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 Discrimination at Nudist Resorts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TigerTiger Posted - 08/11/2012 : 8:44:14 PM
You are welcome to discuss any sort of discrimunation you or someone you know have experienced at a nudist resort, club, cruise, or other event.

I experienced a sexist entry requirement at a resort I will not name, in keeping with forum rules. Single men, even if visiting for just the day, had to have proof of staying at another nudist resort before being allowed to visit this one. Unless, of course, you bought AANR membership, and in that case they suddenly don't care. I guess money talks even among nudist areas. This discrimination was "to keep gender ratio" they said, although if that were the case, it would apply to everyone at all times, not just non-members for the first time. This also has nothing to do with security, as a background check is not even an option. Luckily for me I had a receipt from another nudist resort, but that one didn't have any entry restrictions. If I hadn't stayed at another resort before, it would be like a Catch-22 situation, and it's not fair. The rule itself does nothing for ratio or security, and only makes the resort sexist.

What about you?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FireProf Posted - 06/12/2013 : 10:04:42 PM
When I ran the 4 jackasses off the beach, recently, I did go and talk to the FD Lifeguards but they actually seemed to not give a crap about the nudists. Their demeanor and attitude toward those single guys bothering the young woman was one of; "hey, if she's gonna lay there naked, she inviting others to look at her."

I had to then turn it around and ask if staring, leering and fondling themselves or masterbating constituted feeling "threatened?" They then relented and stated that if she felt threatened, she needed to tell them.

So why can't they just get outta their dang truck and tell these jerks to move along or get off the beach. Some one that sits close and "glances" every now and then is different than what these idiots were doing. When my wife visits, she knows that there's gonna be "extra" male traffic coming our way, but they walk by, take a look and move on ... they don't sit 3 ft away and start playing with themselves.

At the club, a few weeks ago, saw a young single male constantly moving on the pool deck. Figured he was manuvering for a better angle of the young couple sitting across the pool. Finally got the guys attention when the single guy was fiddling with his phone. The guy got up before I could and walked over and talked to him, I followed him over as well.

As was stated ... it was obvious what was going on and having two guys go over and diplomatically confront the young guy, took care of the problem. He packed up and left. Those are the ways you can take care of these issues without involving the management or authorities. In this particular case, we did talk to management and the front office and they made note of the young guys information should he want to visit again.

It takes all of us to stand up and say something ... get involved and show those that are there for the wrong reasons, that we will not stand by idly and allow these things to happen. I understand that it's NOT just the single male that can do some of these things. The married male visiting alone, the married male visiting with his wife/SO, the married couple, the single female and the married female ... they can ALL be culprits in this issue but ... I think I speak the truth when I say ... even if I wasn't interested, didn't feel "threatened" or wasn't into being propositioned or spoken to in a sexually aggressive nature ... it probably wouldn't do too much damage to my ego if it did happen. But not many takers for an overweight 60 y.o. man!


Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rkitek Posted - 06/12/2013 : 1:13:08 PM
Spent yesterday at Turtle Lake in Union City, Michigan. I didn't really a feel a sense of discrimination, nor did I see any excessive friendliness toward me. Unfortunately, I have never been comfortable talking to people I don't know, clothed or not. I need to push myself to do this. I'll try make a little more effort next time, and see where that gets me.
nudesunguy Posted - 06/10/2013 : 5:52:22 PM
Actually, I've come to realize that calling a ranger is a bad idea. That way it will go on record that "There was yet another problem at the nude beach." That's all the incentive some do-gooder needs to start a crusade to close the beach down. Much better to get some other guys and confront the offender. They almost always leave with their tails between their legs.

sailawaybob Posted - 06/09/2013 : 2:53:51 PM
kinda like living in a neighborhood you always got one that screws it up for the rest of course at a nudist camp or at least the one's i've visited they don't last long but the beach is kinda different , i guess if it's to bad you can call a ranger.
nudesunguy Posted - 06/09/2013 : 12:54:12 PM
Even though I have occasionally been the recipient of such discrimination, I'm going to play the devil's advocate here and point out that there is some logic/rational behind it. In 30 years of nudism, the altercations I've seen at resorts and beaches have ALL involved single males. We've all seen it: sometimes it's subtle: a guy who plops down next to your wife and takes too many glances. At other times it's more blatant: a guy masterbating on the beach. There's a reason single men are given extra scrutiny.

