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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sailawaybob Posted - 11/17/2016 : 6:04:54 PM
So it's November and the year is almost over so by percentage did you spend more time nude inside or outside.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nude in AK Posted - 07/13/2017 : 11:50:13 AM
Originally posted by free2be

You definitely don't want to have bear meet bare!

You have that right! The trail that I will be using is in the high country with little brush. That is one of the reasons that I like this trail. Will see if I can get some pictures tomorrow.
soonbnude Posted - 07/13/2017 : 06:18:53 AM

Too cold to be bare on our beaches here at the moment. Nude time is in bed, racing to make my morning coffee and too and from the shower.

Guess it's sad by a northern summer comparison but it's winter, about 9C top temp today. Can't wait till spring & summer.

Enjoy it up north while you have it. SBN.
free2be Posted - 07/12/2017 : 3:57:56 PM
You definitely don't want to have bear meet bare!
Nude in AK Posted - 07/12/2017 : 2:56:31 PM
No beaches here worth being on, but there are some out of the way trails that are good to be on. I hope to be able to hit one of them on Friday and enjoy the back country. Just need to keep an eye open for bears as they are also in the same area. Nothing like the sun, fresh air and at time a little breeze on the old body. It brings one alive!
free2be Posted - 07/12/2017 : 1:49:06 PM
Well said agde! I think everyone needs to take the time to enjoy these kind of moments as much as we can. I have been able to enjoy my deck for the sun, but I am looking forward to my first beach trip this year to enjoy sun and surf.
agde Posted - 07/12/2017 : 09:18:31 AM
Beach thought: On such a beautiful day -- warm sun, cooling breeze, gentle waves... -- it would be really disgraceful and ungrateful not to be nude with a smile of sublime contentment! Imagine all the things environmental, social and generally civilized -- clean water, mutual respect, sunglasses, sunscreen, perfect sand for snoozing and sand castles... -- that have to come together to create this oasis of luxurious simplicity!
Nude in AK Posted - 07/12/2017 : 08:43:13 AM
While our summer has not been too bad so far, the weather people are saying that we are in for some hot temps. The temps for the next few days are supposed to be in the high 70's to low 80's! It will be time to figure out how to get some outside nude time to be able to take advantage to this nice weather. While these temps may not seems not to some, they are hot for those of us here.
soonbnude Posted - 12/16/2016 : 05:11:32 AM

We will enjoy, winter was long, spring was cool and wet, no sun till recently. Don't think it will be 35C for Christmas this year. Chhers. SBN.
Nude in AK Posted - 12/14/2016 : 3:51:39 PM
Yes it is a 'little on the cool' to be enjoying much nude time out of the house. Currently 8 above here!
Soonbnude: we have a friend that would come to your part of the world, for your summer. He really liked it there and was able to spend time on some of the stations there. He was also there during the earthquake in Christchurch and he was able to assist due to his pilot ratings and flying experience.
Enjoy your time!
soonbnude Posted - 12/14/2016 : 05:51:01 AM

It's warming up, a beautiful 30C day here early in the week, lucky enough to get to the beach.
Been working on the tan in the backyard too at any opportunity above 20C.
You lot should come on down and seek some nude resorts and accommodation, that might encourage some places to open.

Cheers, SBN.
free2be Posted - 12/11/2016 : 09:38:49 AM
None outside at this time of year in Upstate NY and even my indoor time is limited as we don't have the thermostat set high enough to be without clothes. Hoping for a FL trip early next year.
TallTim Posted - 12/11/2016 : 07:25:51 AM
Much more than usual. I worked 2nd shift most of the summer and made a small space outside to hang out from morning coffee to time to leave.

rooftopwilly Posted - 12/10/2016 : 1:13:40 PM
Definitely inside. I moved to a new house this summer, so most of my days off were spent fixing it up. I didn't make it to the nude beach once. And I haven't had a chance to make my backyard nudist friendly yet. So my only nude outdoor time was late at night sitting on my front porch.
soonbnude Posted - 12/08/2016 : 06:04:11 AM

Nude time has just started in Southern Oz, down-under. It's still been a cold and wet spring so the opportunities outside have been limited. Can't wait. SBN.
Warmskin Posted - 12/05/2016 : 06:28:13 AM
If I can to that, Digers, you'll be the second to know. I'll be the first. Hehehe

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

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