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 Trouble in France's Paradise

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Warmskin Posted - 11/19/2016 : 04:23:35 AM
The new generation in France are textiling it. What is the problem with them? What's next - naming Queen Victoria as their patron saint?

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
soonbnude Posted - 12/19/2016 : 07:11:32 AM

Not sure about the junk references, think that's just a current day term instead of swearing or being more blatant and maybe in the company of others.

Agree with migration to a point, you do see groups of guys walking on CO beaches here but I think its just a curiosity thing, who knows they may join us one day.

Agree that topless women here too are becoming much less common although recently at the textile end of the CO beach I frequent there were many young women topless in skimpy bikini bottoms with guys. There was quite a few and I was surprised. They were down the beach a bit from the CO part but not that far, maybe we have some potential converts.

Still think its a cyclical thing to a point, partly controlled by a conservative media in the US and here in Oz. The pervs and dodgy types don't help either.

Cheers, SBN.
nudesunguy Posted - 12/17/2016 : 12:14:10 PM
I think there are several factors at play. Back in the old days one had to really search out nude beaches via buying a book, etc.; nowadays the internet has allowed casual perverts to find the beaches effortlessly. There is also the ubiquity of camera phones and the possibility that any photos taken can end up online. Also, somehow nudity became "uncool" with the young; maybe somehow related to referring to genitals as "junk," as in "Nobody wants to see your junk." It does make it sound dirty and unappealing.

The mass migration of people from body-phobic cultures/religions certainly is not helping things. I've read at least two recent reports of nudists having run-ins with immigrants. And there is the story a friend of ours told about going swimming at a pool in "moderate" Jordan during the 80's. She and a friend were wearing bikinis. So many men showed up to gawk that the police had to be called. Needless to say, they never went swimming there again. I can't imagine things like this not having a generalized chilling effect on nudity.

This might be another topic, but right here on US beaches and resorts there are a lot of nudists wearing sarongs. The last time we were at a resort away from the pool so many women were covered that my wife started wearing a wrap too, so as not to stand out. How did this become the fashion? A time traveler from the 70's would be aghast.

One can only hope the pendulum will swing the other way soon, and nudity will become hip again. As it currently is, many "clothing optional" beaches are basically textile beaches that are "nudist tolerant." We were in Spain this past year, and I don't recall seeing a single topless woman on a textile beach. And the nude beaches we sought out were sparsely populated with nudists; never more than 50%.

soonbnude Posted - 12/07/2016 : 06:46:38 AM

Maybe things just go in cycles too. SBN.
soonbnude Posted - 12/07/2016 : 06:44:47 AM

Some of the change I think is due to the media and the availability or porn on the net. People think they need to have the perfect body, big boobs, dicks, abs, muscles etc.

Having a fit well toned body is fine if you have it but take the time to observe certain groups parade at textile beaches or near them. The relative availability of cosmetic surgery to primp, change, increase, reduce whatever part you are not happy with makes for people to refuse to age or accept what they are genetically designed to have. We can all be fitter, eat better, carry less fat, or whatever but people are incredibly self conscious I believe that this is some of the trouble.

If they had the courage to come to a CO beach and get nekked they would see that we are all pretty similar but I'm dreaming I think, living in utopia.

We need to show the public that nude beaches are not pick-up or free sex places and that we don't tolerate perverts.

Enjoying the company of others is fine and being comfortable is even better but there needs to be boundaries. Sorry I'm a bit off topic but I think things are partly related.

Nudony Posted - 12/06/2016 : 10:36:52 AM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

So ... how do we explain this disaster? Some writers opine that it's a continuing gradual reaction to the excesses (real or perceived) of the liberation movements of the 1960s and 70s. But BY FAR the most frequent explanation given for the trend towards covering up is the modern ubiquity of cell phones and social media.

All very good points.

From the standpoint of someone who grew up in France during the so-called "topless explosion", this is not news to me. As a matter of fact, back in the mid-nineties, one of my best female friends was already bemoaning a steady decrease in public topfreedom. It was was already happening 20 years ago.

What happened in France was in interesting case; something we'll probably never see in the States. Seemingly overnight, topfreedom (which originally was a German import) just became mainstream. Pop and fashion culture got in on it. Then the media got in on it; it was on TV, in commercials and in movies ("L'Annee des Meduses" depicts the topfree beach culture and the main actress became an instant cultural topfree icon.)

I was in high school when it became "a thing." The "cool girls" stated going topfree at the beach or public pool. Except for a few "rebels" (like my high school girlfriend), the majority of my classmates and friends went topfree - if only not to be considered "uncool." Eventually even my GF caved and joined in since all her friends were topless.
Heck even my uber-prudish Mom went topfree while vacationing in the south of France!

It's not really that surprising to me that there would eventually be a backlash. It was a little like the disco movement. Disco was actually pretty good as a musical genre, but it went into "overkill" so quickly that it soon became "cool" to be anti-disco.

Warmskin Posted - 12/05/2016 : 06:26:49 AM
Might be the usual rebellion against middle or older age values, which included, in part, public nudity. Kind of a reverse 60s situation. I can just imagine a clothed person streaking through a nude beach.

Of course, the ubiquitous cell phone cameras might be a factor. We need to have some serious polling done to check up on the attitudes of the younger generation.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

soonbnude Posted - 11/24/2016 : 05:34:19 AM

I think there has definitely been a reduction in topless sun-bathing here is southern Oz at the normal textile beaches. Don't believe it's an immigration thing, I think there has been an increase in conservatism in this sense and less people at CO beaches where I go. Maybe its just a cyclical thing. SBN.
NaturistDoc Posted - 11/23/2016 : 7:12:09 PM
Of course it would be nice to have more nudist resorts, but on the other hand that just continues the ghetto-ization of nudity. The brief prevalence of nude or topless sunbathing in parts of Europe could have been a harbinger of a larger acceptance of public nudity, but ... apparently not.
Warmskin Posted - 11/23/2016 : 12:25:05 AM
There is always a large hat and sunglasses to hide one's face. Still, some folks want absolute privacy,which is another reason to have more nudist resorts.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

NaturistDoc Posted - 11/19/2016 : 4:07:31 PM
Much as it might feed into some folk's nativist ideology, Muslim immigration has little or nothing to do with it. Strictly in the interest of honest reporting, I bravely Googled "decline in topless sunbathing" and found similar articles about other countries, such as Australia and Denmark. Yet in Germany, which has had a very large influx of Muslim immigrants, some 39% of women still go topless, according to an Expedia survey published in 2014, the same year Warmskin's article came out. The numbers are even higher in Spain.

So ... how do we explain this disaster? Some writers opine that it's a continuing gradual reaction to the excesses (real or perceived) of the liberation movements of the 1960s and 70s. I found articles almost identical to Warmskin's going back as far as 2003. Here's a typical one from Time magazine in 2009.,9171,1914990,00.html

But BY FAR the most frequent explanation given for the trend towards covering up is the modern ubiquity of cell phones and social media. A woman who might feel comfortable in the relative anonymity (or on the other hand, the community) of a nude or topless beach might reasonably feel less happy at the prospect of some stranger snapping a quick picture and posting it to the Web. This is why many C/O resorts have a "no cell phones by the pool" policy, something that would be hard to enforce on a public beach. A resort like Club O can't keep all the gawkers away, but, to their credit, I have personally witnessed their security staff VERY firmly escorting an amateur photographer off the premises.

So no, it's not the Muslims. It's just men acting like jerks. Same as it ever was.
gnarlyoldman Posted - 11/19/2016 : 11:28:22 AM
Probably the Muslim immigration is bleeding over to the French.

Naked is green.

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