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 naked in snow first time

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nudistgrrl Posted - 01/09/2010 : 01:07:27 AM
well, thursday it snowed here. that *never* happens. so i had to try it... it was cold, yet amazing.
who else has tried being naked in the snow?
if anyone wishes for more just ask. :]

<3 Anna
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rooftopwilly Posted - 02/03/2020 : 02:19:54 AM
We had just a small snowfall this weekend, less than 1/4”. But I went outside to my shed and had my girlfriend take a photo of me coming out of it. I posted it on my Instagram and MeWe accounts as Sasquatch coming out and not seeing his shadow on Groundhog Day (my friends jokingly call me Sasquatch due to my large frame and height). So I walked through my yard, barefoot, in the snow. As soon as I stepped off of my back deck and on to the concrete sidewalk, I almost lost my balance as wet snow is really slick on bare feet!
rooftopwilly Posted - 01/15/2020 : 02:03:44 AM
Supposed to get snow this weekend. Now that I have a house out in the country, I’ll have to get my “naked snowblowing” crossed off the bucket list
FireProf Posted - 01/11/2020 : 11:46:09 AM
Though not naked in the snow, since my first post it did snow here in our valley about 6 years ago. We had textile friends spending some time with us so I couldn't be naked as usual but had on my robe and slippers.

I was up early and noticed a brighter light than usual through the office blinds. I opened the blinds to find about 2" of snow on our grass and foliage. I woke up the Prof, she slipped on her robe and we went out front and stood on the porch and opened our robes. It was still snowing and pretty darn cold by our standards. The open robes didn't stay open long but I can say that we were nearly completely nude outside when it was snowing!

Loves being naked. Plays well with others!
rooftopwilly Posted - 01/11/2020 : 06:45:37 AM
We still don’t have any snow here to get naked in. We’ve had a few snow falls but it keeps melting away.
Not that I’m complaining
Warmskin Posted - 12/15/2019 : 01:37:06 AM
How about making sand angels in desert? More my speed.

“I rise early almost every morning and sit in my chamber, without any clothes whatever, half an hour or an hour, according to the season, either reading or writing.”
Ben Franklin

rooftopwilly Posted - 12/06/2019 : 10:22:54 PM
Now I have a hot tub that I can jump right in and warm up. We’ve had some snow but it never stays around yet.
sailawaybob Posted - 12/06/2019 : 8:23:36 PM
in my youth I made nude snow angels but older maybe wiser I will trek outside nude if snow falls no long hike though
Nude in AK Posted - 12/06/2019 : 8:03:58 PM
Not snow angles, but I do spend time out side in the snow with a snow shovel moving snow. 19 degrees is about my low temp cut off!
speedy123 Posted - 12/06/2019 : 5:12:49 PM
Dang! Another angel attempt!
free2be Posted - 12/06/2019 : 4:23:52 PM
Ok...I can finally cross this one off the list. It was quite a difference laying on top of the snow/ice earlier this year and sinking into about 20” of new snow. As soon as I started moving my arms and legs it was like the snow filled in and completely covered me. It was so cold I jumped up pretty quick and went into the house to dry off and warm up. My wife was laughing at how quickly I jumped up to get in the house. As I was drying off she said she really couldn’t tell it was a snow angel and that I would have to do it again. We’ll see. I consider it accomplished.
rooftopwilly Posted - 03/22/2019 : 01:22:44 AM
I’ve been outside naked many times this winter. Most times was just to take the trash out, but I did also to outside early in the morning to clean the snow off of my girlfriend’s car for her.
free2be Posted - 03/15/2019 : 2:27:08 PM
I don’t remember what the temp was on other attempts where I chickened out and I almost chickened out again when I first opened the door this time when the temp was in the low 30s. It is the initial blast but once I got outside it didn’t seem as bad...maybe it was the adrenaline.
Nude in AK Posted - 03/15/2019 : 12:02:35 PM
Never thought about making snow angles, but it could be interesting. About the coldest that I have been outside for any length of time was 19 above. That was clearing snow off the decks. They are all covered now so do not have to deal with that issue any longer!
free2be Posted - 03/15/2019 : 11:28:14 AM
I did do the nude Polar Bear Plunge (my version at least) and created a new topic for it.
As far as this topic, I don’t have the snow angel crossed off my bucket list yet as the snow was a little too hard and all I did was slid my arms and legs across the surface and you couldn’t really tell that it was a snow angel. I will have to attempt again in fresh snow. I am tired of winter and don’t want any more snow until next Winter. I would rather be making sand angels on the beach.
free2be Posted - 03/11/2019 : 12:26:07 PM
Got that right my wife thought I was crazy. It’s going to be in the low 40s today and I can already see one area pooling up and turning to slush. This could be a chance to do a naked polar bear plunge. Another bucket list item to say I at least did it once. Supposed to be 28F tonight...we’ll see.

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