And it's not just at nudist venues. Single men will sometimes encounter this problem in bars, restaurants, school functions, etc. You are basically under suspicion until proven innocent/safe.

The only way I've found to combat it is to be open, outgoing, cheerful. Make a joke, smile, try to connect with people. Let them see you are one of the good guys. The worse thing you can do is solemnly keep to yourself, glancing up only when a woman walks by.

Life isn't fair, the good are sometimes punished for the behavior of the bad. That's the way the world works; I don't expect it to change anytime soon.

sailawaybob Posted - 06/08/2013 : 10:41:31 PM
i also think its a different atmosphere during the weekday vs the weekend at least the camp i was a member of usually during the weekday there would be between 2-6 nudist and all would gather in one spot and chat but somehow on the weekend you walk in by yourself sometimes and you feel like the couple and single ladies are judging you - and thats where i was a member over 10 years. of course a lot has to do with turn over - sure you got alot of season nudist but alot treat it as a fad for a week maybe a month or a yeear or two. example look at members and see when some last posted. nudism isn't a fad to me but a lifestyle.
Nudony Posted - 06/07/2013 : 08:08:56 AM
Since my divorce, I haven't really bothered with resorts. I've transitioned to beach nudism and I'm fine with that.

The reason for that: the difference between what I experienced hanging around the pool area by myself vs. with my nude wife being right next to me was glaring. It was the most glaring on one occasion, when we visited a new resort with some friends. We arrived, settled, and our friend decided to take my wife on a tour and visit some resident-friends of hers. I decided to take a pass and sit by the pool while they walked off. I smiled at people as they walked by, waved at kids...

And it was like I was completely invisible. I was being very deliberately ignored/avoided. And it made me really uncomfortable. Leper-like.

Then my wife and our friend returned; our male friend was still off socializing. So it was now me and two attractive nude women. And NOW people were stopping to talk to us while walking by. One guy plopped down and sat besides us. Then a woman plopped down and sat besides us. And now we were a small group of about 5-6 people. Everyone wanted to know who my wife was; was she going to come back, were we going to join the resort. At one point a couple of teen boys ask my wife, who is sitting on the edge of the pool, to come in and play water polo with them. So now my wife is in the pool with those kids, the Dad comes over to introduce himself; and when my wife gets tired and exits the game, the two boys jump and bear hug her.
And everyone thinks that's just cute. And it was; don't get me wrong. My x had a blast that day. But having been involved in kids' games myself, it reminded me of an episode at our home-resort where it was me chasing two teen girls with nerf balls, and then being grappled by them and tossed in the pool. It made me wonder if people would have taken exception to that situation if they hadn't seen me with my nude wife and daughter.

My x used to joke that once she started going nude all the time at resorts, everyone "wanted to be her new pal." I understand why this happens; and I think it can be great for women's self-esteem and body-acceptance. But as a guy, it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

FireProf Posted - 06/07/2013 : 01:47:19 AM
It really never stops. If you're alone and male, your suspect ... unless the regulars and the residents know you. I just visited our club early this week. Several couples, some single women, married women visiting the pool deck alone. Not a "hello" ... nothing.

Til ... one of the ladies that works there came over and said "hello" and gave me a hug. ALL of a sudden ... I'm everybodies friend! When I got in the pool after an aquaintance and resident showed up, more and more people came over to say "hi" and introduce themselves. But not til regulars of residents did something to show others that I was "ok."

