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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Balls_out_badm1nton Posted - 05/02/2007 : 1:50:04 PM
Ever been seen when nude? Ever been forced to make conversation with a textiler when nude? Any embarrassing stories? Here's the place to post them.

I'll start, I was walking round my friend's apartment (he was out) nude, when somebody on a facing balcony saw me. She had been watching for a while when I noticed her. So I was startled and covered myself with my hands, and then the curtains. Suffice to say, I never went naked around his apartment again!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
oldjeepers Posted - 07/13/2022 : 12:55:32 PM
Sure did, about a week ago. Just got out of the pool, sat down on my lounge chair and pop a beer. When I looked up,I saw one of my neighbors stringing up lights on his tree . He looked at me, I looked at him and drank my beer. Not a problem.
Nude in AK Posted - 07/13/2022 : 12:36:02 PM
Being that the weather here has been on the warm side, I have been doing a lot of yard work nude. I am nude all of the time anyway. Over the last few weeks, the UPS driver, Fedex driver and the gal delivering flowers for the wife have all caught me nude outside. None of them had anything bad to say. Most of them said that they wished they could do them same thing. The gal delivering the flowers said that she would gladly deliver flowers here any time!!
Most family know to call before they come to the house. That will give me time to locate where I left my shorts and put them on. One of the daughters just showed up the other day while I was mowing the lawn. Yes, I was nude and had to walk be her vehicle to get to my shorts. I could tell from the look on her face that she was not impressed!!! OOPS!!!!!
Life is too short to have cloths on all of the time!!!!!
Warmskin Posted - 12/12/2021 : 06:06:32 AM
I was once caught by a fervently textile member of my family. We had a second floor deck, and no neighbor could see anyone sitting or lying on the deck. An occasional small airplane might pass overhead, though. No problem with that.

Sounds very secure, right? I thought I had the house to myself. Everyone had errands to run, places to work, college to attend to. Oh boy, empty house, save for me. I took a small TV out to the deck, took off my clothes, and happily watched the TV.

Unbeknownst to me, my sister came back and came into the house. Suddenly, I heard her bedroom door close. Oh no!! She saw me in the nude. My family simply did not get naked outside their bedroom or bathroom. The family was against anything close to being nude, except for me. Since a little boy, I knew the enjoyment of being nude outdoors, but how could a young boy convince the family that nudity was not terrible, immoral, or just plain dirty.

I felt very embarrassed to know my sister had caught me. I don't know if she informed my parents or other siblings. I got over it, and eventually got over my shyness of being nude around other people.

My parents grew up in an era when men had to wear tank-top shirts when swimming publicly, and women had to wear ankles-to-neck swimsuits. It was too much of a transition to being nude in the outdoors. They passed, or tried to pass on those fears to me. I obeyed IF others were present at home.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

rooftopwilly Posted - 12/08/2021 : 01:48:53 AM
It turns out it wasn’t a neighbor. Just some woman driving by and happened to see me. If your life is that pathetic that you have to call the police over something so minor, you’ve got serious issues.
FireProf Posted - 11/04/2021 : 7:56:31 PM
I have had similar discussions with city cops, sheriff deputies, Hwy Patrol officers and all of them here in CA have said the same thing; "as long as you're not doing anything lewd, we've got more important things to do than chase down someone simply being nude in their car, in their home or in their private backyard."

I've risked it a couple of times. I've been nude out front in the early mornings or late, late evenings. Someone must have seen me and called the cops. I've been inside for 20 mins or more when a cop car drove by the house. Coincidence, maybe but the lag in time of them coming to check it out tells me that they weren't that concerned about someone simply being nude doing something non threatening or lewd.

It's great that there are lots of law enforcement officers that have some common sense and ask... "what's the nude person doing? Something lewd or simply being nude?" With discussions, like yours, you'd hope that ALL LEO's would use the same common sense. All it takes is one, that isn't, to ruin our day!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 10/31/2021 : 5:17:08 PM
I have talked with the State Troopers up here. Their comment was that as long as I was not along a major road way, in view of everyone one, they would not be too concerned. They have too many other more important issue to deal with other than some one working in their yard nude.
Once I had a person call the Troopers about me hiking nude on an out of the way trail. Guess they ask the person if I did anything lude, or was just out hiking. A Trooper did meet me at the trail head, during which we talked more about the Lab I had with me rather me being nude. He did mention to be carful if there was young kids on the trails. That I fully understand.
FireProf Posted - 10/31/2021 : 2:00:18 PM
Originally posted by rooftopwilly

These boards have been dead lately.
I guess you can say I was caught today. I was working on my Harley, naked, in the garage. We had 2 cars parked in front of the garage, plus I maneuvered my truck to block the view, and I even moved a box over to obstruct the view when I was on the ground. I actually took many precautions, unlike usual. Didn’t think anything of it. Later on, I ran to the store and while I was gone, my girlfriend texted me. She said her son told her a Sheriff’s deputy showed up saying he received a call about a 45 year old male walking around naked. Weird thing was. I actually wasn’t walking around naked like I usually do. I pretty much stayed in the garage with the exception of stepping out and just to the side of the garage to throw out some trash or recycling. And this was 3-4 hours after I was out there. Stepson told him he was the only one home and that he just got home from school not long before that and the deputy left.

This kinda stuff aggravates me. All the neighbor has to do is call you, text you or at least come over to the door and tell you that you can be seen. Another thing that aggravates me is that the cops won't tell you who called them on you. If you're gonna be a wiener whiner about it, at least have the guts to come clean about dropping the dime!

End of rant!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Tuffers Posted - 09/15/2021 : 05:01:54 AM
My friend from the bowls Club came around for a general chat yesterday afternoon. I was drinking tea from a British Naturism branded tea mug.

