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 Nudists and tanning

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Bejammin Posted - 03/01/2009 : 12:46:22 AM
I'm sure that tanning, like everything, is a personal preference...but how do so many nudists get a wonderful tan...without the C-word? As a new naturist, I'd like to have some tint, other that pale white...antique white(I just turned 60)I have started some tanning so I'll be comfortable at the resorts-beaches this summer. That's not really safe, so what is? An overall tan looks so nice and healthy. So what do all of you do to get a healthy tan...and stay healthy? How many have gotten cancer from exposure to too much sun?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 12/24/2018 : 4:08:02 PM

In Australia we have a high incidence of skin cancer partly due to the fair skin of the English, Irish & Scottish who came here in the 1800's but also because the sun is quite harsh here. However I think you need to be half smart and get some sun in the morning, before 11am and in the late afternoon, after 4 or even 5pm. I follow this ritual, am fair skinned and manage to get a good tan and more than enough vitamin D. Have had some check up's recently and was clear. A lot of skin damage seems to be if you are burned as a kid from what we read here so getting the balance right is important.
TallTim Posted - 12/20/2018 : 12:37:53 PM
Being in my late 50's now I'm a little more careful about direct exposure. My brother just had a spot on his face removed last year and my father had it as well.

soonbnude Posted - 02/12/2018 : 3:53:22 PM

I think Beachcomber above has some valid points. Agree about better diagnosis, people not building up a tan over time (gradually), not sure about the research dollars and yes claims made about SPF ratings not always being correct. We all need vitamin D and the sun is a great source but I think we need to respect it and do it gradually from spring. I tend to sit in my home sunning spot from 5pm in the afternoon, sometimes for an hour as the sun gets lower in the sky and is clearly less intense, I do this from spring on nice days and the tan is great and I feel good, the sun has that effect I think. Sometimes I'll get some morning sun on a weekend but get out of it before 11am or noon at the latest, it's usually too hot and intense by then. Cheers.
Nude in AK Posted - 02/12/2018 : 12:51:42 AM
Like others, try to start early in the spring, a little at a time. Camping and hiking nude also help get the tan going! Come on spring time!
stealer Posted - 02/11/2018 : 7:40:34 PM
Welcome aboard AllenF. I'm new here as well as of a few months ago. Every spring, I come out of my winter hibernation by resuming my hiking routine on the weekends. Its great exercise or course, but getting an early start in the spring lets me build up a tan gradually without too much risk of burning. I can't hike nude on this particular trail though, so I like to sunbathe nude occasionally (i.e. when the neighbors are away) to even things out. Everything in moderation of course, but I confess, I always look forward to tanning completely bare! Its such a good feeling, and you really can't ask for a more enjoyable way to spend a warm summer afternoon.
AllenF Posted - 02/11/2018 : 6:50:21 PM
Going into my fourth year AANR and nudist. I learned the hard way - my first year with the burn. I noticed the various colors that the resort goers had and some were clearly spray on. I went instead to tanning parlor once per week BUT I do get an examination once per year and care for the skin with a LOT of oils morning and before bed. This could be it's own topic of everyone's personal skin care methods.

So now I do tan on top of my base layer. The vitamin D is what we are after.

My first post, folks. :)
free2be Posted - 05/27/2014 : 6:48:49 PM
I know there are different types of that the difference between A & B? One is worse than the other, but I would have to search it out on the net to know which is which.
cony Posted - 05/27/2014 : 07:46:08 AM
I think it is a case of the glass and shade blocking the tanning UV and leaving the burning UV (especially if you do not use any sun screen)!

free2be Posted - 05/26/2014 : 7:05:12 PM
Thanks MrsAZ. That makes sense.
MrsAzLagoon Posted - 05/26/2014 : 2:31:29 PM
I would assume you would tan through glass. As I recall, after a long day of travel with the sun beaming in the side window that had a UV coating...I had a nice red right arm.

As for shade, one of our guests sat under an umbrella yesterday and thought he was avoiding the sun, so he didn't put on sunscreen...wrongo! He cooked his lily white chest to a nice lobster red. There is ambient light even if there are shadows/shade. You might not get as much in the area of the shade, but you are still getting sun.

Enjoy the sunshine!

MrsAZLagoon-AKA C-OHome
free2be Posted - 05/26/2014 : 12:37:35 PM
Old topic but didn't want to start a new thread. I have two questions:
1. Can you get a tan through glass? I thought it blocked all the UV but then I read recently that it blocks some but not all. This would make me think you can tan through glass.
2. If you have a shadow of a tree branch on you, will that area still tan? The skin on both sides of the shadow are getting sun and there is a shifting of the shadow as the sun moves across the sky, but I was curious. I catch some sun on my back patio, but there is a tree that blocks some sun and I didn't want to get weird tan lines caused by tree branches. :)
olwino1 Posted - 03/05/2009 : 7:11:42 PM
Warmskin ,
Right now I am trying to picture a guy on the beach with towels covering his upper torso and a towel on each leg with only his butt sticking out . That would be a sight ! Good idea but interesting visual . On the beach I never sit for very long in direct sunlight . I have always brought a umbrella along for sun protection and I also use sunscreen everytime I go . For the all over tan I tend to get what I need when I go for walks and do a little exploring and beach combing . I can not do the all day sunlight deal and it amazes me to see the lizard people out all day everyday .
ßeachcomber Posted - 03/05/2009 : 3:43:58 PM
My wife & I are both fast approaching our 60's and share similar backgrounds. We were both born and raised on the coast and therefore spent most of our childhood swimming and sunbathing from early spring to late autumn. As a result we both tan easily and have never had any problems with our health.

I am convinced the rise in skin cancer is a result of several things.

1. Better diagnosis and reporting (it was there before - but now every case is reported)

2. More desk bound office workers roasting themselves on their annual 2 week vacation instead of building up a tan gradually over several months.

3. The availability of millions of dollars in research grants for every scare story the science community can think of.

4. Gullible people buying millions of dollars worth of 'SPF creams' from cosmetics companies whose business relies on promoting artificial health scares.
NudeAl Posted - 03/04/2009 : 10:12:04 PM
Up here in the north we need as much sun as we can get this time of year. I have gone to some extremes to get sun doing a bit of tanning in 40F the other day man it made a big difference in how I was feeling. I read somewhere that there were higher incidents of cancer in populations that live in northern climates VS those in southern climates and it is parly to do with the benefits of exposure to sunlight and the absorbtion of vitamin D. Skin cancer is a concern however there is a greater risk of other types of cancer if you don't get enough sunlight.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -- Robert Frost
DaffyTaffy2 Posted - 03/04/2009 : 9:07:49 PM
Or u could use SPF50

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