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
sailawaybob Posted - 06/06/2013 : 9:41:36 PM
nudist clubs/camps have come along ways since i became interested in the nudist lifestyle back in the 70's where i discovered single men were taboo and even in to the 80's and 90's and i guess today to some extent. when i got divorce back in the 90's we were members of a mom & pop nudist camp that allowed some single so when i told the owner about the divorce he looked relieved - guess he wasn't fond of the ex and hoped i was staying a member. nowdays with $$ tight i think they are more accepting of single men. also the popularity of men nudist camps are very popular and who says you have to be gay or bi to visit them, there is one about a hour away with all the amenities of other nudist venues and at less than $10. per visit.
Warmskin Posted - 06/02/2013 : 08:28:55 AM
When I have been to nudist resorts, and I'm single, I really never have wanted to do any private poll as to what the ratio of men to women was. Not even a guess-timate. It never mattered to me. All I ever wanted was to be treated as a human being, instead of as a plague on two feet. Shy as I am in person, one would think I'm very tame and safe to be around. I believe the late Mr. Rogers would be seen as aggressive compared to me in some ways.

Married men can be just as socially pathological as single men. Just ask their wife.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

steady78 Posted - 08/27/2012 : 2:29:39 PM
When I was a single male nudist I was envious of those nude couples but, also didn't want to be the "third wheel" in their enjoyment of naturism. Of course, I'm the same way with clothes on.
For the most part I think we all agree, there isn't enough females into naturism and newbie females are not eager to disrobe infront of large groups of men. So obviously, any resort that wants to encourage more females to enjoy their resort needs to find that balance of male female patrons.
As a single male nudist I didn't want to pay to go to a resort full of other men so, I accepted it when they told me they were only taking couples or females.
Now that I have a Mrs. Steady to enjoy naturism with, her comfort while enjoying a nudist venue is very important to me. So, I'm happy these resorts have these ratios for the visitors they admit to their premises.
NaturistDoc Posted - 08/27/2012 : 1:46:04 PM
So ... if a resort's policy restricting admission of unaccompanied men "cuts their own economic success because many paying customers will go somewhere else", then we can assume that those paying customers have indeed gone elsewhere. Surely there must be some highly profitable less-fascist resorts crowded cheek by jowl (so to speak) with happy, free-spending, presumably heterosexual single men. You'd think there would be banner ads ("Single men welcome!") in "N" or the AANR newsletter to tap into the apparently huge market of disgruntled discriminated-against single men. But ... there aren't. Why not?

Here's my not-very-profound theory: Single guys, straight ones at least, don't want to go to resorts that have a lot of single guys. They want to go where the women are. Duh.

This theory has an interesting corollary. If a single man declines to patronize a resort on the grounds that it already has too many single men, is he not in fact discriminating against his own class? But I digress.

The larger issue is that women are drawn to social nudity in far smaller numbers than are men. This forum is awash in plaintive posts from men wondering how to talk their wives or girlfriends into it. The overwhelming majority of (non-swinger) nudist women are in a couples relationship. Single nudist women are a relative rarity. I don't care to get bogged down in the sociology of why this is the case. For whatever reasons, that is the reality, and resort owners cannot ignore it.
Bob Knows Posted - 08/27/2012 : 09:26:13 AM
Yep, that kind of bigotry cuts their own economic success because many paying customers go somewhere else. Bigotry is not only illegal, its offensive to decent people.
blavan Posted - 08/26/2012 : 4:58:14 PM
Yes, that's the way. Keep up the negative comments and threats about law suits. That will certainly gain you admittance to the resorts. Negative attitudes more than anything else will function to keep you out.

Being Naked and Being Real
Bob Knows Posted - 08/26/2012 : 10:48:29 AM
Originally posted by NaturistDoc

Easy now. We're all supposed to be on the same team, right? The name-calling just shuts off the rational part of the discussion.

I wish we could hear from some resort owners/managers. My guess is that they are terrified to one degree or another of ending up in court when an incident of pedophilia or rape or sexual harassment happens, or is alleged to have happened, on their watch.

Yep, that's exactly the same bigotry whites only hotels, restaurants, bars, etc., used to say about black men before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination based on race or sex.

Men are the new "niggers."

Nudist resort owners need to end up in court for their flagrant violation of the Civil Rights Act.

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