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 San Francisco and public nudity

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sailawaybob Posted - 12/14/2011 : 10:52:17 PM
was watching the news the other day and they were talking about San Francisco and how it is legal to be nude in public. Whats your thoughts pro and con and would you welcome that freedom in the city you live in, would you participate.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Diger Posted - 02/20/2012 : 7:45:16 PM
Scare the Horses .... That's a good one Tim. I'll have to use that one sometime.

We end up agreeing with eachother a lot. LOL

EuroTim Posted - 02/20/2012 : 07:51:27 AM
Originally posted by nudesunguy

As long as it continues to be mainly gay guys with genital piercings (as in the photos), I don't think this is going to have much impact on nudism in general.

I don't think it's a question of gay or not gay, it's the association that people make between nudity and sex in the streets.
A friend of mine used to say, "I don't care what you do, as long as you don't do it in the streets and scare the horses."
The horses wouldn't be scared by nudity, but they would be by the license taken by some to 'express themselves'.
Balto Bob Posted - 02/19/2012 : 09:00:45 AM
While I think there is a seperate thread, I want to include the Bare to Breakers here. It is a charity event within the Bay to Breakers run. The folks with the yellow hats and numbers paid to be in the run. Lots of others join in along the way also.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Warmskin Posted - 02/18/2012 : 9:20:38 PM
As having grown up across the bay from SF, I have been over there often enough. And, if that were not enough, I grew up in the northeastern corner of Berkeley, CA. I saw it all!!!

SF has always been good-humored about the non-conformists that made/make life more interesting. Back in the good old days, there were people like Carol Doda, who appeared in the nude as she attempted to swim in the SF bay, with plenty of photographers on hand.

Further back, there was Emporer Norton, the highly eccentric fellow who thought himself to be the emporer of the USA, and protecorate of Mexico. He printed his own money and was able to spend it in stores. Thousands later attended his funeral.

It's been the history of SF to claim to be the home of unconventional people and their behavior. Given that background, nudity in the city seems to blend in with its past. Militant homosexuality has a palpable presence there, to say the least, and they can mess it up for the rest of the nudist world. Their parades are nothing you'd want to take children to.

If there were nudist parades, if one can conjure that up in their mind, we would not engage in lascivious behavior. I'm not sure what a nudist parade would entail, come to think of it.

Right across the bay from SF, near downtown Berkeley, I saw nude people sitting on their respective apartment house's outer stairways and fire escapes during the warmer months. People's Park, just east of downtown Berkeley frequently had nude people in it -- lots of them. Of course that was back in the hippie and flower children days. A very socially conservative relative of mine had neighbors who were backyard nudists, and they were in full view from her back yard. She never called the police though; just turned her head away when she could otherwise see them. Berkeley has changed a lot -- very prissy town, in a left-wing sense of that word. No nudes anymore.

I'm glad the court decided to okay nudity on one's property. But what about possible textile type neighbors? They can shut their blinds. There is no situation that I know of that where somebody has the right to stare at their neighbors yard, or the inside their windows. Frankly, I don't care what goes on in my neighbor's yard or inside their home, unless there were violence going on.

If in doubt, when in SF, head for Baker Beach, where nudes are welcome, and gawked at, too. LOL.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

JimmieMac51 Posted - 02/08/2012 : 06:06:41 AM
You can pretty well bet that nudity will eventually be banned completely in SF and all of California, if people continue to act like that in a public setting.
It only takes one or two to mess up something good.

Balto Bob Posted - 02/05/2012 : 07:57:30 AM
Originally posted by Diger

Bob I didn't mean you were promoting these guys, I know you don't believe in that sort of stuff.


I must have missed those pics.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Diger Posted - 02/04/2012 : 7:43:41 PM
Bob I didn't mean you were promoting these guys, I know you don't believe in that sort of stuff.

Bob Knows Posted - 02/04/2012 : 3:25:07 PM
Originally posted by Diger

Originally posted by nudesunguy

As long as it continues to be mainly gay guys with genital piercings (as in the photos), I don't think this is going to have much impact on nudism in general.

