive it off as "doesn't make it true" or "so rare." Organized nudism needs to deal with real men having real experiences, like the men who have posted on this topic.


Diger Posted - 10/04/2011 : 10:55:23 PM
Bob, I don't care how many times you say something it doesn't make it true. We have never seen a erection at a nudist resort, so how are so many men being shamed and banned for something that is so rare?

As a matter of fact the only erections we have seen were at a nude beach, and both were being sustained by manual help. These guys were even looking for sexual stimulation and had to keep fluffing it up other wise it would have gone limp. So Bob, your argument about erections being natural in a socially nude setting has a couple flaws.

nudesunguy Posted - 10/04/2011 : 10:08:01 AM
But the bottom line, as Diger said, is that erections are VERY rare at nudists venues. I can confirm that, having seen only a few (3 or 4?) in 30 years of nudity at beaches/resorts! There are SO many posts about this virtually non-existant problem.

Bob Knows Posted - 10/04/2011 : 09:44:05 AM
Originally posted by Diger

What we need is for more people to learn that normal men don't have a problem with erections at a nudist venue. If you have ever been to a social nude venue you know it is the least sexually charged place you can be and your body just knows how to behave. I can't explain it to you, you just have to experience it yourself.

Well, Digger, in my experience nudist places are no more and no less sexually charged than other places where men and women gather together. This topic reminds me of a midsummer party and dance I attended at White Tail Park in Virginia some years ago. A late night dance party with male and female bodies rubbing together (same dancing, just naked) is always sexually charged. Thats one of the main purposes of dancing together.

I don't think one can generalize that nudist venues are never sexual. Human bodies are sexual no matter how they are dressed or not dressed. It is misandrist in my opinion to discriminate against men who's body responds to a sexually charged atmosphere. What we nudists need to do is to accept men for being men and men's bodies for being men's bodies. We should not be shaming or banning men for having normal male bodies any more than we shame females for THOs.


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