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T O P I C    R E V I E W
reverend Posted - 10/10/2006 : 08:17:12 AM
What do you fantasize about?My fantasy is winning a big lotto and moving to the Easter Islands;perhaps permenantly!

the Reverend--- Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sailawaybob Posted - 02/12/2020 : 12:59:02 AM
I don't play the lottery much one time I had a scratch off ticket needless to say the jackpot was $50,000 and the number was 1 so I scratch the number a see the number 1 and about have a heart attack after my brain came back to normal I discovered I didn't scratch the rest of the spot which revealed the number 11 not 1 . that was the last ticket I bought maybe a year or two now.
calgarymark Posted - 01/26/2020 : 2:31:05 PM
I buy one ticket on Canada's LottoMax when the 'prize' hits or exceeds CAD$50M. If I win, and my god-daughter chips in with her share of the ticket cost ($3.00) she gets half. My wife gets half of what I get, so 'not a lot' left to me. I would 'tithe' to myself, so the rest would go where it is needed, homelessness or some other charities I favour.

Why do I do this? I don't like gambling, but my financial advisor pointed out the risk:return ratio is really favourable, so ...

No return yet ...

Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional. Laughing at yourself is therapeutic.
FireProf Posted - 01/26/2020 : 09:51:00 AM
Yah... hit the lotto but not too much money. We'd like to be very comfortable but not so rich that it changes you. Paying off immediate family mortgages, our included! hahaha Paying off immediate family bills, setting money aside for their education and some for when we die. Be able to help them with purchasing a car and later a home... I guess we'll need to hit the lotto a bit larger than I thought! hahahahahaha

We'd move to the beach, have a boat large enough to take nudists on day cruises. Travel on a whim and have a garage with my choice of about 10 vehicles to drive!

… not too much!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 01/26/2020 : 02:06:36 AM
To be able to live the nudist life style and be able to just enjoy life.
rooftopwilly Posted - 01/25/2020 : 10:28:54 PM
To come into a very large sum of money and be able to travel where and when I would like. Visit as many places naked and live as naked as I can be.
nudistmale1956 Posted - 04/13/2007 : 9:01:16 PM
To hook up with a nudist female and pursue nudist adventures. With or without kids. Instead of going to Easter Island upon winning lotto/powerball, I would be more inclined to find a spot to build my own little nudist playland.
si_086 Posted - 10/19/2006 : 07:55:51 AM
now lets make these fantasies realistic lol, my ultimate fantasy would that the world would rid clothes forever, now wouldnt that be fantastic, and winning the lottery
boomdriver Posted - 10/10/2006 : 6:52:38 PM
We, too, would buy a house out in the country, but it would be small. I don't plan on being there that much as my plans include a LARGE motorhome so we could travel to all the great spots I've read about here. The property would, of course be large enough for a pool and hot tub!
ggwydion Posted - 10/10/2006 : 5:03:43 PM
Funny that, my wife and I, her parents and several friends are moving to New Mexico this winter and doing just that. We are working on acquiring a proptery and we are finishing the plans on a 50' dome house with a huge finihsed basemenst for additional space.
calmnude Posted - 10/10/2006 : 4:56:31 PM
Let's see.

Build a house with land to grow food with a natural pond in a climate where we could be nude all year.

To travel around the world for three months a year where we could see all the places we wanted to and to be nude whenever possible or practical.

have enough land where people could visit from time to time to visit and enjoy good conversation, books , music et al.
NaturistDoc Posted - 10/10/2006 : 4:11:48 PM

Before "moving to the Easter Islands (sic)", you might want to read Jared Diamond's "Collapse". Rapa Nui might be a fascinating place, but it ain't Paradise by a long shot.

I'm terrified by the prospect of winning the lottery. I'm already self-indulgent enough. I can't imagine what kind of fool I'd make of myself if I suddenly found myself super-rich. It wouldn't be pretty.
allnaturalwife Posted - 10/10/2006 : 2:28:31 PM
Im sure most people on here have the dream of winning the lottery. As does our family. After buying a uge house and many other material items. My husband and I would travel the world to all the exotic places where we could be nude and spend the rest of our lives in the sun and sand.

runrdad Posted - 10/10/2006 : 12:34:33 PM
Hitting the lottery too and being able to hunt and fish everyday around the world. Of course I would have a home base in Montana so I can enjoy the mountains and streams.

I've been to hell but didn't stay long enough to talk to the devil.

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