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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rooftopwilly Posted - 01/01/2021 : 07:48:33 AM
Happy nude year to all. I had to work overnight so I didn’t get to bring in the year naked. However, when I got home this morning I stripped down and went outside. And thus started the 2021 challenge.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 03/24/2022 : 6:11:18 PM
That's a shame, Willy, that your 14 year old can't accept nudism. I guess at that age, it often concerns conforming to some sort of standard, as they perceive it. I remember those years, wherein I wanted to be just like the other kids, regarding what they owned, and what they wore. It's an intolerant age.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

FireProf Posted - 01/16/2022 : 10:53:59 AM
As we roll into 2022, I've still been able to continue my challenge of being naked outside, even for just a moment or two since this began, which I think was Jan 1, 2021.

It has gone easier than I thought. We've not traveled all that much and when we have, I've been able to make being naked outside every day, doable. Some challenges with hotel rooms without balconies, some textile campgrounds but still able to make the effort.

What's helped is the amount of naked driving I do. On long drives, I'll stop at rest stops or on the side of the road to use the restroom or water a bush and angle the Jeep so I'm shielded from passing cars or get out of the Jeep, slip on shorts and flip flops and walk to the restroom. I'm still quite surprised I've been able to do this challenge and keep it going.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rooftopwilly Posted - 01/14/2022 : 05:17:07 AM
I avoided the vaccine as much as possible until the government demanded it or I lose my job. With 25 years in, I couldn’t just walk away.
calgarymark Posted - 01/13/2022 : 7:52:13 PM
It is never too later to get vaccinated (except for a few )

My wife and I, being immune-compromised, took every opportunity to get safely vaccinated (avoiding crowded clinics and so on) and got our #3 booster on January 1st. We had a bad reaction to vaccinations #2 & #3 (Moderna) and are just now surfacing from what felt like a bad head-cold. Far better than The Real Thing! As the children of two doctors and a surgeon, we do not understand the objections to life-saving vaccination.

"Life's too short to be taken seriously".
"Be yourself - everyone else is taken". Attributed to Oscar Wilde.
FireProf Posted - 01/12/2022 : 11:33:07 AM
Originally posted by rooftopwilly

Warmskin, there is ZERO chance of her being open minded about it. She has seen me naked a few times accidentally and had gone ballistic over it.

We have the issue of someone almost always being home too. We haven’t even had a chance to take our naked photos in front of the Christmas tree yet because we have had absolutely no alone time since the tree went up. We have a 20 year old, a 16 year old and the 14 year old around. The 20 year old works Monday to Friday so he’s gone every day. The other 2 are In school but the 14 year old is the spawn of Satan and will skip school and come home on occasion, which I have to be careful of walking around naked then. Thankfully she’s being put into a program at school where she is going to be bussed to another facility so leaving school early and walking home is absolutely no option.

Fireprof, perhaps you and your wife should extend an invitation to the neighbor that she’s welcome to be free at your house on occasion? Perhaps that will generate a new nudist friend?

We'll sure offer or suggest to her when we speak again. She's been standoffish lately. I think she's somewhat embarrassed by her family all getting sick. We've talked before about this whole thing when we were on lockdown. She seemed willing to do anything to get out of lockdown, including stating that as soon as a vaccination was ready, they would be in line. Since it became political for her and her husband, I think they decided against it and their family was down for the count for over a month!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
FireProf Posted - 01/12/2022 : 11:28:51 AM
Originally posted by calgarymark

Originally posted by FireProf

My wife and I and she were talking at the curb and she stated that she envied us for having the house to ourselves. She's aware that we live nude. She said, "I never have time to do anything alone. I've always gotta be covered, in my own house, because the kids, or their friends are always over." She complained that her kids are always inside, on their phones or on their tablets.

Having an empty nest is difficult and an adjustment but once you have it and experience it, it's almost impossible to go back to having them home all the time!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

FP, could you offer your neighbor a space in your backyard where she could relax and it didn't disturb your and the prof's lives? It might take some discussion but it might be a way to offer her some of the peace she seeks. In my imagination, she could be as nude or as covered as she feels comfortable.

"Life's too short to be taken seriously".
"Be yourself - everyone else is taken". Attributed to Oscar Wilde.

This neighbor looks after the house when we're gone. She'll pick up packages for us but we try not to impose that on her too much. She has a pool in her backyard but has two story houses all around her as next door neighbors. She really has no privacy in her backyard.

Now that we know she's kinda looking for that privacy our backyard provides, when we talk about it again, we will offer our backyard to her to use when she needs time away and alone time. After this post, we hadn't seen her for a while. Evidently, their family came down with Covid and they were shut in for a few weeks or more. According to their Facebook page, they aren't vaccinated. Their son's girlfriend hadn't been around in almost a month but things seem to be normalizing a little now. If we get to talking again, we'll see if that subject of conversation arises.

