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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudistmormon Posted - 01/07/2022 : 11:52:34 PM
I have been on this forum for over 10 years, under this username and another one after I forgot my login info for it. I look back at some of my previous posts and remember there was a time I actually liked me! I don't anymore. I look in the mirror and see the changes in my body, I am 5'4 187lbs and then theres all the body hair, lack of head hair and the list goes on. I have had women actually laugh in my face when I show interest, my height is used against me and so is my keg shaped abs. A lot has changed about me,that I dont like. Women often feel they're the only ones affected by body shame but it is us men too, sorry for the negative post but I needed to get my thoughts out in hopes that it'd help me find something positive about myself again.

Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nudistmormon Posted - 06/16/2022 : 8:51:07 PM
By the way LisaVegas, I used to live in Vegas. I miss it but can't go back, cant afford any places there on a fixed income.


Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
nudistmormon Posted - 06/13/2022 : 9:27:25 PM
Since I last posted, I am working on my weight, but other than that, I have realized, I feel happiest when nude, like I am actually being true to myself and not living a lie. I don't like some of the changes I see in my body but I am just happier living nude.


Not new here, I usd to have the s/n loves2bnude
rooftopwilly Posted - 06/10/2022 : 07:48:18 AM
Yep, healthy is key. I wasn’t healthy though. My A1C and cholesterol were through the roof, so I needed to make changes. Plus, my mom is 91. She is overweight and stuck at home because she has no right hip socket, a bad knee and lower back issues. She can’t get any surgeries because of her other problems like diabetes, A-fib, etc. I don’t want to end up like that. If I can live to be her age, I want to be moving around still.
Nude in AK Posted - 06/08/2022 : 11:59:09 AM
LisaVegas, I agree, after spending years attempting to stay with-in the military weigh standards, it is nice to just enjoy somethings. As long as one is healthy, that is more important than what others think!
LisaVegas Posted - 06/07/2022 : 08:09:10 AM
I have struggled with my weight forever. It's up it's down. When I was in my 20's I was, as they say, plump. But I used it to my advantage for a while. I ultimately realized it is what it is and just do the best I can to keep it steady. As a full time nudist, based on what I see, I fall somewhere in the middle. I guess it's all subjective but most people I meet tend to compliment me and that is always nice. I realized beauty is in the eye of the beholder so like anything some will like and some will not... It never stopped me from getting work as a nudist so I guess to some I do look great!

Bottom line is I stopped getting concerned about what other may think and let my personality over shadow my size. :)

I am Nudist Greeter/Hostess at three places in Las Vegas
rooftopwilly Posted - 03/30/2022 : 02:03:01 AM
I’ve lost almost 60 pounds since last July. My A1C and cholesterol were through the roof and I decided it was time to make a change. I still want to drop another 45-50 pounds and get back towards my paratrooper weight.
Nude in AK Posted - 03/27/2022 : 11:34:52 AM
Up here we tend to 'gain' a little weight over the winter due to not doing much. Once the weather gets nice and we are outside, doing more, the weight tends to come off. It helps not being young, as at my age, this is my body and I am Ok with how it looks. It has been through a lot!!!!
Nudony Posted - 03/26/2022 : 3:07:34 PM
Just a few days ago my wife was bemoaning her (small) weight gain, and wishing she had become a nudist 10 years prior, when she had a tiny "sexy" body that required no work at all. I then asked her if she was in a frame of mind back then where she would have truly appreciated and embraced social nudity. She thought about it for a second and replied: "Probably not. I was a trainwreck back then..." (my wife has a history of severe anxiety in her early 30's).

The moral of the story is: it's not just about the way your body looks naked. It's also (if not more so) where you're at mentally and emotionally.

itsbetterba Posted - 03/25/2022 : 09:08:00 AM
I'm fighting the same battle Warmskin. Good luck!!
Warmskin Posted - 03/24/2022 : 5:15:37 PM
I need to get back into shape, myself. Winter can take its toll on people, and hibernating critters. My doctor gave me a prescription slip, I folded it and put it into my wallet. After I left the doc's office, I looked at the prescription. It said "walk a half hour each day." Wasn't expecting that. I did what the doctor told me to do, and lost weight around the waistline. I don't need a scale to weigh myself; a tape measure around the waist is a much better measurement. I still have a ways to go in losing weight. It's all my fault for eating too much in the winter, and not getting enough exercise.

We have to pull up our socks and get out there and walk. I upped my walks to an hour long, so take that, doc!! LOL

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

FireProf Posted - 01/12/2022 : 11:44:12 AM
I definitely don't want to be a kill joy but can anyone really give you the self-confidence you need to like yourself? As nudists, we should truly believe that no matter your self inflicted flaws, you need to still love being alive and being a nudist. We should be the ones buying, without hesitation, that all bodies are beautiful. Can we all use a little boost in the mirror, sure! I wasn't happy with the shape of my body and it was affecting my health. The fact that I could get really sick, shorten my life, not fulfill certain things I wanted to do and still want to do, gave me reason to do something about it. Getting healthy helped me medically and in turn, I lost weight, began exercising and I'm feeling better and looking better. I can't change my height; this is what I was dealt. I make changes in my life that I can control. If you're comparing yourself to others and have no way of attaining those physical features, you need to stop before it overwhelms you to a point of no return. You gotta like/love yourself for who you are.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 01/08/2022 : 03:06:48 AM
Agree, in that our bodies change and not for the best. I am no longer a 30-40 year old that could climb mountains, carry a 50-60 lb pack and be happy. I can no long run a 10 minute 2 mile run, but I have also learned that some of those things are not important anymore. I have to be OK with how I have aged and the shape my body is in, or not in as is the case. If people do not like the way I look, that is their issue, not mind. I did the best at the time as I could and this is the results. Besides 27 years in the military does take a toll!

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