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T O P I C    R E V I E W
outdoornudedude Posted - 03/24/2003 : 3:13:07 PM
I just love being nude in the outdoors. I have a cabin and there are some woods behind the cabin and that is the perfect spot to be nude. I can just kick back and relax. The other good thing is that there are so many trees that helps keep it private too. There is also a marsh land. This is one of the best places to go in the summer. If it is hot, I can take a dip in the lake or marsh. With the marsh there is also mud. Most people think that being in the mud is gross but the cool mud feels great on your nude body on a hot summer day. The mud in the marsh is mixed with water so it makes it a little easier to rinse off. You have to wear sandals though, but that is alrighty with me. I prefer to wear a pair of women's sandals by Canide's that are leather and have a slight wooden heel. This does not mean that I am gay it just is that I love how they look on my feel and I feel really secure with them on in the woods or in the marsh.

Alrighty there's my info on my favorite spot to be nude...

Anyone else have a favorite spot where they enjoy being nude?

The Outdoors are the greatest
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
swl13fl Posted - 05/06/2018 : 8:11:43 PM
I go nude camping at a nude campgrounds
soonbnude Posted - 02/06/2018 : 3:17:27 PM

Certainly enjoying summer, spring was warm too and historically so is autumn so here's hoping is continues. 30C + all week.

We've travelled a little, not to the USA but through Asia mainly and we refer to ourselves as the lucky country and it seems we are.
Nude in AK Posted - 02/06/2018 : 12:45:26 PM
Originally posted by soonbnude

It's nice and warm down-under, no pun intended. 30C plus every day, ahhhh, bloody beautiful. Nude every day outside.

Treat yourselves you guys up north, venture south, a long way south, come and visit a place called Oz.

Enjoy your summer! Have heard good things about that area!
soonbnude Posted - 02/05/2018 : 04:04:56 AM

It's nice and warm down-under, no pun intended. 30C plus every day, ahhhh, bloody beautiful. Nude every day outside.

Treat yourselves you guys up north, venture south, a long way south, come and visit a place called Oz.
Nude in AK Posted - 02/05/2018 : 03:00:26 AM
Being that it is still winter and a little too cool, got up to 14 today, to be outside nude. However wait until the weather does get better! I do plan on having more outdoor nude time this next summer. Was able to get in some nude camping, a few nude hikes and a little nude time with friends last year. I am hoping to even get in some nude ATV riding, but the jury is still out on that though.
stealer Posted - 02/04/2018 : 12:45:41 PM
To the OP, during the summer I really enjoy hiking up this mountain close to my home. Its about a 2000 feet climb straight up the side on the mountain to reach the summit, and then you take a different trail back down that winds its way around a canyon and then back towards the city. In all it takes about 2-3 hours. The only thing is its usually 95-105 degrees by the time I make it back to my car. I usually take my shirt off at some point, but I can't strip all the way down since its still in the city limits. I wish I could, I'd love to spend a few hours hiking nude, I think it would be the perfect way to spend a warm summer day. I'm planning on visiting a nude resort this summer though that has miles of hiking trails, so I'll finally be able to see what I've been missing all these years.
feelingthebreeze Posted - 02/04/2018 : 12:27:41 PM
That is great too. just like Florida
FireProf Posted - 02/04/2018 : 12:10:26 PM
Winter in Southern California ... for the past two weeks we've had varying outside temps between 74 and 84 degrees ... no rain and only two days of cloud cover with little full sun. Naked outdoors all the time!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
feelingthebreeze Posted - 02/04/2018 : 11:01:50 AM
I am naked most times in my fenced backyard doing yard work. Florida is great for being naked outside most of the year. I was out there just now cleaning and refilling the bird bath and bird feeders. It is almost 70 degrees right now and it feels good to be outside naked.
Carlover227 Posted - 06/06/2012 : 3:19:38 PM
I've always been outdoorsy, even before I became a nudist; so I can totally agree with FireProf about how being nude outdoors increases energy. You really become connected to nature by simply being clothes free outdoors.
FireProf Posted - 06/05/2012 : 09:12:32 AM
I understand what Doc is saying. For us, nudity is a normal part of our life and we are able to be nude outside most of the day as well as inside while doing the usual daily things.

When we are forced inside ... even though we are nude ... I can get tense and yearn for the fresh air, wind/breeze and mostly ... the sun on my body. Even, at times, I can feel closed in within these walls around our property and need to go to more open spaces such as a club or the beach.

When we are together with our nudist friends at any of our homes, we are always a bit more animated and lively when we are socializing outdoors. We've spent long weekends together and had to be inside and the conversations were good but lacked energy. Once we got outside, those same conversations took on new enthusiasm. Most of us were walking around the property, many asking questions of the property owner about things.

There is a real connection between nudity and outdoors that is much more different than nudity inside, obviously, but for many people, us included, outside nudity brings your skin and mind to life and your attitude can change drastically!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Daretobare Posted - 06/05/2012 : 05:50:51 AM
When we bought our house a few years back we were inpressed by all the gardens and hedges on the property. Shortly after we moved in I was sitting on the back porch enjoying a cup of coffee and noticed that all the shrubs, trees and gardens were strategically placed so that the neighboring properties were not visible from the porch. JACKPOT! I think the people we bought from were either not impressed with the neighbors (which would be easily understood) or were perhaps nudists. I do know I enjoy the privacy and being in the country I can even walk out to and work in my garage nude. Do have to watch that no one comes up the driveway though.
steady78 Posted - 06/04/2012 : 12:51:37 PM
I'm with you nudony, we've set up our backyard so we have our own little resort at home.
We only have a couple months a year where we can have naked mornings in the backyard but.
I spent the afternoon naked and BBQ our dinner last night and still haven't put any clothes on!!
It's great not having to get dressed and drive to the beach or resort to be naked!!
Nudony Posted - 06/04/2012 : 11:20:41 AM
There's nothing wrong with private backyard/home nudism either. When I lived in my townhouse, we enclosed part of the patio, set up some lounge chairs with a table, and a kiddie pool for my daughter. The cool thing on weekends was being able to just get out of bed - already nude, make a pot of coffee, and just stroll outside and sit with my cup of joe and a magazine. My wife wasn't a big fan of patio nudism; but she'd be nude inside and would poke her head out to drop off breakfast or our daughter, who would usually join me for nude breakfast on the patio.
It was social nudity at its most simple and basic, yet it was my most favorite way to enjoy nudism at the time. Being able to enjoy continuous nudity, with a bit of outdoors relaxation, AND without having to get dressed and drive hours to the resort was a big factor.

Landlord Posted - 06/03/2012 : 7:16:53 PM
Today was the first day this Summer that Mrs. Landlord and I had a chance to spend most of the day alternating between our hot tub and sitting for several hours in a sheltered part of our yard completely unadorned with any clothing. We even took the collars off our 2 lab retrievers.

I think Mrs. Landlord and I are regaining our sanity.

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