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 No Topic Needed - Just Chatting - October 2005

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Admin Posted - 10/05/2005 : 1:02:23 PM
No Topic Needed In This Thread - Topic-Free Zone

There was a good suggestion for an "off topic" topic, where the Admin won't gripe at you for ignoring the subject!

And so, drum roll please, the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! In this thread, and this thread only, it matters not what the subject is, nor if there was a subject in the first place. So, what's new with you?

Add your comments here by logging on and clicking Reply to Topic.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GeeWilly Posted - 10/31/2005 : 12:02:04 PM
Happy Halloween, everybody!

Oops, if I am nude, do I dress down for Halloween or dress up as a disguise? Maybe just wear a smile and a mask? Body paint? Help.

Trick or treat!
NudeAl Posted - 10/29/2005 : 11:24:39 PM
Oops! Thanks for the update Cheri. I'm glad to hear she's doing well.

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
Cheri Posted - 10/29/2005 : 5:02:04 PM
Originally posted by NudeAl

Has anyone heard form Melisa lately? I was just thinking I had heard that she was in and out of the hospital a lot last year and I was wondering how she was doing?
"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher

Fletcher, She wasn't in and out of hospital last year. She had some surgery for a foot problem.

I received an email from her the day before yesterday. She is very tied up with her teaching and the new club she began takes up a lot of time as well.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
NudeAl Posted - 10/29/2005 : 12:15:04 PM
Has anyone heard form Melisa lately? I was just thinking I had heard that she was in and out of the hospital a lot last year and I was wondering how she was doing?

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
NudeAl Posted - 10/29/2005 : 10:21:52 AM
I LOVE AUSTRALIA!!! I have been there twice so far, courtesy of the US Marine Corps. I have a cousin who immigrated to Australia back in the 1970's he is now a citizen and lives in Sydney. At times I would like to do the same thing. I know one thing if I were ever to move outside the US that would be the place to go. I think I might have to head down there again and give him a visit. Oh well enjoy the good weather.

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
JoMulholland Posted - 10/29/2005 : 02:02:48 AM
You're on the wrong bit of our planet. It's perfectly sunny and warm in Sydney and I had a very pleasant visit to River Island Nature Retreat a few days ago, where the weather was just fine too.
Tomorrow morning it will be o.k. to get up early because the clocks will be adjusted and the time difference between us and those who are heading towards winter will be greater.

Jo Mulholland
NudeAl Posted - 10/22/2005 : 10:12:04 PM
Cheri, oh that I could! You could sit back and let me do it all if I could do it nude. That's how my wife tricks me into doing the house work around here!lol

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
Cheri Posted - 10/22/2005 : 11:04:01 AM
Al, The weather is one reason I love living in the Midlands of South Carolina. We have a longer nuding season. :) I am able to still do yard work au naturale. Later today, I will be doing some raking. Want to come and help?

:) Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
NudeAl Posted - 10/22/2005 : 10:41:35 AM
Fall is always a depressing time for me.

The weather is to cool to be nude at the beach I go to, but is just warm enough for a tease. Usually this time of year I head for the desert or go hiking in the inland mountains, but with the cost of gas being what it is that isn't very practical. On the bright side I have a clothing optional Halloween party to go to so it's not all that bad I guess. Last weekend though it was 90 on Friday and 80 on Saturday and raining on Sunday. Guess who had family commitments all last weekend? Now it's been sunny during the week but on the cool side staying around the high 60's but now that the weekend is here it's completely overcast foggy in the mornings even not very encouraging. I know I'm just whining here but I guess I just wanted to express these thoughts to the group and see if anyone knows what I mean.

I guess I just wanted to put that out there and get it off my chest. I feel a little better now.

"The best dress for walking is nakedness." Colin Fletcher
nudetoo Posted - 10/22/2005 : 01:59:06 AM
here in tennessee the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are changing colors and falling to the ground, it's getting chilly and you know whats comming, that long wait for another spring!

Just me, Willy
sailordave Posted - 10/11/2005 : 09:34:46 AM
Can't say I personally saw first hand but did do some looking and found similar reports out of Florida of Katrina evacuees being kicked out of the same corporation's hotels because of guest with reservations coming into town for the college football games that weekend. No other hotel chain were mentioned.

We the willing who are led by the unknown must do the impossible for the ungrateful.
Cheri Posted - 10/10/2005 : 4:20:08 PM
Reminder - Chat tomorrow using PalTalk ( We can be found AFTER 8pm Eastern time under Meet New Friends/Adult - Nudist Resorts

:) Cheri

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
GeeWilly Posted - 10/10/2005 : 12:05:50 PM
SailorDave: Do you have firsthand knowledge of the purported eviction? After all the rumors that the press/media caused to seem true about the "horrors" at the Superdome and at the convention Center (that were subsequently found to be wholly without merit), isn't it prudent to verify the source of your information before passing such along as fact?

As naturists, we have experienced the difficulty of refuting "rumors" about the wild orgies of nudists and other absolute fiction. Often just saying, "It ain't so." doesn't work too well. Don't you agree?
sailordave Posted - 10/10/2005 : 10:31:30 AM
The hotels by the Hilton corporation including the Hampton Inn are the only ones reported to be evicting Katrina evacuees to make room for guest with prior reservations. One example given by the article was a lady and her wheelchair bound mother and her blind father were threatened with the hotel staff calling the police if they didn't pack up and leave. The Redcross and other agencies managed to step in for them and managed to get the management to keep them a little longer. The problem is with so many evacuees spread out across the gulf coast area it's hard to get temporary housing like trailers or campers set up for all the people.

We the willing who are led by the unknown must do the impossible for the ungrateful.
old hippie Posted - 10/09/2005 : 12:26:09 PM
Originally posted by sailordave

Boycott the Hilton and their other hotel chains including the Hampton Inn and email them your personal feelings regarding their actions listed below.

Dave -
-- When I try to use the link, it gives an error message indicating an incorrect article refernce. Could you give us some guidance on what the Hilton chain did to warrant a general boycott? Or a newer link to the article? We have stayed at a few Hampton Inns in the past, and always fould the staff to be friendly and accommodating.

Waiting is......

Old Hippie

Dum vivimus, vivamus!

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