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 Self Sustaining Nudist Communities

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HG8Harrier Posted - 08/11/2006 : 4:22:52 PM
I am sorry if this has been covered already, as I have been on the site for around a month and have yet to come across it, but it doesn't mean that this hasn't already been proposed.

Wouldn't it be neat to have a self-sustaining nudist community? A place where you could attend church/temple/mosque/prayer/et. al. naked, commute naked, work naked, golf naked, whatever you chose to do naked... where everybody else was nude (unless impractical) and there were no gawkers?

I guess a man can dream. I don't know if a place like this exists, but it would be a neat sensation. Just thought that I'd share a pipe-dream.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nude charles Posted - 12/31/2008 : 7:39:11 PM
Some nudist resorts have Sunday services with a minister, and nudity is no problem.
sailawaybob Posted - 12/30/2008 : 8:52:56 PM
I think they show designate one small town in each state as a nudist city, I think between the nudist who move there and the visitors the tax revenues would go up dramatically. I would move tommorrow, it would be great going shopping, the bank and maybe to church in the nude.
balataf Posted - 12/01/2008 : 05:09:06 AM
The amount of capital needed to start such a project is probably in the $50 million to $70 million range for the initial costs of land, the first few buildings and beginnings of needed infrasructure such as sewers, roads and water supply. The place would have to provide some form of services or other production to a wide area to get income. New businesses need startup time, often years, before they begin to break even. Some of this effort might be trimmed by using an existing nudist facility as a nucleus to build on. In a colder climate there would probably have to be a center of a vast group of office buildings, shopping malls and residences to avoid the seasonal need for so much outdoor travel. We would need a critical startup of several thousand citizens, with a wide variety of skills being absolutely necessary.
Then there is the problem that the initial set of settlers are likely to be tilted toward the male side by a factor of, maybe twelve or fifteen to one, with a vanishing amount of children to start. This isn't a specifically nudist point, but rather that ANY project involving migration starts off mostly with single men, and the popular nudist ratio would compound it from there. At this point the proportion of misbehaving, rowdy undesirables of both sexes, would become an ongoing problem. The key question to putting it all together is that the income would have to be from a "cutting edge" center, such as developed in 1990s' Silicon Valley or 1920s' Detroit. Then the question comes of those who come to live who do not support the nudist idea or project. Also, when deaths happen, will those who inherit the properties be agreeable to the nudist project idea? Would covenants in deeds hold up?


Realisticly tho, how many of us, even here on this webite would, or could, uproot to move to such a place. For myself, the financial burden would be intolerable: For example, I am retired on a limited disability, and luckily had my mortgage paid off back in 1993. Besides a leg amputation, I have several ongoing problems, including congestive heart failure. I am now very dependent on the fact that I live a couple miles from a major VA hospital. Moving is out of the question for myself.

HG8Harrier Posted - 08/23/2006 : 12:44:24 AM
Has anybody actually seen a charter for a group like AANR or BAN that has provisions for these social issues? I'd be interested to read the legalese. I'd imagine it has to be air-tight for an organization like that to exist.
pilot Posted - 08/22/2006 : 11:00:56 PM
I'm not sure that any 'community' stands up to close scrutiny on all values, all of the time. But it might be worth asking what values we would expect of members of a self-sustaining naturist community, and how those differ from a (generic) idealized textile comunity. Articulating those values and adhering to them might go a long way in furthering acceptance of the naturist lifestyle by our textiled brethren. Notions of respect, of privacy, and of personal space would need to be thoroughly explored. I imagine community responsibility for the safety of children would also need to be explored. That just scratches the surface.

It's a long jump from agreed upon spaces--clubs, parks, beaches and resorts-- into which entry can be quasi-controlled and expulsion is an effective tool to control unacceptable behaviors all the way forward to a community standard.
HG8Harrier Posted - 08/22/2006 : 1:32:12 PM
Maybe that would have to be a distinction that would need to be made in any community of this sort. Then again, Boulder, CO is supposedly about keeping family values, and I keep on hearing nothing but horror coming from that town.
imnude2 Posted - 08/22/2006 : 11:24:50 AM

NaturistDoc - you're funny! I like a great sense of humor.


Cheri Posted - 08/22/2006 : 09:27:26 AM
Originally posted by HG8Harrier

What about the area surrounding this Cap D'Agde place? It sounds like that area not only tolerates nudists, but it counts on us/them for a large part of their economy.

La Jenny is also available and has a more family atmosphere than Cap.

Doing what I can to positively promote nudism
HG8Harrier Posted - 08/22/2006 : 12:26:40 AM
What about the area surrounding this Cap D'Agde place? It sounds like that area not only tolerates nudists, but it counts on us/them for a large part of their economy.
iamRoy Posted - 08/21/2006 : 8:03:20 PM
OK let us try instead to get the laws changed so that we can go to town nude and not get arrested.


HG8Harrier Posted - 08/21/2006 : 2:05:58 PM

It may just be a pipe dream, but I do think that the world, if not just the United States, needs something like that, as people seem to be increasingly dependent on clothes and mistake all things nude for all things lewd.


If Jericho delivers on its premise, it might be the best new show on any of the former Big 3 (ABC, NBC, CBS) in quite some time.


Unfortunately, very few people can eek out a living living and working at a resort... and if everybody tried doing it, it would make it that much harder for those few that do now. That's why I said this is a pipe-dream. However, I'm glad to see some people can live in such communities.
imnude2 Posted - 08/21/2006 : 10:34:45 AM
Hi HG8Harrier,

A great idea! The part about self-sustaining may be difficult it seems. Although, I would like that same opportunity to go grocery shopping, do the gardening, socialize with the neighbors, take walks around anywhere I please, do all you suggest we should be able to do. I thought I read on the web one day I was looking for homes that there is a place in the U.S. that seem to invite a nudist living (community of homes) & it was not describing a nudist resort. I am new to this so I really do not know what that was all about. Anyway, I still look forward to this nudist living you talk about, if only in a dream.

pilot Posted - 08/21/2006 : 09:42:43 AM
The self-sustaining issue is an interesting one. See this link for network TV's meditation on this topic, coming this fall.
HG8Harrier Posted - 08/20/2006 : 6:54:36 PM
Originally posted by deleted member

The only way any place could be truly "self" sustaining is a place that has all the factories needed to produce everything they need, farmers to produce all the food they need, and all the other things we need to live a properous and happy life. I don't believe it would be possible for any place to be self-sustaining to the point that they wouldn't need anything from outside areas. Still, it would be great to live where as an individual you would have everything you need within your town and would never have to put on clothes as long as the it's in a warm climate, although the town itself would need help from outside.

When you think of it that way, nothing is truly self sustaining. Los Angeles, New York, and Tokyo can't support themselves in terms of water, agriculture, livestock, and marketing their products.

Strange thoughts...
Pete Knight Posted - 08/18/2006 : 08:12:27 AM
Very interesting that this topic has fired up here as the same discussion is going on with a UK forum. The forum is running the same discussion
and the owner has a web site dedicated to the concept of a naturist community, you'll find that

You already have gated communities in the States, its just that none of them are naturist or even clothing optional, shame really!!

It would possible to have a self sustaining community, with income from vacations and service industry's there would be no requirement to leave the community, the only intrusion would be delivery of goods to the shops and markets, and the removal of the resultant trash.

Pete Knight

Even a prude
has to be nude

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