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 Juniper Woods - Catskill, NY

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kangaroo Posted - 01/16/2008 : 9:33:11 PM
I'm looking for a clothing-optional resort/campground/ the Rhode Island area.

The closest I could find is Juniper Woods in Catskill, NY.

Has anyone ever been there? If so, would you mind giving your 30-second review?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
StuffedTiger Posted - 07/11/2008 : 01:09:27 AM
Please continue. BTW, many resorts allow first timers to stay clothed. Also many allow clothing except in the pools, hot tubs and saunas. Seems common. Also beaches are by nature clothing optional. Nice review. :-) Please continue.

kangaroo Posted - 07/07/2008 : 9:01:38 PM
I have just completed a 5-day vacation stay at Juniper Woods. Since the only available review I have seen for Juniper Woods is 7 years old, I thought I would take the time to write my own personal review.

My wife (32), my daughter (3), and I (31) arrived at Juniper Woods Saturday afternoon, July 2, 2008. The entrance was no longer a "sideways fence" as described in previous reviews. The fence has been replaced with an automatic gate that can be opened by pressing 0-0-0 (which was conveniently etched right next to the keypad).

From the entrance we drove down the hill and passed by the two "lakes". These lakes were would be better described as ponds. Both ponds were overrun with pond scum, which although it's natural, it did not give a very good first impression. The area surrounding the pond was poorly maintained and no longer looked like the nice pond pictures on the website.

As we drove up from the lake area, we were looking for the front office, but instead we were greeted by Peg, one of the owners. She asked in a very friendly voice if we were here for the trailer rental. Although I knew she was expecting us to arrive on that day, I didn't expect her to know who we were, or why we were there. She pointed towards the trailer we would be renting; we drove to it and parked our car off to the side. A few seconds later, Peg arrived to give us the quick tour of the trailer.

The trailer we originally reserved was the 35' Prowler, but instead we were put us into the 30' Sunline. Although I was a little disappointed to not get the trailer I reserved, the Sunline trailer was perfectly fine.

We unpacked all of our stuff and put everything away. The trailer was already equipped with most of the items we would need (towels, linens, coffee maker, pots, pans, utensils...etc). We only brought a charcoal stove and some metal cooking utensils for outdoor cooking. After getting everything unpacked and in its new home, I was finally able to go nude.

Although I enjoy nudism, my wife is not a nudist. I chose Juniper Woods because they have a truly clothing-optional policy (except for the pool, but more on that later). I don't want to force her into nudism, just like I don't want her to force me to be clothing-required.

I don't understand why more places can't be like Juniper. There are very few options for places that allow nudity, and even fewer places that allow one person nude, and one person clothed. I would imagine that this situation is quite common, so why do they turn away the half-nudist/half-textile business by forcing nudity in those that aren't interested? I would sure like to visit places closer to me like Solair, Sunridge, and Dyer Woods, but all of these places require everyone to be nude at all times (temperature permitting).

Forgive me for going off on that tangent. It's a very sensitive subject for me. Back to the review...

The first night we were there, they had karaoke in the pavilion. I can't comment on the actual event, since we were unable to go due to my daughter's early bed time. Even more unfortunate was the fact that our trailer rental was situated right behind the pavilion, where we, loudly and clearly. Normally this would not bother us, but we always go to bed before 11 since our daughter routinely gets up at 6:00AM sharp.

For the next couple of days, I took my daughter swimming, while my wife stayed at the trailer relaxing/reading...etc. Everyone at the pool was very friendly to me and my daughter. Some people tried to have a conversation, but I could not take part 100% because I had to watch my daughter like a hawk. (It's amazing how quickly a toddler can go underwater when you look away even for a second.)

On the night of the third day, Peggy drove up in her golf cart and stopped by our campfire to chat. We discussed AANR, clothing-optional vs. nudity-required locations, how she became a nudist, how she came to own Juniper Woods, and more. She was
kangaroo Posted - 01/26/2008 : 2:07:38 PM
Thanks Frank.

I forgot to mention that we will have our 3-year old daughter. Abbott's Glen looks like a nice getaway for a couple, but I don't think our daughter would have much fun at a B&B.

oiluv2bnaked2 Posted - 01/26/2008 : 09:11:22 AM
Hey Kanga, look into Abbotts Glen. They are in Southern Vermont South of Rt 9 halfway between Bennington and Brattaboro and they are CO. My wife also a non nudist went there last July for 4 day we had a great time! Amy and Lindy make everyone feel welcome. This is a year round resort with a B&B and great food. Tent and Pop-Up trailer camping is also available, no water or electrical hook-ups at the camp sites. There is a river that runs through the grounds which when the water is high enough is great for tubbing, sorry to say there is no pool but the Ledges are not far away. See for more information there.

Well I hope this helps, message or email me if you like. Stay Nude!

kangaroo Posted - 01/17/2008 : 08:15:40 AM
Thanks for the great information nurserobin.

The only place nudity is required at Juniper is in the pool area, and because my wife is not a nudist, we probably won't be swimming in the pool. Was there anything to do there besides the pool?

Unfortunately Solair is not clothing optional. (Which is a shame, since that would be the closest location.) I discussed my situation (nudist+non-nudist)with Solair over the phone, but they said since they were a member run organization, that they couldn't allow exceptions.

As for Berkshire, I will have to look into them again. They have the same nude-only pool rules, but they may have better amenities than Juniper Woods. Do you have a 30-second review for Berkshire as well. :)

Thanks again,
nurserobin Posted - 01/17/2008 : 07:32:17 AM
Hi Kanga - I'm sure there are closer such as Solair in Woodstock CT and Berkshire Vista in Mass - and probably more I don't know about - anyway, I've been to Juniper Woods once - a weekday - fairly quiet - very rustic and though there were only about 8 other people around the pool - not very bf and I were strangers obviously and maybe they're a little reticent with strangers? Dunno...but not going back...

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