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rooftopwilly Posted - 12/30/2021 : 8:51:00 PM
Warmskin, there is ZERO chance of her being open minded about it. She has seen me naked a few times accidentally and had gone ballistic over it.

We have the issue of someone almost always being home too. We haven’t even had a chance to take our naked photos in front of the Christmas tree yet because we have had absolutely no alone time since the tree went up. We have a 20 year old, a 16 year old and the 14 year old around. The 20 year old works Monday to Friday so he’s gone every day. The other 2 are In school but the 14 year old is the spawn of Satan and will skip school and come home on occasion, which I have to be careful of walking around naked then. Thankfully she’s being put into a program at school where she is going to be bussed to another facility so leaving school early and walking home is absolutely no option.

Fireprof, perhaps you and your wife should extend an invitation to the neighbor that she’s welcome to be free at your house on occasion? Perhaps that will generate a new nudist friend?
calgarymark Posted - 12/19/2021 : 11:50:19 AM
Originally posted by FireProf

My wife and I and she were talking at the curb and she stated that she envied us for having the house to ourselves. She's aware that we live nude. She said, "I never have time to do anything alone. I've always gotta be covered, in my own house, because the kids, or their friends are always over." She complained that her kids are always inside, on their phones or on their tablets.

Having an empty nest is difficult and an adjustment but once you have it and experience it, it's almost impossible to go back to having them home all the time!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!

FP, could you offer your neighbor a space in your backyard where she could relax and it didn't disturb your and the prof's lives? It might take some discussion but it might be a way to offer her some of the peace she seeks. In my imagination, she could be as nude or as covered as she feels comfortable.

"Life's too short to be taken seriously".
"Be yourself - everyone else is taken". Attributed to Oscar Wilde.
FireProf Posted - 12/19/2021 : 10:49:37 AM
It's a situation that many parents face with kids in their teens. We had it, even though the girls knew we were nudists. There was such female teen drama if we were seen naked, even when they saw my wife. At 12-13, when they stopped being naked all the time, it was as if they'd never lived it before. It was frustrating and aggravating for them to act as if their lives were ruined for seeing us naked. We kept the completely nudity to those times when they weren't home. We were lucky, in that, they were always outside or at a friend's home.

I suspect that many parents, nowadays, are faced with the same issues our neighbor across the street is faced with. She has two HS aged kids (boy and girl). Their son has a girlfriend that seems to always be over. He husband owns his own business and is in and out all the time. She told us she can't be alone in the house without someone always there. No privacy, no time to herself. She's never admitted being a nudist or even said anything about being nude, at home, but she did hint at it during a recent conversation.

My wife and I and she were talking at the curb and she stated that she envied us for having the house to ourselves. She's aware that we live nude. She said, "I never have time to do anything alone. I've always gotta be covered, in my own house, because the kids, or their friends are always over." She complained that her kids are always inside, on their phones or on their tablets.

Having an empty nest is difficult and an adjustment but once you have it and experience it, it's almost impossible to go back to having them home all the time!

Of course, the challenge is still going strong here, but we don't have anyone else to give us grief or concern for being naked all the time. We remember fondly those days of having kids and grandkids here all the time but sure love our privacy and ability to live as we like.

Hang in there Willy!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Warmskin Posted - 12/12/2021 : 06:10:42 AM
Sorry to hear about that, RTW. I know that feeling of being restrained quite well.Does the fourteen year old sound as if they would be open minded? Of course, at 14, who knows? Maybe you could work something out.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

Nude in AK Posted - 12/08/2021 : 08:07:41 AM
That sucks!!!! Hope things get better!
rooftopwilly Posted - 12/08/2021 : 01:50:20 AM
Unfortunately I had to end my challenge. Too many issues with our 14 year old have caused me to be very cautious about being naked around the house.
Nude in AK Posted - 10/31/2021 : 11:12:54 AM
Like some others, have not missed a day to be nude. Even when it was a little cool, I have been outside. Some times just to take stuff to the burn barrel, but mostly to play with our new pup. She is 19 weeks old and full on energy. She needs to be ran everyday. The other day, I was working in my shop (nude) changing the tractor over from summer time work to getting it ready to put the snow blower on it. Hate it when I have to put cloths on to go to town!
FireProf Posted - 10/31/2021 : 10:40:45 AM
I've also continued to this day. Was out on the front porch for a couple minutes around 5am. It's supposed to be cooler today but I ALWAYS make a trip out to my work shed and unlock it each morning, so I'll do that in a while.

Spent most of yesterday, until 3p, out back doing some landscape trimming. We went to a concert last night and then home late. Dressed in the car for over an hour, sitting for a couple hours at the concert... I had to get naked for the drive home!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rooftopwilly Posted - 06/26/2021 : 03:04:26 AM
Glad my challenge is being spread. I’ve been keeping it up too, even if just for a moment to step outside.

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