I agree with you, these guys that Bob posted the link to are not good Ambassadors to Nudism.
I followed the adjoining photos and was shocked. They were having oral sex on the street. That's the type of behavior that gives nudists a bad rep.

I agree with you guys about the San Fransicko gay community. They're not a good advertisement for anything but public perversion.

However, there are good nudists in San Francisco too. I don't have any photo links handy. Some news stories a few months ago about the proposed local law requiring towels to sit on at sidewalk cafés had some video of decent looking chaps.

Diger Posted - 02/04/2012 : 12:27:00 PM
Originally posted by nudesunguy

As long as it continues to be mainly gay guys with genital piercings (as in the photos), I don't think this is going to have much impact on nudism in general.

I agree with you, these guys that Bob posted the link to are not good Ambassadors to Nudism.
I followed the adjoining photos and was shocked. They were having oral sex on the street. That's the type of behavior that gives nudists a bad rep.

nudesunguy Posted - 02/04/2012 : 10:23:21 AM
As long as it continues to be mainly gay guys with genital piercings (as in the photos), I don't think this is going to have much impact on nudism in general.

sailawaybob Posted - 02/03/2012 : 10:07:53 PM
seems like more people in sf would get outside and enjoy being nude especially in the yard of course with the weather being warm enough.
Balto Bob Posted - 02/02/2012 : 12:50:55 PM
There are lots of pics on flickr of public nudity in SF. Most of them are from the gay section known as Castro.

Have a nice NUDE day !!
Bob Knows Posted - 02/02/2012 : 10:19:42 AM
Hi aaardvark,

I'm not from San Francisco so this is what I've learned from published reports. In San Francisco there was one nudist man who frequently did his gardening naked, and would sit and read the newspaper naked on his front porch. He claimed that the law in California only prohibited obscene behavior, not just being naked. He ended up in a court case that was supported by some nudist law groups, and he won the law case. Judges held that just being naked is not illegal in California in general and San Francisco in particular. Some California cities reacted by passing local laws against simple nudity, but San Francisco did not.

Armed with the legal decision that just being naked is not illegal several other nudists in San Francisco have pushed public nudity by going naked on the streets, parks, cafés, etc.

The original court case was about your # 3), the guy was naked in his apartment and in the front yard of his house. Court decision in hand. Its legal.

In San Francisco numerous naked residents have pushed public nudity into your # 2). They sometimes go naked in city parks, sidewalk cafés, city buses, etc.

In San Francisco the public debate focused not on whether they needed a law against nudity, but rather on whether naked people going about town needed a towel to sit on in café seats and park benches.

As someone said, San Francisco is often cold and foggy, so naked is shunned in favor of a wool sweater. But when locals and travelers see naked people wandering about without suffering any harm and without turning into a pumpkin by the sight of a naked person, they become less critical of nudity. Most will soon stop noticing that which has become common. It will be easier to spread legal tolerance into other areas when people have seen nudity being acceptable without hurting "the children" or other beings.


aaardvark Posted - 02/01/2012 : 8:56:39 PM
I'm particularly interested in this and surprised as I've been following some of the news regarding the passing of a local law requiring nudists to put something (e.g. a towel) between their backside and the surface they are sitting on. This is nudist etiquette anyway but the law apparently included restaurants and the public transport system! I had a good laugh at this but I ask some serious questions:

1) is it true that it is legal to be naked in SFO (as opposed to the status of "not illegal" - yes there is a difference)

2) what is the uptake of public nakedness in San Francisco? Does this mean every beach and park is clothing optional? Is it possible to go to city parks or any beach for that matter and be naked among clothed patrons without censure?

3) Does this also mean that one could be legally naked in full view of others when in your apartment or the front yard of your house?

I am not out to be a doubting Thomas but this sounds too good to be true as nudists generally seem to be on the defensive everywhere else (including here in New Zealand) so being able to be freely naked anywhere in one of the most developed and affluent cities in the world is one of those "pinch me, I must be dreaming" scenarios. Any information, especially from residents or anyone directly acquainted with this would be helpful.
free2be Posted - 12/20/2011 : 6:54:12 PM
I wish I knew about this when I went to SF a couple of years ago. Maybe someday I'll get to go back.

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