I said that as he had seen me over the hedge I better come clean and explained that I have been a naturist since 1977. He amusingly informed me that he could only see me from my waist upwards and it wasn't necessary to explain myself. !! Although he is not an naturist himself we got chatting about the subject and it transpires that he had occasionally gone nude, both on an official naturist beach called Studland Bay on the south coast of the UK as well as visits to the Canary Islands and his wife always went topless where possible.

I need not have concerned myself after all.
Nude in AK Posted - 09/14/2021 : 10:07:33 AM
Most of the time I will take time to put shorts on when an unexpected guest shows up. However there have been times when I stayed nude!
Tuffers Posted - 09/14/2021 : 05:10:49 AM
Over this last weekend I had a contractor in to lower the height of a hedge that borders the village Bowling Green. The land over the hedge is a little bit higher than my back garden. I have an interest on artwork ( I paint in oil colours ) and was outside naked as usual carrying on with a picture.

Just as I was starting to clear up a voice from over the hedge passed the time of day with me. It was the chairman of the Bowls Club.!!!! Although I generally felt the new height of the hedge was sufficient for privacy, with the height difference he could see me naked. Well I was banged to rights so I just asked him to excuse me for a moment and put on a pair of shorts. Silly really, but I think it is time to admit that I am a naturist and also get inspiration when painting naked.
rooftopwilly Posted - 09/13/2021 : 5:45:23 PM
These boards have been dead lately.
I guess you can say I was caught today. I was working on my Harley, naked, in the garage. We had 2 cars parked in front of the garage, plus I maneuvered my truck to block the view, and I even moved a box over to obstruct the view when I was on the ground. I actually took many precautions, unlike usual. Didn’t think anything of it. Later on, I ran to the store and while I was gone, my girlfriend texted me. She said her son told her a Sheriff’s deputy showed up saying he received a call about a 45 year old male walking around naked. Weird thing was. I actually wasn’t walking around naked like I usually do. I pretty much stayed in the garage with the exception of stepping out and just to the side of the garage to throw out some trash or recycling. And this was 3-4 hours after I was out there. Stepson told him he was the only one home and that he just got home from school not long before that and the deputy left.
rooftopwilly Posted - 06/26/2021 : 03:02:37 AM
Well about a week and a half ago, s*** hit the fan a little bit. The 2 youngest were in school, the oldest was at work. My girlfriend was at work. I was working naked in the garage and walking outside when I needed to. The neighbors across the street were on vacation, so I didn’t have to worry about them seeing me. Well my girlfriend’s daughter left school early because she was done with her exams and her friends mom picked her up. I put my shorts on but then found out she went to her friends house, she wasn’t coming home. So I took the shorts off. Unfortunately the mother took them somewhere and drove right past the house. Needless to say her daughter flipped out about it. She was telling me she won’t “allow” me to walk around the house naked even if nobody is home, how I’m a scumbag for doing it, etc. It got nasty. Of course it’s not going to stop me. I don’t do it when they are around. So telling them to call first is ouf of the question because all of the kids think it’s gross that I like to be naked and wouldn’t call ahead anyhow.
Nude in AK Posted - 06/24/2021 : 10:44:39 AM
It happens to all of us! Yesterday I was working in the garden nude, when the roofing contractor drove up the drive way. No hiding here!! I went to my shop and got a pair of shorts I have there. No one said any thing and they proceeded to work on the roof.
FireProf Posted - 06/20/2021 : 12:57:40 PM
Originally posted by rooftopwilly

I was almost caught a few days ago. My girlfriend took the two youngest with her and told me she’d text me when they were on her way home. The oldest was at the beach with his girlfriend and some others. I was on the back side of the house working on my lawnmower and pressure washer. I walked to the side garage door to go grab a tool when I noticed his girlfriends car in the driveway. They had just gotten home. I walked back to the back and thankfully the door to my bedroom from the deck was open, so I just went in and grabbed a pair of shorts.

We've tried to alert everyone we know or that visits the house that we are nudists. Our girls, sons in law and grandkids all know as do our lawn guy, pool gal, bug guy. They all know to shot us a text to let us know they are on their way so we don't accidently expose them to our nudity. Our girls said, "it doesn't bother me (us) if we see you naked. We spent many years being nudists together." Still, we don't want them to feel uncomfortable. The grandkids know but would rather not visit with Papa and Granma while we're naked.

Lawn guy, pest guy and previous pool techs have seen me/us naked. A couple of them came on a off day and it was their fault. When both of these guys, on separate occasions acted like 10 y.o. girls, I promptly fired them and got a new person. Currently, we have a pool gal. Just from talking with her about our nudist life, she's been very, very accepting. Recently, she was working on the pool equipment and went out to get a tutorial on a couple of things. She said, "nice day to lay on a float in the pool and work on the all over tan!" She's fairly new to servicing our pool. When we get to know each other better and if the subject comes up, I will give her the option to clean the pool as she wishes!! Not sure the Prof will go for it though. hahahahaha

We remind everyone that we are almost always naked at home. If they are going to be bothered or uncomfortable with that, they need to let us know they are coming... before the reach the front door. If they don't, they're taking a chance!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rooftopwilly Posted - 06/10/2021 : 03:21:10 AM
I was almost caught a few days ago. My girlfriend took the two youngest with her and told me she’d text me when they were on her way home. The oldest was at the beach with his girlfriend and some others. I was on the back side of the house working on my lawnmower and pressure washer. I walked to the side garage door to go grab a tool when I noticed his girlfriends car in the driveway. They had just gotten home. I walked back to the back and thankfully the door to my bedroom from the deck was open, so I just went in and grabbed a pair of shorts.

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