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 Strange Benefits of Nudism

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melissastarr Posted - 12/12/2003 : 6:37:19 PM
We've all answered the question of why we like being nude and what advantages it has. But what about some of the STRANGE advantages of being nude? I've thought about this topic and come up with a few odd benefits that I never thought of when becoming a nudist. Some examples:

1) I only have to dress for work once. Because I'm nude as I prepare for work I don't have to change my clothes after getting toothpaste or my breakfast on them. You'd be amazed at how often I used to dress twice because of breakfast and toothpaste!

2) Quicker bathroom trips at night. When there's nothing to take off the trip takes half the time.

3) More money in the long run because I destroy fewer clothes when cleaning the house (bleach has killed many of my clothes) or cooking.

So what are some strange benefits of being nude/ nudism that YOU'VE found? This could be funny!


My clothes have low self-esteem... they know they're not wanted.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Warmskin Posted - 04/06/2015 : 5:14:54 PM
A benefit to family nudism, if the parents were already nudists before their children were born, is that the children grow up thinking that the human body is beautiful, but need not be material for Mr. or Miss America. Normal is beautiful.

This obviates the "need" for porn when the boys hit their teens. They already know what the body looks like, and have a healthy attitude about it.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

sailawaybob Posted - 04/01/2015 : 8:08:33 PM
good point Nudony, even though i wasn't a teen but nudism helped me with my shyness and social skills when i first started visiting nudist camps back in the 80's , heck first you have no barriers such as clothes but most nudist camps/resorts the center of the social circle is usually the pool where you get aquainted with others. i have no doubt if i had the opportunity to be a nudist kid growing up life would have been easier.
Nudony Posted - 03/27/2015 : 09:19:46 AM
I think what Melissa meant when she first started the thread was more along the lines of "unexpected" benefits of nudism. We all pretty much expect to feel relaxed, more connected when we're nude; but sometimes we discover improvements in other areas we didn't expect. Melissa specifically brings up such benefits, like less laundry and clothes. "Strange" was perhaps the wrong choice of words to convey her meaning.

One unexpected benefit for me...was not actually for me. It was for my daughter. When we first got into social nudism, my daughter was then a VERY shy preteen; she didn't mix with strangers very well, and I had some reservations about bringing her into a resort environment. Since we were home nudists I wasn't too worried about her being nude; but the social aspects did worry me. So I figured we'd just stay to ourselves in our corner of the pool area and just enjoy each other's company. What happened over the course of the first few trips was totally unexpected. Perhaps "strange" is too strong a word; but it certainly might have felt that way a little bit at first.
She took to being nude with us very quickly, which I expected. But then she started interacting. She started going towards other nudist children instead of waiting for someone to approach her. She'd go meet their parents and introduce herself. Once, a very shy and withdrawn kid showed up with his parents; my daughter took notice of him, went over to him and introduced herself - and basically took him under her wing like an older nudist sister. Before long they were both running around the pool nude and laughing. Up until the time she quit nudism, she was very social and engaged with other nudists.

So the unexpected benefit of nudism, for my daughter, was the impact it had on her social skills. I really hadn't expected that social nudism would turn my very shy daughter into a social butterfly. I think she was very happy when she was nude, and her comfort and with nudity allowed her to come out of her shell. It was an awesome benefit for her.

FireProf Posted - 03/26/2015 : 6:49:07 PM
"Strange Benefits ..." we don't think of our life as strange and the "benefits" of being a nudist are many. Being nudists for over 40 years, we see nothing really strange about all the benefits we enjoy from being nudists and in all honesty ... we feel we are the normal ones and the rest of society is the strange ones!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
Nude in AK Posted - 03/26/2015 : 2:50:12 PM
I know that for me, the feeling of the fresh air, sun, breeze and even the rain feel good while being nude. Just wish that the weather here was more conducive to being nude more of the year!
Warmskin Posted - 03/26/2015 : 02:17:39 AM
Strange benefits? Hmmm. My washer and dryer are lonesome for me. I really save a lot of time and money by being a nudist, and my clothes last a lot longer.

It also helps with the "battle of the bulge," because I am more aware of my body, and that causes me to eat less and exercise a lot more.

I also get 47% fewer cavities by being a nudist.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

ian_j Posted - 03/21/2015 : 10:59:18 PM
I have found sleeping nude at night i get a deeper sleep
Kimberly Posted - 05/02/2004 : 02:51:40 AM
What would be "nicer" than that nudeman72, is knowing you can walk out to your mailbox nude, an no one cares. If a car drives by, you both wave at each. Nice dream huh?

Kim =^.^=
nudeman72 Posted - 05/01/2004 : 10:07:57 PM
Yeah, you're right, Kim- I guess I'm referring to "home nudism":

Since I work at home, I actually have entire days when I don't leave the house, occasionally.

Of course, my 1st (practical) "nude ambition" is to own a house with enough land on it so that I CAN go outside naked whenever I want to. (It's funny- I have a cousin who lives in a rural area of Missouri. I was once complaining to him about how my city was getting more crowded-and he said, "Yeah, I know what you mean. It's gotten to the point now where I have to put on clothes just to go check the mailbox, these days!"; prior to this, he knew that not a single car would be on the road in front of his house, at certain times of the day...)
Kimberly Posted - 05/01/2004 : 03:28:01 AM
Your right about that nudeman72, except for having to dress everytime you need to go outside the house.

Kim =^.^=
nudeman72 Posted - 05/01/2004 : 03:01:50 AM
Being nude saves time in general:

If you're a textile, you take your clothes off, get in the shower, then put the clothes back on when you're finished.

The naturist/nudist doesn't have to bother with this. (Other activities: not having to dress for breakfast, get UNdressed for sex, etc.
Kimberly Posted - 01/12/2004 : 04:54:05 AM
I agree with you IrishRed, been some good topics and nice discussions.

Kim =^.^=
chic Posted - 01/10/2004 : 01:00:38 AM


You've been a good teacher !

irishred Posted - 01/08/2004 : 7:49:26 PM
Chic, may the discussions continue and also provide both information and levity.

chic Posted - 01/08/2004 : 5:59:03 PM

Willy , are you for hire? You seem to one top dude with "mean green"

And Irishred, I agree that some our ongoing conversations on a variety of topics has been and is fun!


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